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  1. RonHC

    iPhone 11 Pro Lost 2% battery health in 10 days

    100% - September 10th; 2019 99% - Unknown 98% - February 4th, 2020 97% - May 17th, 2020 96% - May 21st, 2020 95% - May 27th, 2020 I let my iPhone go to 20% before charging and only charge it up to 80-83%. I use the fast charger that came in the box at home and an iPad USB charger at work. As...
  2. Ketera

    iPhone [New App] Strive: Fitness, Trends & Treats

    Strive - App Store Hi everyone, We recently released Strive with the intention of helping people utilize their health data in their fitness journey. We're fully compatible with Apple Health, so wave goodbye to that time consuming manual data entry. We already work with your favourite apps...
  3. apple_bg

    iPhone Health App on iOS13

    hello i noticed that it shows only how many steps i have taken but not how many kilometers as it was before. They removed this feature or can I find it somewhere in the app? does anyone know more about this? I go in every day to see how many steps I have made and the miles compares it and I'm...
  4. ukbootlegs

    Activities and Watch Upgrade

    Upgrading my AW4 to AW5. Wife will upgrade from AW2 to AW4 If I unpair and pair, will it bring across my achievement history? i.e. move ring completed for 300 days etc. My wife will go mental if I lose her data and I’d be gutted to lose mine Thx
  5. KeanosMagicHat

    Migrating Data From Watch Series 4 to Series 5

    Having only bought the S4 less than 5 months ago, I had no intention of upgrading to S5. However I was then surprised by the Always On screen and this week also won a competition which would cover almost 60% of the cost of the S5 with the sale of the S4 making up the rest . . . so it’s decision...

    iPhone Want to do a clean install of iOS, been a while, question regarding Health data.

    Hello - Sorry in advance if this has been posted/answered in the past. I searched and could not find anything. Anyway, I'd like to totally Erase All Content and Settings on my iPhone XS Max and start fresh again. It's been a while since I did this and now that I have an Apple Watch paired I have...
  7. L

    Apps What is the best activity to use for "physical labor"?

    I work at an office job 5 days a week, and exercise by walking / hiking and lifting weights occasionally. but I also work 1 day a week sometimes 2, at a grocery store in the produce department stocking the tables and displays (for the exercise and extra spending money... and I like the people...
  8. FunkyMagicUK

    Apps App/Complication for last Workout Display?

    Is there anything that can display the duration and distance of your most recent Workout? I can get the cumulative duration of all today’s workouts via Healthface, but that’s not really any use as I tend to track my warmups too...and Healthface doesn’t give me the distance from the workout...
  9. honglong1976

    iOS13 health app - improvement over iOS12?

    Hi everyone, is iOS13 health app - an improvement over iOS12? Are there still multiple apple watch data sources? or are they now merged into one. I only have one watch and yet have about 10 watch sources. Could anyone post screenshots? thanks
  10. cezar.popescu.89

    Health Check - Symptom Checker

    My name is Cezar Popescu and I am the CEO of 64BitApps, a software company that develops Mac apps. For more info please visit I am starting this thread as a developer on behalf of my company because I want to let you know about our Mac app called Health Check. Keeping a...
  11. E

    Apple Watch duplicate on "Sources" tab (Health app)

    Hi there, Yesterday I restore my iPhone (without unpair my Apple Watch). When I went back to the "Apple Watch" app on iOS, it told me that I had to erase my Apple Watch to pair it again. I restore a backup but now on Sources tab (Health app) I have 2 Apple Watch. If I delete the first one, it...
  12. B

    iPhone Will Apple replace my battery even though I’m jailbroken?

    I have a jailbroken 6s on 11.3.1. My battery has been horrible for a while now. When I go into Battery Health in Settings it says my max capacity is 80%. I also installed BatteryLife from Cydia and it’s says my capacity is at 67%? I’m guessing I definitely need to get my battery swapped out? My...
  13. R

    iPhone Health data iCloud backups

    When I get my new iPhone Xs, I was considering setting it up as a new iPhone rather than restoring from a backup of my existing phone. Most of the data that I care about is stored in the "cloud", and I worry that there is a lot of "cruft" built up on my phone that I would like to leave behind...
  14. C

    iOS 12 Health app - immunizations

    Does anyone know if the Health app in iOS 12 now allows you to track immunizations / vaccines?
  15. S

    Power outage: How do I check for problems?

    Hello guys. Hope you are doing good. My 2017 iMac got abruptly shut down because of a power outage which was caused by an external device -> the electrical system in my house gets overloaded when the lawn mower is plugged in and too many other devices are running like lights and iMac. Someone...
  16. c14nhl

    Apps Align Exercise & Stand Rings with Data

    I noticed an issue yesterday where a 3rd party app had added a workout in error, starting 11th May, ending 2nd June. This throw out my rings for just the past 2 days, Sat & Fri. I’ve managed to find the data points in the Health App to remove them however the figure shown doesn’t match. See...
  17. aliensporebomb

    iPhone X "I Got the X" - but some of my old data is gone from encrypted backup

    Well I now own a iPhoneX 256 in the grey color... But I ran into a problem relating to my old phones data: Before this all went down I backed up my 7+ to my iMac (with the encryption so as to keep my healthkit data and some other things) as it was starting to have a number of minor problems...
  18. illmaticwes

    Elevated heart Rate threshold ?

    Hello - I just got the series 3 Apple Watch and wanted to get a feel for the right Heart Rate Notification setting. I know this may be based on age/health condition but just wanted to get a feel for what others set to. Looks like a few studies say anything over 100BPM is cause for concern...
  19. finalfrontierapps

    Apps Sleep Pulse 3 Motion - Newly updated sleep tracker for Apple Watch

    New Significant Update to the Original Sleep Tracker for Apple Watch, with a Complete Redesign of the iOS 11 and watchOS 4 apps. Brings new features such as live Resting Heart Rate tracking, and new graphics for visualizing your sleep. *Now supports Sleep Talk recordings* Sleep Pulse 3 Motion...
  20. Darmok N Jalad

    Clean start for my 6S, but want to keep Health and message history

    So I’ve been bouncing between iPhone models for a few months to try different sizes, and I finally decided to land on a 6S. On each transition, I just backed up the current phone and then restored the new phone from the backup. From what I gather, this can eventually lead to random problems. I...