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  1. traffens

    Problems installing new HDD

    I have a mid 2012 macbook pro that had a corrupted hard drive. I'm trying to install a new hard drive. I got a 500GB 5400RPM drive. I erased it and formatted it as journaled using my current 2013 MBP. After plugging it into the 2012mbp, I try to install Mojave using an external booter. I begin...
  2. M

    System takes up almost all storage

    Hi all, My Macbook Pro (13” Early 2015, running High Sierra 10.13.6)’s storage is currently taken up by system for almost all storage. I can’t seem to free space by deleting files as the system part only grows then. At the moment system takes up over 110gb of data. I’ve attached a picture of...
  3. TzuZen

    Retrieve files from Macintosh Plus disks

    I had an old Macintosh Plus that croaked and died in the late 90s. I have my old thesis files on disks still. I want to pull the files off the disks before they deteriorate further - I would have done that years ago yet the tools in the late 90s aren’t what they are today. I gave in and am...
  4. ASentientBot

    QuickLookUIService (Finder) stopping disk ejection

    If disks keep refusing to eject, I've found that killing this process in Activity Monitor allows them to be ejected 99% of the time. Wasn't really sure where to post this, but I hope that helps somebody.
  5. T

    Constant Kernel panics and Mac crashing because of SSD?

    Does anyone know whats causing the crash. I ran Disk Utility and all ran fine in the end but snapshots (backup?) give an error. Startup in Diagnostics said all is fine.. and Safe Mode also runs fine. Thanks for your help! I have a 1TB SSD I have Added 3 reports.. ---- Disk Utility report...
  6. aevan

    External disk wakes up during sleep

    I have a WD MyBook external 4Tb drive. I've had it for a few years and have no issues, however, it wakes up several times while my iMac is sleeping. I can hear noise coming from it. This doesn't bother me much, but waking up from sleep so many times can't be good for the longevity of the drive...
  7. Jimingle10

    Resize partition / new SSD

    Hello all. I have a 500gb ssd and the kit with thermal sensor to install into a mid 2011 iMac running high Sierra. My question is, the Mac has a 1tb HDD currently with just a single partition. I want to shrink the partition to 480gb so that I am able to clone it. Only 44gb is used so it...
  8. C

    Can't remove partitions on High Sierra 10.13.6

    Hello everyone. So, I need some help, I have these partitions created I suppose by installing bootcamp and stuff and I can't remove any of these. If anyone knows how to remove them please help XD. I really need a way to only have 1 solid disk instead of 5. The "-" sign does not work on any of them.
  9. J

    Fusion Drive - No CoreStorage logical volume groups found

    Hey! I'm trying to split a Fusion Drive. Note I've heard the warnings; no need to advise me against it. I know what I'm doing and I have backups of everything if things go horribly wrong. Anyhow, I am following this article which states to type 'diskutil coreStorage list' into terminal while...
  10. lisaThowsen

    I deleted my Macintosh HD! help!

    ok, so i need help. I tried to reset my macbook 2017 to factory settings, but something went wrong. I restarted my mac in recovery mode and used disk utility to erase my disk, then i restarted my mac (without reinstalling MacOS, i know so stupid) and it just showed this symbol . So i restarted...
  11. U

    Add extra space to main Mac Partition

    Hi: I have the following situation: -main Mac partition on Container disk 118 GB -Data partition total 369 GB (DADRA_2) -empty partition created when I was trying to resize things 20GB (untitled) I want to move the 20GB to my main partition because right now I don't have enough space to...
  12. Irshad.T

    Boot loader problem - Windows partition

    I was trying to delete windows 10 from macbook pro mid 15 macOS Mojave 10.14.1. I couldnt delete the partition as it was Windows NFTS and it was greyd out. So i choose something from the list gave non space to bootcamp windows in diskutility app and it automatically deleted bootcamp partition...
  13. L

    Slow boot (black screen before Apple logo) after HFS+ to APFS conversion of external boot SSD USB-C

    Hello! :-) I have an iMac 5K 2017 3.4 GHz and was running High Sierra with an external SSD disk (WD My Passport SSD 512GB) as boot disk. The macOS High Sierra allowed me to skip the conversion from HFS+ to APFS. The latter caused slow boot times last year. I was running fine with that system...
  14. Mervan1985

    How to fix my corrupted APFS container?

    `MBP late 2011 13` running `10.13.2` on a `Samsung Evo 850 250GB` Everything was fine for months but few days ago something horrible occurred. I'm so shocked and urgently need your help. Finder wasn't responding and I had to restart it by force. But it didn't boot again and just showed a black...
  15. S

    Power outage: How do I check for problems?

    Hello guys. Hope you are doing good. My 2017 iMac got abruptly shut down because of a power outage which was caused by an external device -> the electrical system in my house gets overloaded when the lawn mower is plugged in and too many other devices are running like lights and iMac. Someone...
  16. B

    help please, how to delete the free space partition

    When I tried to delete my Windows 10 with Bootcamp, my Mac suddenly crashed and the screen was freezing. So I restarted it by pressing the Power button and now I only have 64 GB (since I used 57GB on Windows and my Mac is a 128GB). The other 57 GB seems to vanish due to the bootcamp error. I've...
  17. E

    How to remove installer on write locked SSD and boot normal ?

    Is there anything I can do to prevent booting into the installer? My OWC Aurora SSD is "write locked" and macOS High Sierra upgrade cannot proceed despite multiple restarts. Same problem if boot from a macOS High Sierra USB flash drive. I tried booting to single user mode and deleting the...
  18. carladiaze

    Can't Install OSx and now my HD is blocked

    Hello Everyone! I was updating to High Sierra, and there was an error on the installation saying that the "route" was not working. After that I'm not able to do anything, I created a Bootable USB to install the OSX but when I try to install it it says that my Disk Is Blocked (I can't select...
  19. zastin17

    Looking to buy 400k floppy drive and sled.

    Idk if I this is where I would post this but, I found out that the 128k macintosh I purchased has an upgraded 800k floppy drive. I want to bring it back to stock but can't find any drives for sale anywhere. There is 1 on ebay but it cost over $200 for 1 drive without the sled which is crazy...
  20. supergaia

    imac idle for a morning and what does it write on disk?

    hi i stated my imac and i left idle for a morning i haven't stat any program after i checked the smart and it wrote 3GB but i have no antivirus nothing that start with my imac , no update , nothing , i left idle my imac has 32GB of ram i'm a windows users but now i'm a mac user , and i don't...