When searching for an App or Widget (Yes, Widgets now has its own Launchpad with everything App Launchpad has) through Launchpad, you can drag an Apps icon out of the search results, and it will exit the search results, and bring you back to the last Launchpad screen you were on, with the Icon still being hold onto, good for when you want to find a specific App to move into a Folder.
And heres some more clarification on the Launchpad for Widgets. Like I said, it has everything the App Launchpad has. (Which by the way is a Good sign, that they'll be bringing Widgets to the Mac App Store, instead of the Web Distribution which hasn't added a new Widget in over a year, completely abandoned it after Apple completely redesigned the site, strangely, which they strangely never highlighted at all, nor did any of the news outlets pick up, that they redesigned the site. And also good sign they may be bringing Widgets to iOS in a future update) Anyway heres some more screenshots showing off everything App Launchpad can do, Widgets Launchpad can do.
Which can of course be renamed.
Deletion, which holding down Option, or exclusice to the Dashboard Launchpad, clicking the Minus sign, will cause the Widgets to Wiggle, with X signs in their top left. And a confirmation window will even pop up asking you, "Are you sure you want to Delete Widget X"
And since theres no Mac App Store for Widgets you can delete ALL Widgets no matter where you downloaded them from using the X in the top left corner unlike Apps that you DIDN't download from The Mac App Store.
Preinstalled Apps & Widgets, and just like Preinstalled Mac Apps, Preinstalled Mac Widgets wont have an X in their top left corner to be deleted, (Which I don't get why people hate that on iOS)
Search, you can start typing when in the Widgets Launchpad and search results will come up live. (Also forgot to mention search feature starts working even when start typing when you have a Launchpad folder open, regardless of whether in App or Widget Launchpad.)
Share sheets is also supported in Contacts.
Theres a new New Built-In Contacts Finder. Doesn't work right now though.
Theres no a longer a MobileMe Preference Pane in OS X Lion, getting ready to totally phase it out.