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iphone 5c

  1. D

    Should I wait for the iPhone 7 or go for 6s? [MERGED]

    So my contract expires this month in January and was eyeing the galaxy s6 and iPhone 6s. BUT, I was wondering if I should wait for the iPhone 7 because I'm really not feeling the 6s because it's literally the same as the iPhone 6 (besides a few new features which I really don't care about). The...
  2. S

    Jailbreak iPhone 5c iOS 9.3.1

    hey everyone, Ian new to this whole jail breaking, I have rooted a few android devices so not completely unfamiliar with it all. I am just wondering what would be the best way of jailbreaking an iPhone 5c iOS 9.3.1, as I have seen loads of different things on the Internet of how to do it...
  3. S

    iPhone 5C Completely Dead

    Hello, I'm hoping someone can help me with this as I'm slowly but surely losing the will to live. I repair phones, have done for quite a few years - but I'm stumped. A friend of mine gave me a phone to sell on eBay as he's not registered, an iPhone 5C. I helped him reset it so as to get all...
  4. richtercamden

    iPhone Resetting Jailbroken iPhone 5C

    I think I'm screwed. I jailbroke my iPhone 5C late 2015, and it had worked fine until recently. I'm not sure what went wrong. As I said above though, I'm pretty sure I'm done for, and I'm worried. My Phone was restarting randomly, so I decided to restore a backup from iTunes. This went...
  5. J

    iPhone Help - Jailbreak restore

    I have an iphone 5c that is jailbroken (I wasn't aware of this). anyway, I was having some issues with the phone 'searching' for service, so I did a factory reset. From there I as not able to activate the phone. After trying numerous things, I put the phone into recovery mode, tried to...
  6. BenPB

    How usable is a 5c today?

    I was wondering if anyone could speak to the viability of the 5c in 2016. Let me explain: I have a Note 4, and while I really like it, lately I've been craving a smaller phone for spring/summer. When I upgrade in Oct I fully intend get an iPhone, likely the SE. Right now, I'm just itchy to get...
  7. Todor

    iPhone SE vs 5S: Which One to Choose?

    I'd say I have no interest to switch iPhone 6S back to smaller iPhone SE/5S, but can deny that it's good choice for iPhone starter. One of my friends is really sick of using Android phones, and she's going to have her first iPhone. NOT considering 6 or 6S, so SE or 5S? Appreciate you guys advice.
  8. Bocaa

    iPhone 5c problem

    Hi, i have a problem with my iPhone 5c. I tried to update and restore it via iTunes, but when it come to veryfing softvare stops and on the computer screen shows Unkown error (50). Do somebody knows how can I fix that? Thanks
  9. wallaby

    iPhone model with best battery life?

    I'm getting tired of my Moto X's instability and horrid battery life, and considering a return to iPhone. The last one I owned was an iPhone 4, and I could eke out 2 solid days on a single charge on that thing. Which of the more current-gen iPhone models have comparable battery life? I'm...
  10. K

    Upgrading from iPhone 5c

    As of now I have an iPhone 5c. My two year contract is up in April of this year. I want to get a "plus" sized iPhone. Any suggestions on whether to get the 6S in April or wait for the 7 after it comes out?