I currently have a 2014 MBPr 13" and want to run Dual external monitors but I am not sure if it can handle it.
Is the 2016 MBP 15" worth the upgrade over my existing laptop? or will there be a minor difference?
Plan on using it for Office under windows (bootcamp) and some light photoshop uses.
Hi. I have previously installed Windows, but I had to erase the partition because it wasn't booting. Then I went to reinstall Windows today, and the installer told me my product key was not valid. So I selected "I don't have a product key, and it gave me an error something about partitions and...
Disclaimer : English isn’t my first language, so please don’t focus too much on my mistakes and mostly on the message.
In this thread, I will describe my experiment with Windows 10 as a Mac user.
About me : I’m 31 years old and have been using a Mac for pretty much all my life. Once, my dad...
Hi All,
This is my very first post, and hope it is appropriate for this part of the Forum.
I needed to upgrade from my old windows Desktop & Laptop Windows 10 PC's and decided to take the plunge and go for a top of the range MacBook Pro to hopefully replace both systems.
I'm relatively happy...
Its about time I move to macOS, my main go-to machine is Win10 with Debian vmbox image to do stuff Windows cant.
Before I move I need my expectations to be met.
What can I not do nativly on macOS
I have never run macOS before but I know Linux quite well.
Is there a site that lists stuff that...
Hi all,
I bought a new iMac 27" 2017 top spec, I love it! Migrating over from Windows. What a revelation, took me a couple of weeks to get used to it.
My issue is that I need to log in to my Windows server at Work.
VMWare Fusion 8.5.8,
Trialled this for free for a month with Windows 10 64...
I have a mid 2010 mac mini with windows 7 professional downloaded on it. I forgot the password and there is no cd slot and when i go to reset the password through the startup repair message my keyboard and mouse stop working. Ive tried multiple keyboards and still nothing. Please help.
I need to install Windows on my MBP (13" TB, 16GB RAM) for some resource-hungry software which I can't run in a VM. However, every time I go to partition my disk within Bootcamp, I get told there's errors which need to be fixed with Disk Utility before I can proceed.
Reboot in Recovery Mode...
Hello, I was wondering how I could deactivate my activation key (it's a Windows Educational key I got from my Uni site) from my MBP and install W10 on an external SSD's partition, using the same key
Hello, I deleted my Windows 10 partition through Boot Camp Assistant and made my MBP drive a single partition.
I had installed Windows 10 education within the key provided by my University. If I check whether or not I can get a new key now, the university site tells me that I have already...
Hey! My new iMac just came in today (5k, i7, pro 580, upgraded to 16GB RAM) , and the windows ISO file for bootcamp is taking AGES to download...is this normal? Its only 5gb but its taking forever to install.
If anyone has any insight or tips for installing windows that would be awesome!
About 3 months ago, i said goodbye to my last ELCAP 10.x ppc and bought a secondhand win 7 64b laptop.
On my mac at that time, i used a program, cannot remember which though, maybe macpar ? to split a 4GB file into 4 pieces, to be joined after I transfered it to my laptop.
The program...
Hey guys so I've been using Windows on my Mac for a few months now with bootcamp and it's been going great, I love it.
However today I was doing some graphics work using photoshop and I kept getting notifications about memory and that I should close photoshop to free up memory and not lose my...
Hi all,
I have been running windows 10 in bootcamp and have had a VM from parallels for some time. It's been working well until recently I tried to boot the VM and it gave me an error (don't remember what it was). I deleted the VM thinking I'd recreate it but now I don't have the option to...
Hi everybody,
Hope you're keeping in great spirits! Thanks for taking the time to read this.
Of course you remember Space Cadet 3D. :P It was an incredible pinball game. It's pretty easy to get a copy and even run on Mac through Crossover or something.
However I really really want a copy of...
I'm using Winebottler to convert PGF Pinnacle Game Profiler to an app for my MacBook Air on MacOS Sierra.
PGF gives me error that "NTSVC.ocx" is missing! I thought I could register it by using Terminal just like here but I'm not sure.. because it's a windows file not mac. Is the NTSVC.ocx...
I am looking to install Windows 10 on an external drive to avoid taking up space on my internal Flash drive on my iMac (27-inch, Late 2013).
I know Windows cannot boot off USB (at least not without some major tinkering), so Thunderbolt is the way to go.
Can anyone who's done just that...
Prior to installing macOS 10.12.5 I had enabled reading AND writing my Bootcamp partition (formatted NTFS) with terminal.
For those who aren't familiar
sudo nano /etc/fstab [ENTER]
LABEL=BOOTCAMP none ntfs rw,auto,nobrowse
Then use "open /Volumes" to...
I have a macpro 1,1 upgraded to 2 quad xeons x5335 10gb ram and mac flashed HD 5770
Problem im facing is that if i install and use Windows 7 it works fine no problems at all
However if i install Windows 8 or 10 it randomly freezes at random point during usage and its type of freeze where its...