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  1. C

    MacBook battery differences

    Is there really that much of a difference between battery life on the MacBook Pro vs MacBook Pro with touch bar. I also want to get the i7 processor on the non-touchbar to boost performance. Will I see a notable battery difference between the touch bar and non touch bar models.
  2. Zeeboy5r

    Mac book air 2013 13' Shutting down when in sleep

    So whenever I put my mac book air to sleep for a long period of time it shuts down completely and has to be plugged into a charger for 5 minutes before it reboots. The light doesn't even show up on the charger at first, and it is always full charged when I put it to sleep, so I don't think...
  3. C

    Battery differences

    I am currently in the market to buy a new MacBook Pro. I can not decide whether or no I want non touch bar(i7 CPU) or base touch bar 13 inch. I was wondering if there will be any sort of battery difference between these models since it seems the two CPUs are so similiar. I know that the nTB has...
  4. C

    MacBook Pro gaming

    I am currently in the market to buy a new MacBook Pro. I can not decide whether or no I want non touch bar(i7 CPU) or base touch bar 13 inch. I was wondering if there will be any sort of gaming difference between these models since it seems the two CPUs are so similiar. Is there really gunna be...
  5. N

    MBP 2016 15" fan speed/temperature while idle and gaming

    I'd like to know if the 450 is quiter than the 460 I've made some screenshots of temperature (GPU & CPU) and fan speed while idle and while max load (playing GTA V), maybe someone else can compare 2,6 ghz, 450 - while idle Win 10 2,6 ghz, 450 - max load, while gaming Win 10 bootcamp...
  6. areskins

    Is the 2015 Macbook Pro enough for me?

    Hey there! Im torn between getting the 2015 13 inch mbp or the non touchbar 2016 mbp. I would just use it for word processing, movies and ocassional gaming. I never had a macbook before so somewhat confuses me. Of course the 2016 mbp makes you look "cooler" having the new device but I think I...
  7. SalmiGames

    OS X Avoid'Em Up Ellipsis looking for Beta testers

    Hey everyone, In just under three weeks - on January 25th to be exact - we'll be releasing Ellipsis to Steam. It will release with over 150 levels, a level editor (+ workshop integration) and of course :apple: Mac support! To make sure the game runs absolutely smooth on different Mac setups...
  8. M

    Total war rome 2 camera glitch

    Hi all, ive been taking this question to all sides of the internet and havent been able to find help. my keyboard stopped working and im not able to use any of the buttons. I am not able to move the camera or even to exit cinematic mode. I searched already for the problem however the solutions...
  9. S

    Macbook Pro, internal SSD behaving as if it's a secondary drive

    So this is a really bizarre one. I installed Windows 10 on my 2016 15" TB Pro. I installed a few games that I'd previously been able to run perfectly well on my old 2012 retina. After a few minutes of playing, I notice that there are some audio issues when I play Skyrim, so I go to google. Many...
  10. T

    [Gaming related!] AMD Crimson ReLive Drivers for Bootcamp. MBP 2016.

    Hey everyone! Recently, i tried to Bootcamp my 15" 2.7Ghz tMBP with the Radeon Pro 460. I tried Games like GTA V, Witcher III, Risen, The Division etc., since apart from working in the Video / Graphics / Art Sector i have a passion for PC gaming. That's why i also have a GTX 970 based gaming PC...
  11. robert.kreuels

    Question about the new Macbook - Fan spinning - Eve Online

    Hello, I am interested into a 15-inch MacBook Pro, 2.6GHz quad-core Intel Core i7 processor and Radeon Pro 460 with 4GB memory. It is for my work, but I like to play EVE Online in my free time. Is it possible to play this game without a full spinning fan? I don't like it, if my hardware gets...
  12. daviperides

    SimCity (2013) on new MBPs

    Hey, i just ordered the 15" 460 Pro 4GB 16GB MacBook Pro 2016, and i wanted to anticipate the performance on the newest SimCity. I'm a light gamer (mostly The Sims 3 (with expansions) and SimCity) and i couldn't find any videos or articles on-line regarding these two games on the new MBP. Just...
  13. DaFakeSlender

    The iMac Gaming Dilemma

    Riiiiiiiiiiiiiight So all hating aside, I am buying a 5K iMac and I will be using it for gaming. Before you ask, yes I do have a gaming PC and I'm not replacing it with an iMac. But i will be buying the iMac with the i7 processor, the M395X GPU, I'll be installing 8GB of RAM and I'll have 1TB...
  14. Mathias Denichi

    Taking Gaming Benchmark Requests for 13" TB

    All tests are done in boot camp at 1400x900 with the 13" TB MBP with Iris Pro 550 8GB/512GB base CPU. I will put FPS and most playable setting. Ark Survival - Low - 32FPS Smite - Maxed - 160FPS The Division - Med - 35FPS Battle Front - Med - 32 FPS WOW Moonguard RP Goldshire Inn - Max - 50FPS...
  15. sanlaato

    Universal [Free] Tap Tap Driver

    Tap Tap Driver Tap Tap Driver is a fun and challenging endless driving game. Drive your car along the zigzag road in a dynamically generated city. Tap the screen to steer the car left and right. Compete with your friends and compare or beat their highest score. Tap Tap Driver will test your...
  16. JeffAC

    LG 5K display w/eGPU? TB3 output?

    I have a new 2.9 Ghz 15" MBP on order, to be delivered some time between the 17th and 25th. Taking advantage of the recent discount, I also plan to order one - possibly two - of the 27" LG 5K displays before the end of the year. Ugly bezel aside, I look forward to the screen real estate. While...
  17. Huntn

    2016 MacBookPros for Gaming

    What do you guys think? After reading an article speaking about how $1500 PC notebooks can be found that run circles around the $2400-2800 MBPs in the gaming dept, I'm seriously thinking about changing direction and going with a MacBookAir or lessor MBR and just stick to casual gaming when...
  18. prakhar17

    Need macos + DotA 2

    Hi, I am computer science student and need os x for my development work. Also I play dota 2. dota 2 is not that demanding game can can run on macbook pro. I have got a new monitor 1080p and it doesn't scale well on that. I want a new Mac which can run DotA 2 high settings on my monitor. I found...
  19. iBoss101

    Help finding cheap Mac Pro G5 or Power Mac G5

    Hello all. I am looking for a cheap (less than $100) mac pro with a g5 or a power Mac with a g5. Dual g5's are preferred. This computer for me is more of a project. I don't care if it has a hard drive or not, because I will be installing an SSD. I just need this computer for some games and...
  20. Ovedius

    2016 12" Retina Macbook M7 game list

    Okay, I'm about to list a bunch of games and my subjective perception of how well they run on the MacBook. -I'm not going to list actual frames per second because a: I can't be bothered and b:shut up. I'm going to add a few words for each title regarding what settings I used, resolution and how...