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  1. martinchivers

    Hidden folders

    using Mac OS High Sierra. Late 2012 iMac Ive run Sophos Home and its come up with 4 viruses. These cannot be removed by Sophos itself but can only be removed manually. Ive made a note of the file names and searched (finder) for them. They are however hidden. Ive googled show hidden folders...
  2. W

    Woke up to find my ex-partner physically accessing my mac, installed software... need help

    Long story here. But, I need some help ensuring that my computer is not doing anything it should not be... Essentially, My ex was revealed to be a very bad person, and I have a court order to keep him away. One night I awoke to find him frantically trying to close out some windows on my...
  3. J

    Lock Screen Application Used To Make A Virus/Ransomeware

    Hi, While searching through macOS I came about an application located in /System/Library/CoreServices/RemoteManagement/AppleVNCServer.bundle/Contents/Support/ called This application, as I understand it, locks a mac users computer and make the touch bar, keyboard...
  4. N

    Virus in bootcamp partition accesses macOS one?

    Hello, I have a macOS High Sierra partition, file format used is APFS encrypted. (FileVault is shown as activated in system preferences, that gives APFS the encryption?). If I now create a bootcamp partition and lets say get a virus there on Windows 10, is the Mac partition safe? It is indeed...
  5. N

    Virus on host notebook from external ssd?

    Hello, I was wondering about getting an external SSD to boot macOS 10.12 from. I mean basically using my MBP as a host that shares all the hardware but the storage with the external SSD. My question is, if I get a virus on the SSD, will it affect the MPB even when booted on the soldered apple...
  6. D

    I found a weird file in the trash. Should I be concerned?

    I just noticed a file called "mb3-setup-consumer-" in my trash. This is definitely not something that I put there and since it's an .exe file it doesn't seem to be something that the OS would put there either. Googling it results in a lot of sketchy websites giving...
  7. R

    Apple TV VIRUS??

    I was told that my Apple TV contracted a virus, is this possible?? How would this even happen when the only things I have downloaded to it came directly from the Apple Store? Is it possible to bring my Apple TV box to the genius bar to have them check it for a virus?
  8. Oblivious.Robot

    Does anyone know what YC-SoundRecord is?

    Updated my 2012 Macbook Pro recently to 10.12.4 and today while watching a Youtube video, I noticed an unusual thing while increasing the sound. Malwarebyte didn't find anything and I have no idea what that is either, the only two things I recently installed are Chrome and Avast. It's 2:30am...
  9. T

    Did i just download a virus?

    Hello everyone So I was on a webpage (blogspot) and it redirected me to another website similar to the apple page. it soon said "Flash drive outdated" and it automatically downloaded something. (I use google chrome). so i panicked and quickly exited out, and i deleted the file in the download...
  10. K

    Strange Icon Appeared Out of Nowhere!!!

    I just opened my Macbook and I noticed there was a new icon that was appearing on the desktop. It says "storage" and I don't know how anything could be created 1969. Can anyone explain this?
  11. S

    dINI folder in applications?

    Anyone know why a folder named "dINI" is in my applications folder? It contains the following: config.ini dINI.ini
  12. X

    Does anybody want to inspect a file that is possible infected ?

    For the first time in my life I think my Macbook got infected. It happened this way: I downloaded a pdf file ( about programming) from the internet, and once I opened it, my macbook got into a restarting loop, I was unable to boot. I was not able to boot not even from the hidden partition. I...
  13. soundsystem00

    OSx Glitchy. Do I have a virus?

    I went through facebook and was backup up a lot of photos. ALOT. One of the galleries had 2000 photos. I had an external hard drive hooked up and had Safari set to download each picture straight to the hard drive. After about 100 photos, safari starting moving in slow motion. Then finder...
  14. A

    Soundflower Malware

    I want to download a software Soundflower. it's software that allows you to record the screen as well as the audio at the same time. I want to download it from this website– Has anyone else downloaded this software from this website? I...
  15. P

    Mac Air Hacked...

    Hi, please see the attached video and let me know what you experts think? I've been having many strange things going on this Mac Air Please can someone check this video I have posted on youtube, thanks
  16. G

    Viruses on Macs - A Warning

    I have always had Windows computers until July this year when I made the change to Mac with the 27" model. I was under the impression that Macs were pretty safe from viruses so I have only just chosen to install Avast today. I have not visited any 'dodgy' sites so imagine my surprise when Avast...
  17. Braders88

    iPhone iOS 9.3.5 Security Update - Results?

    Hello Mac Community! Like many of you already I have updated to 9.3.5. Earlier today I received a text message which lit up my screen with the below details... +44 7520 61483 (many of you in England will notice the number is missing a digit, this confused me a lot). Free MSG Promo (My Name)...
  18. A

    Adexc on Mac with Safari

    I was browsing an iOS development forum the other day, clicked on a link in one of the questions, and about 10 new tabs opened up (appearing blank) with the final page leading to some random medical psychology URL. In looking at my browser history, I could see that the original link I had...
  19. P

    How to remove Gramblr?

    Hi Friends, I had installed this Gramblr app on my El Capitan MBP. But now I want to remove it, and not able to... When I delete it from the applications folder, it gets deleted, but strangely re-appears in a few seconds, like a ***** virus... Can someone please help, on how do I get rid it...
  20. wammygiveaway

    iPod touch Protecting Your Music And Your iPod: How?

    The latest news that Apple supposedly deletes all traces of your music without your consent or knowing has made me weary of downloading iTunes again. Even though my songs are stored in an external drive and I am not subscribed to Apple Music (a pre-requisite for said manner to occur, I suppose)...