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  1. A

    Help with photos between iPhone and MacBook Pro

    When I got my new MacBook Pro last year and I transferred all my photos from my old one, all the photos ended up on my iPhone in addition to Photos on my Mac. When I then have tried to delete photos from my phone, they delete from my MacBook. Now I have 1,000s of photos on my phone, but I'm...
  2. M

    All Devices Exclude certain folders from Files app iCloud backup

    Hi all, My iCloud backups have stopped as I do not have enough space any more. I checked and the files app is included in the backup and takes up a humongous amount of space. I would like some of the files/folders to be included in the backup and others to be excluded. Is there a way to do...
  3. M

    HomeKit HomeKit accessories without iCloud? Due to events ^, all I have to say now is:
  4. roguedaemon

    iPhone FIXED: iMessage not working/activating after iOS 13.5 (13.5.1) Update

    Hi Team, Myself and a few friends of mine have been having issues with iMessage the last few days, and after much chagrin (signing in and out, resetting settings etc) I've found the definitive fix! Here’s what you do. 1. Go to settings 2. Turn off iMessage. 3. Turn off FaceTime. 4. Restart...
  5. K

    Unable to upload to iCloud

    Hi All, I previously had an older MacBook but with lots of storage and now have a MacBook Air with only 256gb storage, however I have 2TB of iCloud storage. I have a lot of data, about 1TB on an external HDD that I would like to upload to iCloud given I have sufficient space, it would also be...
  6. daijholt

    Old Exchange & Google Accounts keep reappearing

    Set my new Mac up as new this week, so I could leave some old accounts behind as I no longer work for the company they were associated with, however every time I set my Mac up I get all these old inactive accounts pre-populated in my mail account settings (see attached screenshot). They're a mix...
  7. eds93

    Unable to connect to Apple services

    Hi all! I'm running macOs 10.15.4 con a Mid-2012 MacBookPro. I'm experiencing problems logging in to Apple services, such as,, login into iCloud from System preferences. The problems occur only when I'm connected to my network with Wi-Fi, while connecting the Mac via...
  8. ID_Field_Blank

    All Devices Images in iMesssage in iCloud

    Hello Please can someone help me understand iMessages in iCloud? It's driving me nuts - especailly photos and attachments. My understanding of it... 1. Once it's enabled it syncs all chats and media to any Apple device logged into the same icloud account 2. This includes media / attachments /...
  9. I

    Photos Library ( on TB3 drive and iCloud. How to set up a HardLink?

    Dear All, An always attached TB3 disk ( ThunderBold 3 ) contains an image folder with all my images; from LR,, Screenshots and so on. When I enable iCloud for Photos (check box) to sync my Photos, I don't see an error message or anything and it stays off. Therefore, I think iCloud...
  10. S

    iPhone 7/Plus (1) how to remove duplicate contacts from iPhone *and* iCloud (2) How to download contacts from icloud ?

    Dear Friends Good day ! I'm using couple of iPhones, iPad etc. All linked to the same iCloud account and all using legit iOS Over the years, using google, iCloud etc to migrate contacts from older phones to new ones has landed me in a situation where many of my contacts have duplicates and...
  11. H00513R

    Account Icons

    Hello Everyone, I'm having some trouble with the user images on my iMac with Catalina and iPhone Xs: 1. If I go to System > Preferences I see an image next to my name at the top that has Apple ID and Family Sharing icons next to it. 2. If I click the Apple ID icon then I get another image...
  12. CJ Dorschel

    Dock Syncing

    One feature I miss from the .Mac days was Dock syncing between Mac's. It was great when setting up a new Mac, especially if you had a Mac Pro or iMac and MacBook. I also noticed when setting up a new Mac, all the accounts setup under your iCloud ID aren't automatically added. Unless I'm missing...
  13. U

    All Devices Deleting Safari browsing history On one device not getting deleted on other iCloud devices

    Sometimes deleting the safari browsing history on one iOS device does not delete it on the other devices on same iCloud id. However at few other instances the history gets deleted on all devices. this deletion of history across iCloud devices is random and not consistent. anyone else?
  14. M

    Apple ID and icloud Email Both Allow iCloud Sign In

    Hi, I have an Apple ID which is a Gmail address. I can sign into my iCloud using an iCloud email address also. These are not separate accounts as they take the same password and refer to the same storage plans etc.... Can somebody please explain this to me? Is it possible that the iCloud email...
  15. stlow

    Apple Script to automatically force quit process?

    I hope someone can help me out with this. I have set up my photo library on an external drive that syncs to iCloud when I open the Photos app. Often times it doesn't start syncing by itself, so I found the very helpful tip to close Photos, quit certain processes in the Activity Monitor (see...
  16. noorx02

    Mac heats up to >60C when using Apple Notes MBP 2014 (15 Retina)

    As the title says. The issue started today only happens when the Notes app is open (with iCloud sync on). On latest macOS.
  17. L

    iPhone 11 Pro FaceTime Live Photos not saving to camera roll

    Has anyone else come across the issue where Live Photos taken in FaceTime do not save to the camera roll / photos app? Occasionally they will work, but it’s completely hit and miss. Steps to recreate: 1. Enable “FaceTime Live Photos” for both parties (caller and receiver). 2. Press the white...
  18. K

    move Photos library to new external SSD - iCloud problem

    I tried to move my Photos library from a external HDD to a new external SDD. My library size is about 1.5TB. New SSD is a 2TB drive. For the "old" library (HDD) iCloud is activated. I followed the steps in this article: Move your Photos library to save space on your Mac...
  19. U

    All Devices Deleted contacts keep reappearing on the website

    No iOS or Mac device has Contacts sync enabled with iCloud account. Yet any contact deleted on the website keeps on reappearing immediately on icloud. This happens even after a lapse of 4 hours and repeated deletions undertaken either after restoring contacts on the icloud website or...
  20. R

    Apple Notes - shared notes issues

    Hello :) I'm having a problem with Apple Notes. For ease of understanding, there will be one person A and one person B. I am person A and I have a folder of notes that I share with person B. Person A owns the folder. Normally, both people see the notes, you can edit them, etc. Here's my...