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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jan 15, 2008
San Diego
I have spent half the day reading about, debugging and restoring my MBP because ML 10.8.5 totally hosed my computer.

Numerous threads have been written about it and the problems it causes from
drives going permanently to sleep, kernel panics, multiple software issues etc.
This so reminds me of Microsoft's efforts for patch Vista..heaven help us all.

Given all of the negative traffic on this board and Apple's support board


This is, by far, the worst upgrade Apple has released since 2008 when I bought my first mac. A huge disappointment.

Thank god I do backups.

Yeah, my laptop is in the apple shop right now for a video chip failure. It would lock up and reboot with garbage on the screen after switching to discrete video or plugging in an external monitor. All they found was a hard drive failing message. Thinking back on it, it all started soon after updating. They said something about a firmware update corruption could cause it but I don't remember doing a firmware update recently. I won't find out for another day if they were able to reproduce it.
1 MacMini 2011 and absolutely no issues. Unknown why some have them and others do not. I have a clean system, only software that was meant for Mountain Lion, nothing old if that is a reason or not. ;)
I've upgraded about 85 computers to 10.8.5. No issues to report.

So you figure that if there are no threads with Titles like..."I downloaded 10.8.5 And Everything Is Fine", and lots of threads as means most people are having a problem?

Could it be possible that more people are OK...but just don't post it? You are asserting that the number of threads is positively correlated with the magnitude of the folks experiencing a problem?
Late 2010 MBP (i7, 16GB) upgraded (via legitimate dev account). Incredibly solid since the 2nd rev, and the 1st rev wasn't bad.

I'd agree, people who are not developers should not upgrade quite yet, and no one should run a beta OS on a mission-critical machine.

There's still at least one more rev to go before Gold Master. At a minimum, OP's warning is premature; a greater concern is that it likely targets non-devs upgrading for a lark, perhaps from dodgy purloined copies from warez sites. I'd be curious how OP got his/her copy, for that matter.

Non-devs have no business trying the beta, no matter how seductive it might be.
Almost every update causes some people some problems. And I have seen lots of posts with a title alike. I just installed, and as usual, no problems for me.

Some wake issues maybe bluetooth?

A lot of others dont seem to correlate to 10.8.5 at all, and the ones that do seem more of assumed to be related to the upgrade.

I cant speak for everyone, but no BT issues with my magic mouse or not waking issues from me ._. Either Im lucky or maybe the issues are more than just related to 10.8.5. Just my thoughts.

(rMBP 15" 2012 if thats relevant)
The big problem I've been having with 10.8.5 is that it keeps putting my external 3TB media drive to sleep after like 1-2 minutes of inactivity despite the "Put drives to sleep" option turned OFF. It just IGNORES the setting and even worse, seems to ignore access to the drive. For example, if I watch a movie off the drive from an AppleTV, the MOMENT I finish watching the movie, the drive goes to sleep within 1-2 minutes every single time. The Western Digital firmware is set to a hard 10 minutes of inactivity so this is absolutely OSX causing the problem. It's almost tolerable at 10 minutes on a media drive (and Keep Drive Spinning could stop it), but it IGNORES Keep Drive Spinning's access and will make it sleep for 20 seconds even and then Keep Drive Spinning will spin it back up. It's ridiculous. I never would have updated to 10.8.5 if I had known it was going to cause this much annoyance.

Apple really screwed up this time. It's apparent they don't do very rigorous testing with their "improvements". Worse yet, how long will it be before there's a fix? This was announced to be the last "non security update" there is. That means NO BUG FIXES until 10.9 if they hold true to that. And THAT would be a crock of crap since 10.8.4 was completely stable here. I might have to restore from backup even though that would undo some other recent software updates because it's so flipping awful having it constantly shut my media drive down.
ML 10.8.5 totally hosed my computer
...Numerous threads ....
...This so reminds me of Microsoft's efforts....
....negative traffic on this board and Apple's support board
This is, by far, the worst upgrade Apple has released since 2008 when I bought my first mac. A huge disappointment.
You can find the same comments for EVERY update.
People often report hardware defects after installing an OS. Clearly, there can be no correlation between the two.
Other likely causes for problems are incompatible third-party software, particularly that hasn't been updated for a while.

There may well be flaws in 10.8.5 -- few updates are error free. Rest assured that if there are verifiable, repeatable bugs in Apple's code (as opposed to problems seen on specific, localised, individual setups), then they will be fixed swiftly.
(TBH, Mvxs is not far off, and all indications are that a lot of time and effort has gone into making it very smooth.)

Since 2002, I can assure you that this isn't the worst update. ;) One of the worst was in .. gasp.. Snow Leopard. (But we don't talk about that one, cause 10.6 is perfect.)
I think the people that say they don't understand what's wrong with the update or why some of us are so annoyed obviously don't have external conventional drives or they'd notice the sleep problem getting worse. I've been told a work-around is to disable sleep for the MONITOR entirely (not just a large number) and that supposedly "fixes" the hard drives going to sleep all the time. That is freaking bizarre. Obviously, someone crossed some code somewhere.

The point is that I've had a Mac since Tiger and not ONE update has wreaked this much personal annoyance. I had one update corrupt my system even but I restored from backup an reinstalled the combo and all was fine. Yeah, that's more "damage" but it was a simpler fix. This is a very annoying BUG and Apple so far has not acknowledged it (and might not ever acknowledge it) and who knows if/when they'll fix it. There should have been a fix already, quite frankly.

So I understand why the OP is WARNING people about this upgrade. I don't see the point in responding that there's nothing wrong with it from people that don't have external drives. That's missing the point. There's a major bug and people need to know about it before they upgrade so they don't get hosed because there was NOTHING wrong with 10.8.4 here. It was absolutely stable and worked as it should. That is not the case with 10.8.5. It's introduced major power saver/sleep bugs and people should be aware of that. If they want the risk, fine. But there's nothing wrong with warning people.
I think the people that say they don't understand what's wrong with the update or why some of us are so annoyed obviously don't have external conventional drives...
I don't see the point in responding that there's nothing wrong with it from people that don't have external drives.
There's a major bug ... there's nothing wrong with warning people.
I have a 3TB Western Digital external "conventional" drive, and haven't noticed any sleep problems. No one here has said "I don't have an external drive", and I would hope most did, for backup purposes. There may be many more factors at work than simply "having an external drive".

Yes, there may be problems introduced by an update. Bug testing (and bug fixing) is extremely difficult -- in fact impossible to cover every particular individual combination of hardware and software. And not all problems are necessarily caused by the update, even if they are the result of it.

Announcing that you have a problem (and informing Apple, essentially) is all well and good. But there is a danger of hyperbole. It's a long way from "I'm having a problem after installing an update" to "Danger! No one install the update!"

If there are clear, obvious bugs in the update, you can expect to see a fix very quickly. (By which I mean a week or two.) You can't demand that Apple should already have a fix and at the same time complain that they're not testing enough.

Admittedly, if you want to reinstall an earlier version of the OS, you have to have saved the installer app or made a disk for that version, which is slightly more work than just buying the OS on a DVD. Your alternative is to restore from your backup.
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Just upgraded my MBA 2013 to 10.8.5.

Haven't noticed any negative effects.

In fact I think it cleaned out my hard drive as I had 201GB space free, now 203GB.
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