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  1. 7

    macOS Any advertisement advices? for mac softwares?

    Hi, can anyone share their successful/unsucessful advices about Mac software advertisement? I'm struggling to find ideas and I feel I run in circles. I tried to posts in Apple related Google+ groups, get around 10 pages views max daily with a very microscopic conversion rate. When you create...
  2. Gamer9430

    What Apps Do You Use on OS X Tiger?

    THIS IS A WIKIPOST- Please add the apps you use on tiger to the list below! On behalf of @gavinstubbs09 and the rest of the PowerPC Archive Team, we're looking for apps that we can add to the Tiger section of the Archive. As anyone who has visited the website in search of software, most of it...
  3. K

    Apple iphone 5c

    hello everyone i want to jailbreak a 5c and its on ios...9.2.1 how do i downgrade it to jailbreak it? the links from is not working for me its saying that the site cant be reached...please help
  4. zachlegomaniac

    Landscape Design Software

    Can anyone recommend landscape design software that runs on OS X? We use Dynascape at work on PCs, and I downloaded Punch! to my MacBook Pro a couple of years ago, but it was junk IMO. Would love input. Thanks.
  5. DisMac

    Simple Yet Professional & Slick Blu-ray Creation Software?

    I've already asked something similar to this a while ago, but I thought I may try and rephrase my questions and what I am looking for. Anyway... I am planning to take on a personal Blu-ray project (that takes on as close to the look and feel of an actual, physical, Blu-ray release you'd pick-up...
  6. paulcross22

    Moving installed apps between macs

    Hi, Forgive the odd subject title! Is there anyway I can move the apps between a new and old HDD without having to reinstall the software? I have iWork and photoshop CS2 and illustrator CS2 - don't really want to lose these!! Can I just copy them to a pen drive and copy back onto the new...
  7. DisMac

    iMac & Software for Blu-ray editing?

    Hey everyone, Sorry if this comes off as a bit newbish, but that's what it kind of is. My iMac is from 2008 and it has become kind of a dinosaur and is pretty much no good for anything more than managing iTunes and surfing the web. Editing and creating video projects, etc. has become a big...
  8. mikeroxx


    Hi All, I am at work now but was hoping I could get some results by the time I am home. I have a Macbook Air 2010-2011 (not sure). Someone was playing with it and wiped the partition and the corresponding OSX (Mavericks). I tried to do a clean install - First I tried to use an El Capitan Boot...
  9. E

    When will Apple stop releasing software updates for core 2 duo machines?

    Hi, I was wondering if anyone had an opinion on when Apple might stop supporting software updates for machines using Intel Core 2 Duo processors? Do you think the next major OS X release will still be supported on this generation of machines?
  10. Ianzandi

    Macbook Refurbished Software

    Hello everyone, I am looking to purchase a Macbook for the first time this weekend. Going to go with the 4GB version of this 2010 Macbook model from Macofalltrades My question is, will I be able to download the standard...
  11. S

    iPhone SIM card beta software?

    Hi! Well I asked that question on the official Apple support communities but it didn't get answered properly. I hope you can answer it:). So I wanna update to iOS 9 beta(public beta) I mean from the public software program and I was just going to ask if updating a phone with SIM card is safe I...
  12. Bocaa

    iPhone 5c problem

    Hi, i have a problem with my iPhone 5c. I tried to update and restore it via iTunes, but when it come to veryfing softvare stops and on the computer screen shows Unkown error (50). Do somebody knows how can I fix that? Thanks
  13. Microspot

    MacDraft PE & Pro 6.1.3 Update here!

    Hello everybody, The long awaited FREE 6.1.3 update for both MacDraft PE & Professional 6.1 is now here. Follow the link below to update your version. The latest version 6.1.3 update offers a whole host of fixes and tweeks to help improve the speed and efficiency of MacDraft. Keeping...
  14. A

    Post at multiple forums at once?

    Is there any software or website that allows you to post on multiple forums at once (forum manager). If not what are the best forums to post questions about windows, OS X, mac, ubuntu, and all questions related to software and computers?
  15. V

    iMovie alternatives?

    TL;DR I can't get iMovie, so I need an alternative (that is free and 10.7.5 compatible). Any suggestions? Operative word being free. It doesn't have to be the best, I just need something where I can upload a video, put a song in the background and play the video on fast foward while the song...
  16. PureAppDeals

    Pure App Deals - website for Mac App Store promotions & giveaways

    PureAppDeals - Your Mac's favorite bookmark We would like to announce the opening of our website/service and invite you to join and subscribe to PureAppDeals - a page for promotions and giveaways for Mac apps. Every week we will publish high quality apps on discounted...