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macbook air

  1. J

    2018 MBA: Fast(er) Charging Available?

    Hi Everyone, I believe that the 2018 MBA comes with a 30 watt USB-C charger. If you were to use a 45 watt, 60 watt, or 87 watt USB-C charger, would the 2018 MBA charge any faster? Or is the 2018 MacBook Air physically limited to charging at a max of 30 watts?
  2. J

    What is this Vertical bar of Inverted Colours on my Screen?

    I was cleaning my Macbook Air at the weekend and think I might have damaged the screen. A vertical bar of inverted colours appeared on the left-hand side (the right was fine initially) but then both sides of the screen displayed as shown in the image. After about an hour of doing nothing...
  3. WillRRRR

    Thunderbolt 3 to Thunderbolt 2 Target Disk Mode

    Another MacBook Air 13" 2015 connected to my MacBook Pro 15" 2016 as Thunderbolt 3 to Thunderbolt 2 Target Disk Mode is failed right now! I'm not happy. The other MacBook Air 13" 2015 is totally kids computer. MacBook Air is designed for under 21 years old. MacBook Pro is designed for over...
  4. galaxytiger94

    Macbook air USB issue

    So I usually don't post on these forums but I've had this weird issue for about 2-3 years now. Whenever I plug in any usb accessories (lightning cables, usb ethernet etc.) they will not work when connected directly to my macbook, only when using a usb hub. When using the hub everything works...
  5. K

    Mac Optimization

    I have approximately 1TB of photos, videos and files. I want to subscribe to the 2TB iCloud storage plan and optimize the MacBook Air and iPhone. What is the minimum storage I need to get when purchasing a MacBook Air and iPhone? I would like to get a MacBook Air with Retina Display 128GB and an...
  6. rosaca

    Water damage. Works again but turns off a few minutes in.

    So, I was drinking a glass of water when I spilled it over my Macbook Air 2016. I immediately turned it upside down but did not turn it off. Then put it on top of a cotton towel upside down and it turned off by itself. Left it there during the night (9h). This morning I tried to turn it on again...
  7. Populus

    [MacBook Air 2018] With only 10 cycles, battery at 96%

    Hello, I've been using my MacBook Pro since I purchased it, and after 10 cycles of being charged and used, It fell down first to 98% and now to 96%. This has been more noticeable when I've stressed the computer with games like Fortnite or installing Windows 10. But I am back to MacOS and I'm...
  8. CristyBlairBG

    Reccomendations for MacBook Air replacement battery

    The battery on my MacBook Air, model - A1466, is in dire need of replacement. I've been trying to do my research to find an efficient and affordable battery but frankly I'm a bit overwhelmed. Especially since I continue to read that many Amazon reviews are inaccurate. Can someone please...
  9. cics

    New Macbook Air vs 2016 Pro (no touchbar)... office job

    Hi, I am thinking of buying the new air. I've always used the MacBook Air in the past, until 2016 when I switched to the Pro (without touchbar). I'm pretty happy with the pro, but I really miss the extreme portability and battery life of the air. I have an office job, but for my job I only use...
  10. D

    Serial Number Unavailable

    Just to be clear: 1) I haven't changed any hardware on this machine. I don't mean recently, I mean ever. 2) This has happened before and used to be quite a common problem. I just forgot how I resolved it and now all i can find is how to solve this happening due to hardware changes. In "About...
  11. gtx3r

    Swap Logic Board MacBook Air 13" 2013 to 2017

    Hello, I am curious if it is possible to swap a 2013 Macbook Air logic board with a MBA 2017 logic board. I saw some post at (Upgrade MacBook Air A1466 i5 2013 logic board with a newer one 2015) claimed that he successfully installed a 2015 logic board on a 2013 MBA body. Since the logic board...
  12. ThemePro

    New MacBook Air powers on when pressing any key or trackpad

    The new MacBook Air (2018) powers up when you open the lid or press any key or the trackpad. The terminal command 'sudo nvram AutoBoot=%00' still works to disable power-on when raising the lid but it doesn't stop power on when pressing any key or the trackpad. I only want power-on when I...
  13. revmacian

    Resolved MacBook Air - real world experience

    I was trying to decide whether to buy the MacBook Air 2018 or the MacBook Pro 2017. So, as part of my research, I hopped on youtube and watched video after video detailing the pros, cons and every review I could find. Most of these reviews focus on benchmarks and many of them made a point of...
  14. brammmmmlam

    Frustrating problem

    So I just bought a new macbook air. I downloaded google chrome, I had to drag the chrome icon into my applications folder and now there is an 'installer' icon from chrome on my desktop. I wanted to delete this or drag it into antoher folder but it's just impossible. Even when I look with finder...
  15. GoodCusion

    Is it even worth it?

    Hiya guys, LONG time lurker. Have finally signed up because I'm lost. Im rocking a fairly old(2015) 13: macbook pro 8gb ram core 2.7 i5 256gb disk. We do everything together. I sit on this machine all day, do all my web work, print design, graphic design and dabble with video for fun. It does...
  16. T

    2018 MBA Slow WiFi Transfers

    Has any body else experienced slower than expected network file transfers over Wifi? I have noticed transferring large video files (2GB+) from my 2018 MacBook Air to a Western Digital MyCloud NAS is 4x-5x slower than it was on my 2013 MBA. Very puzzling.
  17. K

    Black Friday

    Hey so I’m wanting to get a MacBook on Black Friday and I was wondering if anyone knows if you can use the student discount on Black Friday deals?
  18. Denarlexar

    Can I upgrade MacBook Air with a newer motherboard?

    I have a 2013 Macbook Air 13" (i5, 4GB). The MacBook Air's design seems to have stayed pretty much the same from 2012-2017, so I was wondering if there was anything preventing me from purchasing a fully-specced 2017 motherboard off of eBay with all the components on it and replacing the current...
  19. V

    2018 MBA vs MBP trackpad size

    If you compared them side by side, you will immediately notice MBA trackpad is smaller than the MBP counterpart. Theory? Logically it seems they wanted to distinguish pro line from the air by deliberately making the air trackpad smaller thus compelling buyers to opt for the pro models and pay...
  20. F

    Should I use Time Machine on my new MBP?

    Hi guys. I currently have an Air from 2012 and today I'm getting a brand new Pro. I have a ton of files on my Air, so the easiest thing would just be to use Time Machine to get the new Pro up and running without losing anything. However, since my Air is so old, I don't know if there'll be a...