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I updated my rMBP and now the internal camera does not work in either FaceTime or Photo Booth: "There is no connected camera"

Additionally, why is the Mach_Kernel now visible in the root directory?

after running the supplemental update, am also seeing the mach_kernel file (which i just hid with the terminal):

sudo chflags hidden /mach_kernel

this is not good...some users may see that file and delete it...
I haven't had any problems with my MBP, but my mid 2011 mini is experiencing the issue with the hard drive sleeping even though I tell it not too. Actually, no issues with the external I use for time machine, but I do have the problem with the one I use for storage.....I get an error message for drive ejected improperly when I wake it up....

One thing I noticed after installing the supplemental 10.8.5 update is that it now takes almost a minute to go to sleep!! Whereas in 10.8.5 it was a matter of a couple of secs.

Any ideas?
What is new in Oct 3rd mountain lion
10.8.5 was released in sep
or is it just the supplemental update included in the new one.
What is new in Oct 3rd mountain lion
10.8.5 was released in sep
or is it just the supplemental update included in the new one.

Yes, the supplement is included in the October 3 installer package you download from the MAS. It is now build 12F45. I downloaded it and installed onto an external drive to be sure.
I just updated to 10.8.5 on Saturday afternoon. I have a late '11 cMBP 15". I didn't use it at all Sunday but this morning when I opened it, the display was noisy and garbled and it locked up. Shut it down (pressing power) and then started it back. Told it not to reopen anything any apps, and then the first app I opened, the video went noisy again and it kernel paniced. Rebooted again and it's been OK so far.

EDIT - opened NetNewsWire and then it crashed again. After I enter my filevault password it just freezed - won't boot to the desktop, just grey. Reset PRAM and SMC. Safe mode and recovery just go to black screen - but the backlight is on and the apple on the cover is lit. Filevault password screen has blue horizontal lines and a blue tint to it.

EDIT 2 - later in the evening it started working again. Installed gfxCardStatus to either keep it in integrated mode or discrete so that I could troubleshoot. Does break if I run a game, but seems on in general usage - either way I was able to update my TimeMachine backup!

Wondering if it's a graphics driver/firmware change in the update and if Mavericks will fix it.
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Updated yesterday evening after backing up. Today I can't access the (external) backup disc, either through Time Machine or Disk Utility. Fortunately I have another external backup drive which I use with SuperDuper, so I know all my data is secure, whatever happens with TM.
No other problems as far as I can tell, so I've just formatted the Time Machine drive and I'm currently creating a new TM backup on it - only 6 hours to go before I can tell if it's ok, or whether the drive is failing.
Moral of this story - don't rely on just one backup drive.
The supplemental update was supposed to fix the external drive ejecting when going to sleep. Now it seems to happen more often than before. :(
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