I bought an iMac for my daughter and her sons for Christmas. I want to order an external SSD for them to use as a Time Machine backup drive. They live on Saipan, so I’ll need to find something that can be shipped to US Zip Code 96950. (It ain’t easy....)
I think 1TB would be enough. I’d prefer...
So first things first I have already performed the upgrade and all is well with one exception. Prior to performing the upgrade I did not decouple the fusion drive. I've since read that was a good first step...now the machine doesn't detect the HDD. It only detects the new blade SSD. I've...
first time MacOS user soon, switching from Windows10
M1 Mac Mini
External 2TB SSD connected with USB-C
as far as I am aware iTunes movies and tv episodes are saved in HD 1080p only when downloaded locally, even if you have bought 4K versions. Is this still the case?
Will the sound...
Machine: Mid 2009 MacBook Pro 15 inch (Dual Core)
Hi everyone,
I am looking to upgrade the original hard drive to an SSD in order to revive this machine. It works fine, but has become rather slow. I want to make sure this computer can be upgraded simply by replacing it with a Samsung EVO 860...
I'v just installed LR Classic on my M1 Macbook pro with 8G/256GB, and LR is completely broken.
It works, blazing fast, but as fast it's destroying my SSD.
It wrote arround 100GB of data in 15 minutes.
I have uploaded this video showing the nonsense. When culling a folder with around 1800...
Hello All,
I have been searching the web for a fix for my Late 2012 MacBook Pro with Retina and can’t seem to find any answers. I am hoping someone else has had the same or similar issue and would be willing to help me. Here’s my backstory:
I have a Late 2012 MacBook Pro w/Retina and a...
Made the jump to an M1 Mini from an aging windows PC for my daily driver, and this caught my eye when I plugged in my external SSD that I use to store my music collection.
On my PC, it says I have 170 GB free of 465 GB total storage - 48,434 total files. 290 GB total usage on disk.
On my new...
Hi, Hello, Good Afternoon!
My laptop is Macbook air 2017 13" A1466 i5, 8gb, 128gb
I have decided to installa new ssd (Samsung 512GB SSUAX MZ-JPU512T/0A6 655-1805D) into it, because there was not enough space on the original one.
Unfortunately, Mac didn't recognized it at all! :(
So, I've put...
Ordering a new M1 MacBook Pro! I have a 500gb iCloud Photos Library that I'd like to store on my laptop (originals). I also work with drone footage. Is it worth it to go for the 2tb or stick with 1tb? Should I just get an external, or is that even an option?
I have mbp late 2013 and i made two partition and two different OS. Then after for a while if i am not wrong, i remember that pcie link width x4 and 8Gt/s... But in fact i am not sure.. It s original stock ssd.
Controller is SM0512F looking 5GT/s and x2 line.
So Is anybody knows link width on...
Hi! I bought an IOCREST Dual M.2 NVMe PCIe 3,0x16 Riser. Put 2 disks Samsung 970 EVO Plus 500 GB It shows good results and the price is low. Can anyone have comparison tests with the Sonnet M. 2 4x4 PCIe Card and OWC Accelsior 4M2 ? Please share your experience! Thank you in advance!
On my iMac 5K (2017) my USB-C connected 1 TB NVMe drive would do 900/930 MB/s write/read on Catalina. On Big Sur, it got down to like 30 MB write speed.
I took that same drive, formatted as APFS, and connected to my M1 MacBook Air, I'm getting 15 MB/s writes. Best read is 500 or so. Anyone...
I'm Tomasz from Warsaw, Poland. Aerospace engineer turned software developer. Lurker since 2015, but this is my first post.
I struggled with this for years and finally curiosity won, hence me sharing this here... Do you have any idea how to stop Apple Photos from filling up SSD? I used...
Waiting for my ordered Mac Mini M1 and was gonna get a external SSD to go with it but Im not sure what to expect with the ports.
Been looking at the Samsung T7 SSD that seems way faster than the T5.
On the spec of the mini it says USB 4 / Thunderbolt with support for USB 3.1 gen.2
Does that mean...
I've installed Window 10 on a SSD in the bay 1 and on a NVME Sabret RocketQ 1TB on a I/O Crest Dual NVME on the PCI's Slot 2.
I've tried to play flawlessly with Overwatch, Hero of the Storms, DIablo 3 on my NVME and I can conclude that it is not working properly. Some flickering appear or...
On my mid 2010 corei7 iMac, i have installed a second drive, an SSD drive. Im wondering if its possible to replace the 1T spinning drive (that my iMac came with) with an SSD drive. And if so, will the existing cables (that the spinning drive uses) be enough to connect the SSD, or will i need...
I've seen variations of this question a few times on the forum and was wondering what the latest options for me are.
I have a 27" mid 2017 iMac with a 1TB fusion drive used for YouTube, word processing, Powerpoint, Outlook, Spotify, moderate to heavy web browsing (e.g. 15-20 tabs), discord...
Please bear with me and read this, as I am trying to understand my expectations and make choices based upon advice I receive here.
I have 8GB Ram and 500GB internal 5400 RPM Internal Drive. bought it ~3 years ago to serve as a device to write & do a little (MINOR) music/audio production on...
Macbook Pro, mid-2015, 5 inch i7
My MBP started to freeze, and take an age to do anything.
I was able to throw it into target disk mode and back everything up, and then wiped the drive for a clean install.
The SSD, however, doesn't show up in "OSX install" as a target drive.
I have...
Hi, has anyone used a Adata SX8200 1TB in a TekQ Cube Thunderbolt 3 enclosure?
Wondering whether there are compatibility issues with this enclosure.
In a review I read, the speed seems to be throttled due to compatibility issues. The “normal” speeds should be around 2000mb for both read and...