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I have a 3TB Western Digital external "conventional" drive, and haven't noticed any sleep problems.

As near as I can tell/summarize, the "problem" manifests itself if your display is set to sleep, and you have secondary internal or external platter drives. The drives (at least on the systems reporting the problem) are following the display sleep setting and sleeping when the display does (actually about a minute after). If you set your display sleep to "off", then the drives do not sleep (regardless of any pmset disksleep setting).

This can wreak some havoc if one has parts of the OS (such as your home folder) on a sleepy secondary drive, at the least a beachball when accessed. It can be an annoyance for apps accessing those drives (delay), though at least CCC seems intelligent about waking up a sleeping drive to back up to. My nightly CCC job now logs a 4 second delay before copying that wasn't present prior to 10.8.5.
As near as I can tell/summarize, the "problem" manifests itself if your display is set to sleep, and you have secondary internal or external platter drives. The drives (at least on the systems reporting the problem) are following the display sleep setting and sleeping when the display does (actually about a minute after). If you set your display sleep to "off", then the drives do not sleep (regardless of any pmset disksleep setting).

This can wreak some havoc if one has parts of the OS (such as your home folder) on a sleepy secondary drive, at the least a beachball when accessed. It can be an annoyance for apps accessing those drives (delay), though at least CCC seems intelligent about waking up a sleeping drive to back up to. My nightly CCC job now logs a 4 second delay before copying that wasn't present prior to 10.8.5.

I have 4 internal HD's (no SSDs), 2 external USB3 HD's, monitor goes to sleep after 15 min, drives spin down when not busy. Everything wakes and works perfectly. No issues here.
I have 4 internal HD's (no SSDs), 2 external USB3 HD's, monitor goes to sleep after 15 min, drives spin down when not busy. Everything wakes and works perfectly. No issues here.

My drives that spin down also wake back up just fine, albeit with a delay for accessing them.

The problem I see is that they spin down at all, when I have Energy Saver settings set for them not to spin down (pmset confirms DiskSleep=0). I would prefer my hard drives spin all the time, and until 10.8.5, they did.
No Problems with my Drobo Pro after upgrading my Mac Mini 2009. Used the Combo Update. Drobo wakes up and sleeps as per normal behaviour.
My drives that spin down also wake back up just fine, albeit with a delay for accessing them.

The problem I see is that they spin down at all, when I have Energy Saver settings set for them not to spin down (pmset confirms DiskSleep=0). I would prefer my hard drives spin all the time, and until 10.8.5, they did.

That would be a problem. When I turn that feature off, my drives don't spin down, they work as expected. Strange:confused:
MIDI server not responding in 10.8.5

i had to remove my Apogee GiO MIDI driver to get the MIDI server to work... of course i can't use the GiO for MIDI control now.

all happened after 10.8.5 update.

and.. weird graphics problems*— big stretches of black strips across screen and in other odd places.

iMac 2010 i3 3.2GHz
I think the people that say they don't understand what's wrong with the update or why some of us are so annoyed obviously don't have external conventional drives or they'd notice the sleep problem getting worse.
I'm one of those people who has not noticed problems and I have 3 external hard drives connected to my iMac. I will keep my eye on it though.
That would be a problem. When I turn that feature off, my drives don't spin down, they work as expected. Strange:confused:

Thanks for the data point. The problem's causes are obviously a bit more multi-faceted than I thought. Perhaps there is a platform, or other setting, or software element, as well. On my 2011 Mini, no matter what combination of Energy Saver settings I use, and no matter what number I give to DiskSleep, DiskSleep mirrors the DisplaySleep setting. I can have DiskSleep set to 10, and if I set DisplaySleep to 2, the disks sleep at 2. If I set DisplaySleep to 0, the disks do not sleep. Strange, indeed.
Thanks for the data point. The problem's causes are obviously a bit more multi-faceted than I thought. Perhaps there is a platform, or other setting, or software element, as well. On my 2011 Mini, no matter what combination of Energy Saver settings I use, and no matter what number I give to DiskSleep, DiskSleep mirrors the DisplaySleep setting. I can have DiskSleep set to 10, and if I set DisplaySleep to 2, the disks sleep at 2. If I set DisplaySleep to 0, the disks do not sleep. Strange, indeed.

Someone told me I had to set display sleep to "never" in order to get any effect. That seems like it helps, although I have to observe it some more to be sure. But I had my display sleep set to 45 minutes, though and this drive was sleeping a lot more often than that (its own firmware defaults to 10 minutes and it was going to sleep sometimes at 2-4 minutes or so).
Yeah, my laptop is in the apple shop right now for a video chip failure. It would lock up and reboot with garbage on the screen after switching to discrete video or plugging in an external monitor. All they found was a hard drive failing message.
Your machine has some other problems. OS X 10.8.5 is not one of them.

