Is there a way/a button to click with the trackpad on my Mac to go straight to the Desktop without having to click finder and pressing FN?
On Windows PCs, as a lot of people probably know, there's a button at the bottom right of the computer where you can click to go to the desktop, really easy...
I have 2 hard drives which I copy all my Final Cut Pro projects to.
I use these drives with Windows 10 as well, so they are in exFAT.
One of the drives now comes up with this message when I boot up: "The disk you inserted was not readable by this computer." It gives options to Initialize...
Hello to all. I have installed without a problem a copy of windows on my late 2012 iMac with bootcamp. I tried to install it on my new macbook pro 2016 ( without touchbar ), also tried other copy, and was getting an error : File : \windows\system32\boot\winload.efi Error code : 0xc000000f...
Hi, I have an old Mac Pro Early 2008 with a fried motherboard. Im trying to use its fans for my Windows pc. they have a 4 pin connector do does my motherboard but the wont turn on. The fans Model number is Delta AFB1212HHE and they are 12v 0.75A and my motherboard is a Gigabyte GA-z97x-ud3h-bk...
Hi All,
I'm new here but I'm racking my brains and I can't work out what to do.
I've been backing up to a NAS drive (WD My Cloud) with time machine. I no longer have access to the location where the NAS drive is located so have logged in and downloaded the backup file "Sam's...
I need a good windows hosting company that I won't have issues with and support of ASP.NET 5 or ASP.NET Core 1.0 , ASP.NET MVC, US and SQL Server 2014.
I have searched in search engine and found good reviews about hostforlife hosting service from
Anyone have experience with that hosting...
I attempted to install Windows 10 using boot camp assistant but my MacBook Air 2012 failed and I received a white screen saying the MBA was restarting. After the restart I noticed I was missing the 50 GB partition that was being created or was created. I'm not able to access this part...
With software like BootCamp or Parallels it's possible to run Windows on a Mac. But how does one run macOS on a PC? What software is available to achieve that aim? (If the answer is quite nerdy, excellent, let's go there! :D)
My 2011 MBP15 has a defective GPU, and while I will eventually purchase another MBP15, I would prefer to wait until an option with 32GB of RAM becomes available, as I often run multiple VMs at the same time on both of my 15-inch MBPs (plus it gives me time to save for a large expenditure as...
Hi All,
I am using MacBook Pro (13-inch, Late 2011), 2.4 GHz Intel Core i5, 512 SSD, just upgraded my RAM to 16 GB 1600 MHz DDR3 (from 4 Gb 1333MHz).
I am running Yosemite, Version 10.10.5 (14F1808).
I am a relatively new MBP owner. I want to install Windows through Bootcamp. I am...
I have recently reinstalled OSX Sierra and made a bootcamp partition with windows 10.
And i want to share my passwords between the tow operating systems.
And i don't know how
Can anyone help me please
Happy New Year 2017
Best wishes from belgium
MBP mid 2012,
Intel HD Graphics 4000...
I'm trying to make a script of sorts, to copy from the currently selected cell of Excel:Mac, then paste into a VMWare Windows 7 command window that's already open.
I tried VBA with 'appactivate' to try to select the command window by name, then was gonna do sendkeys to paste: no joy yet (would...
Hi! My machine is an old mid-2010 MacBook Pro running 10.10.5. I recently had an SSD installed and used that as my new boot drive while I had my old HDD w a Windows 7 partition in it still intact. I migrated and deleted all the OSX content from my old HDD to my SSD. Restarted and held down...
I've recently got a Mac Pro 4.1->5.1 3.33GHz Intel Xeon, 32 GB, 256GB SSD, 2TB HDD and GTX 680 GPU.
I do a lot of Music Production so dual booting Windows and Mac is always helpful! I'm just wondering whether its advice on such systems? I've had a look already for previous forum post...
Hello. As a disclaimer, I know very little about this subject matter so if you have a suggested solution please explain it to me like I'm 5. About two days ago, I began setting up Boot Camp on my Late 2014 iMac Retina 5K (27") running macOS Sierra 10.12.2, with the intent to eventually transfer...
I'm concerned about the reports regarding Windows blowing out the speakers of new MacBook Pros. However, I noticed in an update that Apple claims to have resolved this. Has this issue truly been resolved?
So this is a really bizarre one. I installed Windows 10 on my 2016 15" TB Pro. I installed a few games that I'd previously been able to run perfectly well on my old 2012 retina. After a few minutes of playing, I notice that there are some audio issues when I play Skyrim, so I go to google. Many...
Our medical office has several Macs including a rarely used Windows VM via VMWare Fusion on one machine and a couple of chromebooks. We prefer to do most of our work on the Macs.
We need to send large PDFs of medical records from our online EMR to other offices occasionally. If these are...
For you guys who are running Windows 10 on Bootcamp (me) or running native Windows 10 on a PC (me), what do you all recommend as the best Utility Suite?
For me at one point with was System Suite, then it was Tuneup Utilities. Unfortunately the last time I went to renew, Tuneup Utilities had...
This was unexpected. After moths trying to install a Windows in a partition with bootcamp, I finally succeed, but now OS X is gone...
My Mac Mini: 1.83MHz 4GB RAM 128GB SSD in the main SATA and the old 80GB HDD in the combodrive SATA with adapter.
I did all the procedure, followed the...