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  1. S

    Extracting files from old Macbook Pro hard drive

    Hi all, This is my first post here so apologies if this has been raised before. If there is another thread can someone please point me in the right direction? I currently have a MacBook Pro 13", a few days ago the system crashed, just switched to a black screen, I left it a while, then...
  2. K

    MBP boots into recovery mode/Installation log showing error logs after restarting

    Yesterday I updated something through the MacBook Appstore. I really do not know what I was updating exactly. I only know it was in the AppStore. It could've been an update from High Sierra to Mojave. I'm not very sure but I think it completed as the red notification badge was gone already and I...
  3. JohnAtl1

    Mojave: create DiskWarrior Recovery Disk -- Source macOS Recovery Disk?

    Bought DiskWarrior. In the process of attempting to create a bootable drive to recover my TimeMachine backup, I ran the DiskWarrior Recovery Maker, but the dropdown to select a Source macOS Recovery Disk is grayed out. I downloaded Mojave and made a bootable USB, but it is not recognized by the...

    macOS Mojave on iMac constant Kernel Panics

    Hi! When I press Command R at boot this page about reset password appears and then before I can do anything I get a Kernel Panic and a reboot over and over again. I can't seem to enter Recovery. I just want to enter into the Recovery screen. iMac Late 2015 i5...
  5. U

    Restore SSD with macOS High Sierra

    Hi guys. I have Mac Mini with installed SSD and it worked well since one and half year. Recently i got some trouble with it. For some reason(i don't know why),my High Sierra crashed(freezed) two times, third time reboot didn't help and seems to be OS has come to broken state :(...
  6. skmcdesign

    Disk is locked at Install macOS

    After encountering a kernel panic loop, I rebooted my mac to Recovery Mode but now it only starts in Recovery Mode so I chose Install macOS Sierra, connected to my wifi, but it says the disk is locked. :(
  7. A

    Reinstalling OS, can't erase Mac HD

    TLDR; Boot from install disk for High Sierra, Disk Util won't erase MacHD inside SSD container for clean install, Installer app says Mac HD is locked, never had FileVault engaged and it doesn't show core in diskutil list. I have tried to erase Mac HD but it never moves progress bar and I have...
  8. H

    Macbook Admin Password Reset

    Hello, I've been trying to reset this Macbook's Log in password for like two days now it belongs to my cousin's deceased friend, i've done this before with my brother's Macbook Air twice because he has the memory of a goldfish. anyway the issue with this Macbook that i cant access the...
  9. B

    possible to recover iPad Safari History?

    I thought iPad/iOS keeps the last 30 days of Safari history? (and automatically deletes older history) That was my experience up until recently. However, browsing through my Safari History, it seems more than usually has been deleted. History now only goes back to the 9th of May. I'm the only...
  10. J

    Is my iMac hard drive dead?

    I have a mid-2011 iMac with Sierra. I tried to login this morning and it looked like it was going to work but then the graphics got all jumbled and it rebooted...then kept rebooting. Powered it down and restarted and it just got stuck on the rebooting cycle. I tried recovery mode but it would...
  11. J

    Fusion Drive Format Help

    Hi guys, I have a Mac Mini Late 2014, with Windows 10 Bootcamped on. Windows 10 decided to screw me with a forced update which ruined the entire installation. I've backed up the Windows partition. I now want to erase the fusion drive and restore it back to its original factory state. I want...
  12. nontroppo

    APFS Recovery Disk Not Shown with ⌥ at Startup

    I did a clean install of 10.13 on a MacbookPro 11,5 and I have the following disk structure: > diskutil list /dev/disk0 (internal, physical): #: TYPE NAME SIZE IDENTIFIER 0: GUID_partition_scheme *500.3 GB...
  13. S

    Accidentally deleted my Macs internal harddrive!!! HELP!!

    So I was trying to install Windows 10 via Bootcamp on my MacBook Pro (2011). I made a new partition in Disk Utility and called it BOOTCAMP (For my Windows) As I'm planning to use Windows a lot from now on, I decided to make it take up a lot of the space. I resized the partition where my OSX High...
  14. B

    Installing mac from a External Drive

    Hello, I've been strugglin lately with El Capitan OS system. My problem is that I erased the Macintosh HD Drive and every time I boot on Recovery Mode I can't re-install the new OS because I dont have the Apple ID from this particular machine. I tried all the key board compbinations and none of...
  15. U

    iPhone SE (2016) Forgot Passcode, requires complete factory reset

    So, my iPhone is completely disabled after I forgot passcode to it. I have no backups, no iCloud, no nothing. Is there a chance in this entire universe by which I can get any iPhone pictures back after doing complete factory wipeout? Any third-party program, any means by which this is possible...
  16. S

    itunes backup

    Where can I find the itunes backup files? I think I bricked my iphone, and I want the files back. I was able to find the itunes folder in app data (I'm using windows by the way), but it only had gibberish files Is there somewhere I can find the backups?
  17. rohan_a_m

    Data recovery from iphone

    Hey guys! Recently i forgot my passcode of my iphone 6s. Hence I had to restore it to factory settings. Due to this I lost all my data from the phone. My icloud storage was full around one and half years back and also I have no itunes backup. Is there any possible way to recover my data? I do...
  18. ZestyOne

    Why does heart recovery graph only show 1 reading?

    This has happened on multiple outdoor running workouts. I'll start the workout, run for 20 minutes, click "end" the second I stop running. When I go to the 'recovery heart rate' chart, theres always a single red dot as if it took only 1 reading instead of many readings as my heart goes back go...
  19. mossyboy

    Recovery heart rate on Health app?

    I love the feature of the recovery heart rate on my watch 3. The problem i’m finding (part from the graph and numbers being tiny!) is it’s only there on the watch for that day, once a new day starts (and had no excercise yet) then there is no recovery heart rate. Apple needs to put this on the...
  20. A

    MBP Partition Recovery to Preserve Data

    So I sort of bricked my old mbp (~2010) with an Ubuntu install attempt...didn't realize that the auto-installer wouldn't even let me choose which partition to install to... Backed out of the install before it properly started but, not before having the mbr/partition table (or mac equivalent)...