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  1. WilliApple

    Could Apple get sued for SSDgate?

    You may already know that Apple uses 1 single NAN chip in their M2 MacBooks. However, this comes at a huge cost in performance. The 256 GB SSD model on the M2 performs WORSE than the M1 models. That is what SSDgate is. Apple also makes the claim that the M2 MacBooks are faster, but they give...
  2. K

    Power consumption of a 1TB vs a 2TB SSD on a M1 MacBook Pro

    I've seen speed comparisons, but has anyone documented any differences between the power consumption of a 1TB vs a 2TB SSD on a M1 MacBook Pro (14" 10/24 processor)? Similarly, is there power consumption data for 32GB vs 64GB RAM?
  3. D

    Resolved RAM Usage, Swap Files, SSD Degradation...

    There have been a lot of posts on the above subject scattered throughout the Apple Silicon, MacBook Air and MacBook Pro fora and so I decided to delve deeper into the close to 9-year-old 512GB SSD of my heavily used MacBook Pro that has 16GB RAM. So far I have established that at a typical time...
  4. D


  5. L

    NEW MacBook Air M1 buyers ,do you also suffer from slow SSD ?

    My question only applies to those who bought mba m1 base 256gb model in the last 2/3 months Would you please report what ssd speeds read/write run at ? Is it 1500/1700 like the mba m2 or 2800/3000 like the mba m1 at launch Thank you
  6. AstroRexaur

    Its better to upgrade SSD or RAM (Unified Memory) at new MBA M2?

    I'd saw many videos but none of them can analyze this question. SSD vs RAM (Unified Memory (UM)). With this new issue about the SSDs and the swapping to help the RAM (UM), I don't know what is better: Upgrade the SSD to have 2 (256gb) storage meaning faster swapping and storage data management...
  7. Cide

    Weird SSD Failure - Apple SSD Drive corrupts files when storage over 50%

    I just made a post about my MacBook Pro Retina's from 2012 being bullet proof, And moments later my system died, apparently with unfixable Disk Utility / first aid reports, Many errors, in fact it reached the max amount of reporting and ended subsequent reports. This was easy to replicate, By...
  8. Cide

    MacBook Pro Retina Mid-2012 SSD Upgrade with OWC suggested, or used Samsung part?

    Hello community, I am new here. So Hello! I am Cide. I have 2 MacBook Pro Retina Mid-2012 (With Samsung LCD Screens!) which I run with Catalina, they are very snappy and a joy to use, Still. After 10 years of owning the same machine, with a 15TB Promise Thunderbolt backup solution in place, in...
  9. chiragd

    Should I buy the 512 gb or 16 gb of ram for the new M2 MacBook Air? I can only afford one

    I’m a computer science major who will have big coding assignments but nothing crazy. I don’t do a lot of high end editing on a regular basis. My only professional use would be these coding projects, other than that, maybe a light gaming(not a big gamer at all), Netflix and everyday things on...
  10. Add-Delay

    MBP14" 32GB/1TB or 16GB/2TB for Design?

    Now that the dust is well and truly settled on the M1Pro Macbook Pros - what's the general consensus now on whether it's better to sink money into RAM or SSD capacity? I've aware of the Max Tech videos which point towards SSD and relying on virtual memory to pick up the space, but that doesn't...
  11. D

    Glyph Atom Raid SSD on MBP M1 Max

    I have recently purchased a used Glyph Raid SSD 4tb drive and tried doing a benchmark speed test and I was seeing 30/40mb/s for read write? (should be up to 950mb/s) I have tried to format the drive but I am still seeing the same issue and I have tried a couple of type c cables.. Any help would...
  12. mattyjoe

    M2 MacBook Pro SSD read/write speeds compared to M1

    Okay, there are a couple YouTubers who have done BlackMagic Disk Speed Tests on the M2 13inch MacBook Pro, and have found that the speeds are SLOWER than the M1 13inch. I've done some investigating and discovered what I think the difference is. MaxTech got a write of 1463 MB/s and read of...
  13. R

    If I buy (2nd hand) a 2019 iMac with a "Fusion Drive", can I replace the Spinning Hard drive with an SSD ?

    There are a couple of videos online with people doing this, but will it cause any issues with the way the onboard flash recognises or communicates with the new SSD? Does the SSD have to be a similar size as the HD that it replaces? * An iMac from2019 is my budget maximum. But I have read so...
  14. S

    Enclosure needed for OWC Aura SSD

    Hi there. I found the OWC Aura 1TB SSD module that I must have purchased during a Black Friday special - and realized too late I couldn't use it. So I'm trying to find an external enclosure I can put this SSD module in. I can't make heads or tails of which OWC enclosure will or won't work...
  15. Alvin777

    How Do I Erase & Mount This Synthesized Drive?

    Hello, I have a Fusion Drive and run macOS Monterey. When I did a surface test on Windows BootCamp which was a mistake, I lost the SSD part of the Fusion Drive and I fresh installed macOS, I'm only running macOS on the Fusion Drive's 2TB hardisk. This was almost a year ago. I'm still trying to...
  16. slplss

    iPhone 13 Pro Connecting an SSD to iPhone 13 Pro is an absolute nightmare

    Here we are in 2022, latest iPhone Pro. I am preparing for my holiday in Australia, this time trying to shoot exclusively with my phone. With a gimbal, in Filmic Pro, where every 10 seconds counts for ~100MB. So, I wanted to shoot in Filmic, then export the videos straight to an external SSD...
  17. A

    Can I use an external SSD for Everything (instead of the internal)

    Hi, I have a macbook 2017 13' I tried to install Monterey and it said it can't because I have SMART Errors and the drive can't be repaired and to backup I looked at disk utility in normal and in recovery mode and both said it's ok Then I went About this Mac > System Report > Storage and it...
  18. W

    iPad Air Do factory resets wear out the storage chips on Apple devices?

    I had read somewhere that continuously rewriting data on an SSD will wear out the number of write cycles it has and cause it to fail. I reset my new iPad Air so I could restore it from an iCloud backup and get access to my Google Authenticator, but I couldn't, so I reset it again and set it back...
  19. W

    Dealing with 128gb on a 2018 Mini

    Hi All - A few years ago I found an amazing deal on a 2018 base model Mini and I bought it (like, REALLY good deal). I knew the 128gb drive was limiting, so I purchased a 1TB external SSD with a Thunderbolt enclosure and attached that to the Mini permanently. Following some advice I read, I set...
  20. H

    Home Office / Music Studio Storage Solution

    Setting up an office/music studio with a couple of 1st Generation Mac Pros, a 2018 256GB MacBook Air, and a 2019 256GB MacBook Pro. Want to put the laptops in cool looking stands and run them in clamshell mode if possible. Not sure due to the fans. Will likely be picking up a Mac Studio in the...