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  1. shaan104

    I want to prevent the Touch Bar from sleeping when left inactive

    I just bought a new MacBook with Touch Bar and when ever I'm watching something, or the Touch Bar is left inactive, it dims and sleeps which is really annoying to me. Is there any terminal command or apple script through which I can disable this feature. I searched all the settings and it isn't...
  2. diegotheplantboy

    Flexgate post removed TWICE from

    Just wanted to show proof that apple has and continued to remove my posts with any mention of flexgate. At first, ny original post did not contain pictures, and it remained on the website for about tow to three days. The moment I added pictures it got deleted, which I followed to make another...
  3. W

    Update on my used MacBook Pro 13 2016

    Hi everyone! so I posted a thread about a used MacBook Pro 13 inch 2016 that I bought like a month ago, I been using it since then while still having available my previous one a 2015 13 inch MacBook Pro, my main concern was and still is the keyboard issues but more importantly the flex gate...
  4. ChrisDB

    MacBook Pro Touch Bar 2016-2017-2018 slow response time and weak iGPU drives me crazy

    So let me start , I've been a Mac fan since 2014 , I've gone throught several MacBook Airs and Pros 2012-2015 and they've been excelent . Now I want to buy a new computer but there are several problems with new devices . 1. The new screen on 2016 and 2017 13 inch and 15 inch have SLOW RESPONSE...
  5. H

    Gaming on MacBook Pro 2016 with Touchbar

    I want to play games on my MacBook but I don't think it will be able to sufficiently run them, so I was wondering if buying the Samsung T5 external SSD (500gb one) would be a good idea? The plan is to install windows bootcamp onto the T5 and put my games on it so I can plug it in and play...
  6. T

    Mbp to nMP swap

    Hi all I don’t use my MacBook pro enough so I’m thinking about switching it to a Mac Pro 2013 quad core base model. I have a old pc I use for CS GO once a week, maybe the Mac Pro can replace that machine too. Do you guys think this is a fair deal...
  7. iceman45575

    Does the Touchbar come with Plastic on it?

    Hello everyone, I am the proud owner of a new 15 inch 2018 MacBook Pro. I just opened the box and noticed that the Touchbar looks a little off. I was wondering if when new they come with a little plastic screen over it. If there is I can't seem to find it, and I don't want to scratch or break...
  8. bonjourx

    Macbook pro 2018 15' weird crackling/ static fan noise on low, is it normal?

    Ive noticed that my new MacBook Pro 2018 15inch is making a very minimal crackling/ static fan noise. you don't hear it when the fan is blowing so much. but when the fan is not on full force and just on low I could hear the very minimal crackling/ static noise. its not always there and its not...
  9. boodle

    The Out-of-Touch Bar is a UI/UX disaster.

    More than two years in and I have yet to find anyone who thinks this is a good idea. Time waster not a time saver; decreases efficiency and removes one-touch access to critical functions like volume and brightness control. Hidden sliders? Really? Look down, locate, touch to expand, locate the...
  10. blewbot

    2018 MBP "Hey Siri" stopped working

    The Hey Siri on my New 2018 MBP was working great out of the box. But now all of the sudden it only works if i manually activate siri from the touch bar or menu bar and ask her something. then she listens for "Hey Siri" for follow up commands ONLY while the Siri dialogue is up. once it...
  11. L

    Resolved TouchBar: how to move ESC and Fn keys further left?

    I would like to have the ESC and Fn keys align as per pre-touchbar models (e.g. about 1cm further left). How? Cannot fathom UI to BetterTouchTool and don't have the time (due to work commitments) to delve deeply into this. NB have done a search on Google, but unable to find anyone with the...
  12. C

    Which Macbook Pro configuration should I buy?

    Hello, I would like to get a MacBook Pro – it will be my first Apple computer. But I don’t really know which configuration to choose. I want to code using Eclipse and Xcode, edit pictures using Affinity Photo, edit Videos (usually 1080p but maybe sometimes 4K) and I would like to try out 3D...
  13. B

    The Failure of the Touchbar MacBook Pros: Emergency Redesign Needed

    I've owned every single Apple laptop made. I'm a collector. I've used them and taken almost all of them apart. I have iBook Clamshells, a Powerbook 2400c, PowerBook Pismos and Wallstreets, MacBook Airs, and many more. So, I had a Retina MBP 2014 15". Great laptop. I used it a lot. Had the dual...
  14. N

    Touchbar, TouchID and... Bootcamp?

    Hi Everyone, This is my first post, apologies if I am not following correct protocol on this. I have a funny issue that has begun occurring recently on my Macbook Pro Late 2016 (with Touchbar): When I am not logged in, or when I am in the lock screen, the Touchbar buttons change from the...
  15. Sumleilmus

    2017 Touch ID sudo -- window not in front

    I followed the instructions at to use Touch ID to authenticate sudo from the command line. Alas, it is a clumsy implementation. Instead of the Terminal window permitting use of Touch ID being the front window (with a pink fingerprint), it is...
  16. M

    Late 2016 Touchbar MBP Screen Discolorations

    I have seen a few posts about this, and i am just adding this to the pool. I have slowly started noticing clear screen discolorations on my late 2016 Touchbar 15" macbook pro. If i take the text editor and go fullscreen i see some blue areas randomly scattered across the screen. Here is a BW...
  17. chrisallen87

    Install Slim Tile into MacBook Pro 2017 with Touchbar

    My MacBook Pro was recently stolen and I bought a new one. Now that this has happened, I am working toward taking precautions with my brand new Macbook 2017 model with the touchbar. Toward that end, I'm thinking of adding a bluetooth Slim Tile INSIDE the computer (which would give me the...
  18. T

    Macbook Pro touchbar keyboard issue and solution!!!

    If you feel you key get stuck, you do not need to go to the apple store and replace it. Just PRESSS THE KEY HARDER AND HARDER to get rid of the dust stuck underneath.
  19. M

    Macbook Pro 2017 (w/TB) + Samsung u28d590d

    Hi All, So recently got a Macbook Pro (2017) with Touchbar (Model Identifier: MacBookPro14,3). I've had my Samsung screen a while (U28D590D) - 4k Screen. I've purchased the USB-C Digital AV Multiport Adapter. 1)I've set the screens to mirror'd temporarily as I get some weird screen flicker if...
  20. loco8

    Horrible MBP performance

    So, I bought the 2017 13-inch MBP (3,1 GHz Intel Core i5, 16GB RAM, touchbar, etc.) about 2 months ago. And it's horrible. It just has problem after problem. First, two weeks after buying it I noticed that there was a dead pixel in the screen. I spoke with Apple and they told me that it needs...