Late 2010 MBP (i7, 16GB) upgraded (via legitimate dev account). Incredibly solid since the 2nd rev, and the 1st rev wasn't bad.

I'd agree, people who are not developers should not upgrade quite yet, and no one should run a beta OS on a mission-critical machine.
Apple released the official, final version of OS X 10.8.5 on the 12th September 2013. Your post is from the 17th September 2013. I think you talk probably about OS X 10.9 DPx.


No Problems with my Drobo Pro after upgrading my Mac Mini 2009. Used the Combo Update. Drobo wakes up and sleeps as per normal behaviour.
Yeah, she is a nice girl.
Totally agree (with OP). It reminds me of my Windows days with all the problems.

-Firewall blocks network requests even though they are allowed.
-Issues with screen share using my apple ID as the authorisation.
-Seagate USB 3.0 drives no longer show capacity LEDs.
-iTunes keeps bringing up a lot of permission errors in disk utility (technically not a 10.8.5 issue).
-Network cuts out when using CCC. Never happened before 10.8.5.
-Had to do clean installs on two of my Macs to try to fix some of the above issues. Not fixed :(
-Had to rebuild an 8TB RAID to try to fix permission and 'drive sleeping' issues across the network.

Horrible upgrade. It gave me nothing but problems. It was really not thought out or put through full dev testing.


The big problem I've been having with 10.8.5 is that it keeps putting my external 3TB media drive to sleep after like 1-2 minutes of inactivity despite the "Put drives to sleep" option turned OFF. It just IGNORES the setting and even worse, seems to ignore access to the drive. For example, if I watch a movie off the drive from an AppleTV, the MOMENT I finish watching the movie, the drive goes to sleep within 1-2 minutes every single time. The Western Digital firmware is set to a hard 10 minutes of inactivity so this is absolutely OSX causing the problem. It's almost tolerable at 10 minutes on a media drive (and Keep Drive Spinning could stop it), but it IGNORES Keep Drive Spinning's access and will make it sleep for 20 seconds even and then Keep Drive Spinning will spin it back up. It's ridiculous. I never would have updated to 10.8.5 if I had known it was going to cause this much annoyance.

Apple really screwed up this time. It's apparent they don't do very rigorous testing with their "improvements". Worse yet, how long will it be before there's a fix? This was announced to be the last "non security update" there is. That means NO BUG FIXES until 10.9 if they hold true to that. And THAT would be a crock of crap since 10.8.4 was completely stable here. I might have to restore from backup even though that would undo some other recent software updates because it's so flipping awful having it constantly shut my media drive down.

I think I may have the same (or similar) issue with two Seagate 4TB USB 3.0 drives. My drives kept going to sleep when using CCC across the network. "Put hard disks to sleep when possible" is unticked. I rebuilt/formatted the RAID. Took about 12 hours to reload 6TB of data. Fingers crossed it may have fixed the issue as I have had a few clear runs now.
I think I may have the same (or similar) issue with two Seagate 4TB USB 3.0 drives. My drives kept going to sleep when using CCC across the network. "Put hard disks to sleep when possible" is unticked. I rebuilt/formatted the RAID. Took about 12 hours to reload 6TB of data. Fingers crossed it may have fixed the issue as I have had a few clear runs now.

Who needs Malware when you've got Apple to frack your machine up well enough already? But they got those multi-color iPhones with the Candyland color scheme OS out. That's what's important to Tim. Fashion. :rolleyes:
Did the (combo) update a couple days far the only issue I see is that my external FW800 drive is sleeping even though I have it set not to in System Prefs. I see this is a common complaint.

I use it as a TM backup drive and so far there has not been a problem since it seems to wake up properly whenever TM wants it to. I did set my monitor sleep time to an hour instead of 15 minutes, so it doesn't sleep as often, but am hesitant to disable monitor sleeping altogether right now (which supposedly is a workaround for the external drive sleeping issue) because I don't want my dual monitors on all the time.
Late 2010 MBP (i7, 16GB) upgraded (via legitimate dev account). Incredibly solid since the 2nd rev, and the 1st rev wasn't bad.

I'd agree, people who are not developers should not upgrade quite yet, and no one should run a beta OS on a mission-critical machine.

Just commenting no this because I couldn't agree more. I, too, have a legitimate Mac Dev account and I cannot figure out why non-dev's install beta versions of OS X and software, then turn around and complain about it? It's annoying reading through posts of people who (seem to) have no idea what they're talking about, let alone knowing what they're doing.

Back to Mountain Lion 10.8.5, when I updated from 10.8.4 everything was super, just a little laggy at first, but that went away after Spotlight was done reindexing.


