Hi Gregg!
Thanks for the video. Hope you’re having fun with your PowerPC Challenge?
Can you confirm which .dmg restore image you’re using please? There are two but only one should be used for general users, the other was created for test purposes exclusively for
@barracuda156 using 10A190 frameworks. The correct image supports all GPUs that are supported by 10.5.8 as it borrows the same frameworks.
Thanks so much for the feedback. Hopefully more people will jump on board to test after learning about the project and make us aware of any other bugs that need squashing.
Keep an eye out for a new image coming soon that
@educovas is putting together that will include @barracuda156’s findings regarding internet access (using UTDNS to redirect from DNS to TCP) as a workaround to provide working network access until a more permanent fix is found.