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  1. 2

    How do I identify which display is built in?

    I got a MacBook Pro 15˝ built in 2015 (MacBookPro11,4). In order to calibrate the built-in monitor, I have to identify it and figure out if it uses a white LED-backlit for instance. I found two Terminal codes. ioreg -lw0 | grep \"EDID\" | sed "/[^<]*</s///" | xxd -p -r | strings -6 This code...
  2. K

    Help with Terminal - can't navigate to folder

    Hi all, I'm having a strange issue with Terminal. I have to navigate to a folder which is on my Desktop: - at command prompt I type cd Desktop and all good, I navigate to the Desktop; - I type cd folderName and I get "No such file or directory". The folder is clearly on my Desktop and if I...
  3. J

    Terminal "Ownership of the affected disk is required"

    Hi, I'm currently trying to repair my External HD using Terminal as the "First Aid" option is greyed out in Disk Util (See Image Below) without losing any data on the drive itself. Whenever I try to use the "repairvolume" command it comes back at me with this: > diskutil repairvolume...
  4. Quasselstripper

    "Killall TouchBar" Command for Terminal?

    Hello, sometimes I have problems with my touchbar, right now my volume and brightness control do not work. Sometimes it is something else, you know what I'm talking about if you have one of the new Macbook Pros. I know that there is the useful Terminal command `killall dock` which restarts the...
  5. airlied

    Is there a way to turn off the "stick" feature on macOS Sierra?

    On osx Sierra apple added a new feature that is when you move a window close to another it will stick the edges together (sorry about my crappy English I don't know how to describe this but I think you get the idea), which is so annoying since you cant adjust the windows location until you drag...
  6. App Tyrant

    Current Directory Window for Terminal for macOS [Free App]

    Today I have released Current Directory Window for Terminal for macOS. This app is currently free for Black Friday for everyone. App description and screenshots below. App Description: Current Directory Window for Terminal allows you to open a new Terminal window from Finder with the current...
  7. C

    macOS Version Control (Git)

    If you guys are using git for your version control, there's an awesome terminal add-on for it (for free): The link has a gif showing it in action which I embedded below.
  8. jeskey

    HELP! Terminal keeps opening

    Please help! I am having trouble with my Terminal, it keeps opening. If I Quit out of it, it will be open in another 30 seconds. I have done Malware Checks, talked with the Apple people and they told me to do a PRAM reset which has been done. Nothing seems to be working and it is very worrying...
  9. davidwellens

    Outgoing SSH no longer working?

    Not sure where to post this but I've come across something odd on my end in the past week. I can't SSH out to another computer any more, but when I go to another station and do it from there, it does work. I keep getting "port 22 connection refused". I ran nmap localhost and port 22 isn't open...
  10. Darf Nader

    Command Line pause/resume of Time Machine?

    Hi, first time poster after many years of reading.... I am trying to come up with a way to safely backup my Time Machine backup volumes offsite and I chose to try ARQ which uses s3 Glacier as its storage which is pretty cheap compared to other solutions which seem to offer a host of caveats...
  11. RumorzGuy

    How to Increase Contrast But Not Reduce Transparency

    It seems that in El Capitan, Apple has linked together the options "Increase contrast" and "Reduce transparency" in the "Display" pane of the "Accessibility" prefs pane. While you can enable "Reduce transparency" by itself, you cannot enable "Increase contrast" by itself. As some of you may...
  12. RumorzGuy

    Make Almost Transparent Dock With No Haxies or Apps

    For those of you who desire a better looking Dock -- other than Apple's current abomination, that is -- and who want to do it "naturally" without relying upon any third party apps or haxies -- such as cDock -- you might consider doing the following: 1. Discover what your machine's default...
  13. RumorzGuy

    Almost Transparent Dock Without Apps or Haxies

    For those of you who desire a better looking Dock -- other than Apple's current abomination, that is -- and who want to do it "naturally" without relying upon any third party apps or haxies -- such as cDock -- you might consider doing the following: 1. Discover what your machine's default...
  14. RumorzGuy

    Add the "Suck" Animation to Sierra Dock

    OOPS . . . That was supposed to say "El Capitan Dock". :) 1. Launch the Terminal app from the /Applications/Utilities folder. 2. Type the following in the Terminal: defaults write mineffect suck; killall Dock 3. Hit your "return" key. 4. If it asks you for your password --...
  15. RumorzGuy

    Trick to Add the "Suck" Animation to Your Dock

    This is nothing new, but maybe some of you haven't seen it before. 1. Launch the Terminal app from the /Applications/Utilities folder. 2. Type the following in the Terminal: defaults write mineffect suck; killall Dock 3. Hit your "return" key. 4. If it asks you for your...
  16. RumorzGuy

    Personalize Your Login Screen With a Message

    The following works in El Capitan, so I assume it will work in Sierra as well. To add a message to your logon screen, do the following: 1. Launch Terminal app from the /Applications/Utilities folder. 2. Type the following in the Terminal: sudo defaults write...
  17. RumorzGuy

    How to Add a Message to Your Login Screen

    Here is a neat little Terminal trick. To add a message to your logon screen, do the following: 1. Launch Terminal app from the /Applications/Utilities folder. 2. Type the following in the Terminal: sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/ LoginwindowText "Hey Bill . . ...
  18. M

    Disable/Enable Siri via Terminal command

    Hi, Was wondering if it is possible to disable/enable Siri from terminal command.
  19. D

    Shortcut to switch Tabs in Terminal

    Hello, just updated from El Capitan to Sierra and the old shortcuts for switching between tabs in terminal don't work anymore. On El Capitan i jumped between them forward: cmd + ä backward: cmd + ö Now on Sierra i have to press "shift + cmd + arrow keys" - to press all of these...
  20. CharlieJames91

    How to edit login items via Terminal

    Hi. Is there an easy terminal command to place applications in the users login items specifically for 10.10/10.11 I did have a post on this yesterday but it was mis-understood, all I need to know ia if there is an easy terminal command to place apps in the login items. I'm not great with...