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  1. Deiota43

    Problem - NO APPLE ID Password on old Iphone and wants to transfers data from Iphone to Android

    Hello! I'm have a BIG problem with an Iphone 7 of my bf, which lost is Apple ID password and now I don't know how to transfer data to a new Samsung I'll give in on his birthday. I want to transfer SMS, Photos, Whatsapp, mostly and I think I can't without the iCould. Is it it possible? How...
  2. mrgreeneyes

    iPhone 13 Looking for best way to migrate from old iphone to new iphone

    I just got a new iphone 13 My old phone is a iphone se What is the best way to simply move over all my data and settings? The last time i upgraded phones i just backed up to icloud and on the new phone just did a restore from backup. But i am wondering if the transfer feature would be good...
  3. A

    iCloud iCloud Mail Storage Delete

    I noticed on both my MacBook Pro and iPhone, in the "iCloud Storage < Manage" section, it says I have 10-15kb of Mail storage being used, however, I am not using iCloud with any email accounts whatsoever. Logging into the iCloud website online shows no emails at all in any folders, everything is...
  4. bogdanw

    Permanently disable iCloud Private Relay

    This is not about why, but about how. Apple provides instructions on how to Turn Off Private Relay here However, there is another way, creating and installing a .mobileconfig profile that can disable it for all users of a Mac, as long as the profile is...
  5. M

    Apple ID Opening a second Apple ID with another country/region

    Hello guys, The title says pretty much what my issue is, but here is a short version. I study abroad, and plan to do so for at least 5 more years. Thus, I got a new bank account and a phone number, but my Apple ID is still set to my home country region (which supports less of Apples services)...
  6. M

    iPhone 13 Pro Max iMessage 'other' category - anyone know what gets stored here?

    Hey all - I am wondering if anyone knows what type of files get stored in the "other" section of iMessage storage. This is different than the temp files iOS stores for updates and etc - this is specifically in the messages app. Also, when I click on it I don't actually see any files. I tried...
  7. R

    Google Photos to iCloud

    I have been using google photos for years (since it was free). Now that i'm getting more apple stuff i want to switch over to iCloud. But i have a lot of trouble importing the pictures and movies. What i tried; - using google takeout to export all pictures and movies. This works well, but for...
  8. JippaLippa

    iCloud How to stop iCloud automatically downloading newly added files on my mac hard drive?

    Hello. I often record GBs worth of videos when I'm around with my iPhone and I put them all in a folder inside my iCloud Drive. I'd like to decide when to download the files on my hard drive, but instead every time I log into macOS it automatically downloads the files and I have to remember to...
  9. D

    Apple ID with older MacBook attached to it doesn't work with Apple Watch Series 7?

    I have an Apple ID with an old MacBook (Mid 2010) that is running High Sierra (10.13.6) with all security patches etc. This is the latest version of macOS that this device can use. When I attempt to add a new Apple Watch Series 7 to the account I get the following dialog: and I'm concerned that...
  10. I

    iCloud Confusing situation with two iCloud accounts

    Firstly, Merry Christmas to anyone who reads this today. Now, I have a slightly confusing situation involving two iCloud accounts. I will describe these as: In effect the iTunes ID set up in the very early naughties, using my AOL email address, back when having an ISP email address was still...
  11. BRMperc

    iCloud How can I move my parents to my iCloud Family Share?

    My elderly parents have had an iCloud family for a number of years. My mom runs it, as my dad has health issues. I'd like to put them both in my family (I wish they had let me years ago). My dad has an Apple Watch that we use to help keep track of him, so I can't have it get messed up. Any...
  12. I

    iOS (iPadOS)Possible causes for files in the files app to suddenly stop displaying file previews?

    1 Hello I hope this is the correct place to post this question though I actually may have a few questions in this post. I am not a developer by any means, I am a graphic designer and I am dealing with a peculiar problem on my iPad and I would like to know why it’s happening and what is causing...
  13. S

    Reminders app doesn't work after Migration Assistant

    I migrated to the new M1 Max MacBook Pro about a month ago I am still unable to use the Reminders app It is just completely blank, I have turned Reminders off and on in iCloud in System Prefs but it is still blank. i
  14. R

    iCloud way to manage icloud photos on two devices when one for a child

    Hi, We have one iphone (mine) and two ipads (used by my children) all connected to the same icloud account. Originally I had icloud turned off for the ipad photos, but my son likes to make videos and was filling up his memory really quickly, so I have had to turn on icloud photos for his ipad...
  15. B

    Backup iPhone photos, but remove the preview from phone, too?

    I am looking for the best way to make a digital backup of my photos, but not exactly through iCloud. They are already backed up there, but even having the tens of thousands of previews is annoying and overwhelming, so I want to start fresh while still maintaining a reliable backup. I’d just...
  16. wubbzy

    iCloud Storing photos on iPhone/iCloud vs. transferring to Mac

    Right now I have my Mac syncing all the photos that I take with my iPhone. But I'm running out of space on iCloud, so I want to transfer the photos from iCloud/iPhone to my Mac, but I want to make sure I understand the system correctly. I was going to do the following: 1) On my Mac -> Photos ->...
  17. GoztepeEge

    iCloud Keychain does not get activated after resetting the password on the MacBook

    Hi! I just got an extremely weird issue. I tried to disable the password protection on my MBP, I got system preferences, users&groups, and I just clicked "change password" for my login account on the device. I typed my current password and left blank for the new password, it asked me to make...
  18. ThatSomeone

    Google account being synced in preference app through iCloud?

    I just got my new 16” M1 MacBook Pro set up, and it’s time to get the old one wiped and ready for the next owner! I’m going to wipe it, but I figured it’s best to get my Google account off it from the preferences app anyway. But when I try to delete it with the - I get a pop up telling me to...
  19. R

    Will my Photo Albums be preserved when I start iCloud Photos?

    I have a large Photos library on the hard disk on my iMac, sorted into about 200 albums under "My Albums". When I turn on iCloud Photos to upload the photos, will they show up on my devices and the web version of Photos in those same albums or will all the photos be placed in one library without...
  20. L

    How to remove profile photo from shared notes?

    I added a profile photo on icloud shared notes by mistake from my Macbook now I can’t remove it and I don’t have access to my macbook Is there any way to remove it??