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  1. smacrumon

    Unharmonious iPhone 7 and iOS 10 design

    QUESTION: Why didn't Apple make the Music app in iOS 10 operate properly in landscape, when the device now comes with stereo speakers left and right (horizontal)? QUESTION: What are other ways that Apple can tidy up its product designs and software and make them operate in a more harmonious...
  2. B

    Automations within the home app

    Has anyone gotten the automations to work within the home app? I have them set up so when I leave and enter my house stuff happens, but none seem to function. Is there a portion I have to do on my apple tv to get it working?
  3. PhillyGuy72

    Handoff keeps showing Instagram icon.

    It's odd, I don't have the Instagram app open on my phone, it's not even installed on my iPad. Yet the icon pops up randomly on my phone..then it might disappear 10, 15 minutes later. Doesn't seem to show any other app...just Instagram.
  4. B

    So you can't autocorrect "****" to "****" anymore.

    I guess Apple just wants me to type "Duck" or "Fucj" every time. Is this a global thing? You can't type the same phrase as a shortcut? Pretty stupid, Apple. yet another pointless iOS 10 "Feature"
  5. B

    Universal PoopStickers for you iMessage! FREE

    Add fun poop Stickers to your iMessages.
  6. miknos

    Remove Page with Widgets (from Home Screen)

    Is there a way to remove that extra page? Normally I keep only two pages. First one with the ones I heavily use. When I unlock my device, I can find the app Im looking fast since there is only two pages. Now having a third one, I get lost many times. Same for Control Center; I swipe up to open...
  7. M

    Maps Volume Changing

    Hi, I am experiencing a strange querk in Apple Maps - curious if anyone else is. When using turn by turn directions (generally in the car), the volume periodically changes. It will go from say full volume, to 5 bars, in one step change. It is almost like another app is setting the volume to...
  8. N

    iPhone What's your third-party keyboard for iPhone?

    Hi everyone, Would love to hear your best keyboard for iOS at the moment and why!! :)
  9. Mrboon

    iOS10 doesn't auto full screen 3x2 photos

    Hey guys, just upgraded to iOS 10. I crop all my photos 3x2, been doing this for years. Before version 10 it would always display those photos slightly zoomed in, to fill the entire iphone 6 screen, and remove the black borders. Since the update it doesn't do that anymore. Is there a setting...
  10. CorporateFelon

    Mail>Account>Fetch New Data time only a global option?

    In iOS 10 I'm only seeing a single global setting, that applies to every account, to be able to specify the Fetch time. For some reason in previous iOS verions I remember being able to specify different times per account. Did I remember this correctly and iOS 10 no longer allows this? Or did I...
  11. Nonstickron

    Steelseries Stratus controller

    I've got the little white one. It connects to iOS but now that I've upgraded to iOS 10 games seem to be unresponsive to inputs on the controller. I've put in a ticket with the company, who don't even offer an option for iOS10 on the operating system dropdown selector yet. I'll update with their...
  12. barstep

    Links open Safari but not the web address

    I have installed iOS10 on my iPad 4 - it all works well except for an odd behaviour with links. If, for example, I receive an email containing a link, tapping the link opens Safari but only to the home page. It doesn't load the website address. If I go back to the email and tap the link again...
  13. D

    iOS 10 mail archive not working properly - sending mail to trash

    I have the 6S+ and have just upgraded to iOS 10. Both of my Gmail accounts are linked to iOS mail and in settings are set to archive to server (gmail's all mail) upon discard. Under IOS 9, one click in the archive icon at bottom of a mail in the mail app would immediately archive correctly. Now...
  14. Gabester46

    Poor iPhone 6s Battery Life on iOS 10

    CycleCount: 318 DesignCapacity: 1690 FullChargeCapacity: 1400 Status: Success Hello, is this a healthy battery? I purchased the phone on Sept. 26 of last year. Has about 82% capacity, I am still under limited warranty. Should I get it repaired? I've been getting around 5 hours of light to...
  15. A

    Battery Life

    I know it has only been 24 hours but I am finding ios 10 on my 6s to have noticeably worse battery life. Anyone else noticing this?
  16. bryan8383

    iOS 10 Music Lock Screen

    Is there no way to love/dislike a song from the lock screen? So far, I have to unlock my phone and return to the music app every time I want to do this. Seems like a big omission unless I'm missing something. Thanks.
  17. S

    iPhone Home App Automation

    Any one else experience this with the new apple Home app and creating automations based on location. I created an automation that is set for when I arrive home to unlock my door. However, instead of actually running i just get a notification that says do you want to run xxxxxxxx automation? I...
  18. Adhesive

    Create your own iMessage stickers with Adhesive!

    Named Adhesive, my app lets you create your own iMessage sticker packs. You can use a photo from the camera or photo library, or draw your own. After choosing your photo, you can edit it to remove the background and add it to a sticker pack. Once you've done that, it'll appear in iMessage. You...
  19. monnyblack1

    How is iOS 10 on battery?

    i have a iPhone 6s plus and was thinking about updating to iOS 10, but i wanted to see is the battery drain still there like it was with some of the beta's..
  20. W

    Reminders app shows only 1-year history

    After updating to iOS 10, in the Reminders app I can't see items that are older than 1 year. However I do have such items and they were properly shown on iOS 9. First thought was that this is some new kind of configuration, but didn't find any evidance of it in the settings. Do you experience...