Who needs Malware when you've got Apple to frack your machine up well enough already? But they got those multi-color iPhones with the Candyland color scheme OS out. That's what's important to Tim. Fashion. :rolleyes:

Not that people aren't experiencing problems with the update, but I guarantee the amount of people who experienced bugs on their 10.8.5 updates is less than 10% of Mac users. Given the amount of Macs in use today, that is not bad for an OTA update of an OS.

And I'm sure all Tim Cook cares about is fashion, let alone what people think of the new iOS (which saw an even bigger user upgrade margin then iOS 6 did)
Totally agree (with OP). It reminds me of my Windows days with all the problems.

-Firewall blocks network requests even though they are allowed.
-Issues with screen share using my apple ID as the authorisation.
-Seagate USB 3.0 drives no longer show capacity LEDs.
-iTunes keeps bringing up a lot of permission errors in disk utility (technically not a 10.8.5 issue).
-Network cuts out when using CCC. Never happened before 10.8.5.
-Had to do clean installs on two of my Macs to try to fix some of the above issues. Not fixed :(
-Had to rebuild an 8TB RAID to try to fix permission and 'drive sleeping' issues across the network.

Horrible upgrade. It gave me nothing but problems. It was really not thought out or put through full dev testing.


I think I may have the same (or similar) issue with two Seagate 4TB USB 3.0 drives. My drives kept going to sleep when using CCC across the network. "Put hard disks to sleep when possible" is unticked. I rebuilt/formatted the RAID. Took about 12 hours to reload 6TB of data. Fingers crossed it may have fixed the issue as I have had a few clear runs now.

Doesn't fix my issues but may helps some.
I have also been having problems with my external drives since the 10.8.5 update.

I use a Mid 2010 iMac as my main computer and I have a Late 2012 Mac Mini which is connected to the TV / Amp for media use only.

I have a Toshiba PA4236E-1HE0 500GB Stor.E ALU2S holding my audio files connected to the imac at all times and which draws its power from the iMac, powering up and down as the mac is turned on and off each day and I access this with the FreeSpace Tab app on my menubar. In addition I have a media back-up drive, Toshiba HDWC130EK3J1 Stor.E Canvio 3TB USB 3.0, connected to the iMac which I switch on from the mains switch if and when I need it.

The Mac mini has a similar set up, I use a Toshiba PA4239E-1HJ0 1TB Stor.E ALU2S USB 3.0 for my audio files and another Toshiba HDWC130EK3J1 Stor.E Canvio 3TB USB 3.0 as my main media drive. I do not use FreeSpace Tab on the mini.

I have been using the smaller drives without issue for months. They power up and down with the machines and draw power from their respective Macs. I use Vox as the audio player on both machines.

Since the 10.8.5 update I often get a "The disk you inserted is not readable by this computer" message. Especially at start-up and particularly in regard to the 3TB drives. If I start the Mac and then flick the power switch for the 3TB drive it always starts OK. No problem for t he one connected to the iMac but a pain when it comes to the one connected to the TV etc.

When the drives connected to the TV set-up sleep they sometimes display a "You failed to eject your drive..." style message even though they 'went to sleep' in the first place. I did nothing to them. I've tried Jettison to get around the problem but it has had minimal impact.

In the past everything connected to the Mini came on when the Mini was turned on. Now I have to leave the mini on permanently to avoid the "cannot read" situation at start-up.

I have bought a usb hub so I can start the drives after the mini has started to see if this gets around the problem. I'm still awaiting delivery.

The Toshiba 3TB drives have some kind of software in them that is supposed to power the drive down when it is not in use and I wonder if this is making them more prone to the drive issues. Maybe some drives are more susceptible to sleep and start-up error messages because of the back-up / power management software they contain?

This problem started with the update. Nothing else changed in my system(s). The drives are all under 12 months old.

So I'm with those who think the update has caused issues for some users. Maybe a minority but still customers whose systems now function worse as a result of an update.
Did the (combo) update a couple days far the only issue I see is that my external FW800 drive is sleeping even though I have it set not to in System Prefs. I see this is a common complaint.

The just released 10.8.5 supplemental update (12F45) fixed this issue for me. My external drives were spinning down when the display went to sleep, even though they were set not to do so.

I suspect this was related to the issue of external drives being ejected when the computer went to sleep, which was listed among the fixes for this update. Some sort of bug in the power management, perhaps. I never saw that particular issue because I never let my computer sleep (just the display).
10.8.5 on rMBP

I updated my rMBP and now the internal camera does not work in either FaceTime or Photo Booth: "There is no connected camera"

Additionally, why is the Mach_Kernel now visible in the root directory?
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