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I’m curious to try out the 12.9” now it’s smaller overall.
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I had the original 12.9 and went to the 10.5 and would like to go back to the 12.9. The new prices are a little higher than I expected so I need to think about it. I may possibly may get a 2nd gen 12.9 at a discount. I biggest worry is how FaceID will work at various angles and positions.
Nope, nothing too compelling for me since I have both 10.5" and 12.9". Mainly form factor and slightly larger screen in smaller physical size.
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have preordered 11 inch one [coming from 7.9" mini 2]... i live like 10 minutes walk from apple store where i am so if i really feel i need the larger model the exchange is easy (pony up the difference in $$$).
Keeping my maxed out 10.5 as It easily does everything I planned to use it for when I purchased it and goes almost everywhere with me. In fact I actually use this iPad a LOT more, and for even more things, than I thought I would. I do however think I'll get a refurbished, (2017) 12.9 wi-fi only, to keep at the house as soon as one with the specs I'm looking for becomes available.
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Went from the first 12.9 to an 10.5 and just ordered the 12.5. Love that it is a bit smaller.
I have the 9.7 first gen pro. After seeing the presentation, ordered the 12.9, but I'm second guessing it. But I love the idea of multi tasking but don't do so on my current 9.7 for lack of screen space.

I may order the smaller and take one back.
That said, I was afraid to order the max and now find the basic xs way small.
I used to have 12.9" and switched to 10.5" after deciding it's too big to carry around. I am not going back to the bigger size. 11"
I'm on the fence, to be honest. Waiting on impressions, and maybe the reviews to come up.

I guess the best thing is just to wait until the iPad gets released and try it in store before pulling the trigger. It's a significant purchase and I don't want to be "that guy" that buys both and returns one...

Also waiting for third parties to carry the iPad so I can use a Best Buy gift card :(
Keeping my 10.5. At current prices, I will be keeping my iPad 3 years.

I'm glad I bought the 10.5 last year at a small discount. That $719 for 256GB seemed high then but looks better now. I don't see upgrading for another two or three years.

I just upgraded my iPhone 6s to the XR. Keeping these devices for a while is the only way I can justify the expense.
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Going from 10.5 / 512 to a 12.9 / 1, including new AP and ASK.
Wow that’s rMBP 15 pricing right there. Congrats

Got last gen 10.5/12 512gb models already, need to wait until they put 6gb on the lower tier models, don’t need 1 TB on iPad. Current Lightroom on my iPP 12.9 is way too limiting compared to MacOS version...
Just got me a maxed out demo iPP 12.9 with only 11 battery cycles for less than half the price of this new one. The display seems not better with the new one and the weight is only 10% less. Because it might not so easy to remove this folio cover it is even heavier with this thick cover. The short sides are only 2.5mm smaller on each side and the bezels on the long side are useful to hold this relativly heavy iPad.
The battery capacity is lower with the new one, so we have to see how long it last. And I like my headphone jack....
Nope, 10.5 is last one that shared the common Lightning charging with my iPhone. I seemed to have end up with the last, best Lightning iPad. I'll stick with it until my iPhone X gets replaced circa 2020-2021.
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I have a first gen 12.9 and 10.5. I think the new iPads are awesome but not enough to upgrade. Plus I have a Apple Pencil and I can use it on both my current iPads right now. If I upgrade then I will have to buy a new pencil as well.
Yep! Ordered the 12.9/512 and the new pen.
After seeing this video I don’t regret my desicion.
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