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macrumors P6
Original poster
Oct 1, 2007
With the education apple event next week, and maybe announcing a cheaper 9.7 iPad with pencil functionality, but not pro somehow (no ASK connection port? Trimmed down from P3 screen like the 9.7 last year being more like air 1 than pro or even air2) I got to thinking we’re almost at the year mark fo the 2017 pro iPads, 10.5 and 12.9

How do you feel about it? Gonna stay put this year?

I’m really happy with my 12.9 gen 2 and think ill be staying put

Especially bc i have ASK and pencil

If i have to upgrade either of those, this endeavor gets even more expensive since I wouldn’t wanna forego them
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With the education apple event next week, and maybe announcing a cheaper 9.7 iPad with pencil functionality, but not pro somehow (no ASK connection port? Trimmed down from P3 screen like the 9.7 last year being more like air 1 than pro or even air2) I got to thinking we’re almost at the year mark fo the 2017 pro iPads, 10.5 and 12.9

How do you feel about it? Gonna stay put this year?

I’m really happy with my 12.9 gen 2 and think ill be staying put

Especially bc i have ASK and pencil

If i have to upgrade either of those, this endeavor gets even more expensive since I wouldn’t wanna forego them

I got my 10.5 early in the new year and there isn't anything they could come out with iPad related that would make me rethink my purchase or upgrade. It is a beast and has a glorious screen.
I have all current iPads and iPad Pros. All I could say is that iPad Pro simply is the best. I love the screen and the speed of the iPad Pro. Nothing else beats iPad (on the tablet side of things). However, i am thinking to return my iPad Pro 10.5 inch and getting the MS Surface 4 (The one with Core M) processor, currently running 600 dollar (including keyboard, Surface Pen). Still debating about it, I have until May to return my Costco Purchased iPad Pro 10.5.
What makes any of these devices Pro? I would say the processors. You can still use a stylus on the iPad 9.7. Whether its an iMac or MacBook or iPad, if its a Pro then just faster. However the newer models will always be faster. What works best is the one that fit your needs. I'm good with what I have. Now if Apple can fix iOS 11 especially the lock screen and short cut window I will be happy.
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Honestly, I'm hopping off the iPad upgrade treadmill. The only thing I ever use my 10.5 for is media consumption. Definitely not worth it for my limited uses. I still prefer using my rMBP and that is still my go to device when not using my 8+.
Pretty happy with my 10.5". I like the look of the iPhone X-style renders but can't help feeling it will just be impractical. I already find my current one harder to hold than my old Air 1 with thicker side bezels.

Nothing could really entice me to upgrade, should get a good 4 years out of it at least. Would rather spend my money on my phone/laptop.
Love my 10.5 256GB * Smart Keyboard Cover and it has easily become my primary computing device along with my phone. Light to moderate productivity with Office 365, web browsing & email, Apple Music, Sonos control, video consumption via iTunes purchases/rentals, Prime, Netflix, Now TV & YouTube, Audible audiobooks, Kindle books. The list goes on. And the machine goes *everywhere* I want it to., Work, kitchen, trips, lounge.

Only fire up my old 2011 MBP for the odd job that needs MacOS & applications that I can’t do on my IPP 10.5.

Don’t regret a single penny I’ve spent on it. Won’t be upgrading this year but safe to say when the time comes, it’ll be another IPP and will share just the one MacBook shared with my wife when its time to retire my 2011 MBP and her 2010 MBA. Only change I’d probably make is to go with the 4G/LTE model next time for even greater ‘go anywhere’-ness.
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Only Apple product I will keep for the time being......I don’t even care about mouse support anymore because my other devices do it with ease. I just like the smoothness of the iPad as a tablet only. I have no need for the Apple Pencil nor the keyboard. I don’t have to upgrade this thing for the next two years and will not be looking to upgrade it. It’s great as a tablet.
Love my 10.5 as a replacement for my Air 2. I haven't seen anything in the rumor mill for new models that I'm interested in at all.
I absolutely love my 10.5” IPP. I have no plans on selling or upgrading since it works perfectly for my needs. So much so that I’m going to be selling my rMBP soon.
I love my 10.5 inch as well, I am using it heavily. I actually just finished my bachelor thesis in psychology on it, I don’t need a keyboard if I have to heavily think about each sentence anyway.

The only issue I have is that the battery seems to be degrading slightly too fast for an iPad, Lirium Info lite says it’s about 78%-81% of the original capacity. The app states that it can only list results with 10% variation, but on my iPhone and my sisters iPhone it’s nearly consistently on point with Apple integrated results in the settings. It also subjectively doesn’t last as long. Might bring it to Apple before June to replace the battery.
I’m in a bit of a weird space right now with mine. I bought it (at a good discount), just after Christmas, and I do genuinely really love it. I went away for a few days over New Years and only took it, and my phone and it worked great. And weirdly I used it loads in the hotel room for Maps etc, but also Netflix in bed and stuff.

I work as IT Support in a pretty large college, so I pretty regualrly get to play with new devices, and the iPad has genuinely held up, and I use it a ton on my desk just to play music and check news and stuff, and I had it paired up to a magic keyboard for a while too, Just to see if I liked it.

But, I’ve got a 13” TB MBP, a 11” MBA and a MacMini at home sat around, and everything is a bit of a mess and I don’t know where I am with all my machines.

But the clincher I have right now, if that I’ve been using a Surface 3 at work, and it’s literally the perfect device, touchscreen as and when you want it. But the trackpad and keybard too. I know I can have the keyboard on the iPad, but you still have to reach out to touch it to interact with it.

It’s a fantastic device for consumption, but it sits in a frustrating place between useful and not useful...

tldr - I want a keyboard and trackpad for the iPad
Love my 10.5 pro i feel it's a great combo with my iphone x and macbook pro. Will likely upgrade to the new one with face ID. if it's an 11 inch ipad due to no home button will be a good size no doubt about it.
I used the 9.7" Pro from launch until July 2017 - during that time I used it as my primary computer, but always kept feeling like I wanted a bigger screen for a lot of uses but also felt like it was a bit big for reading books (I use iBooks a lot for reading).

So in July 2017 I switched to the 12.9" and eventually picked up a used mini 4 for reading books. The mini is such a great size for one handed book reading. And the 12.9 is incredible, especially when it spends most of the time on the ASK and on a desk. I use it at work for annotating PDFs a lot too which is so helpful.

But, somehow I still miss that perfect balance of large screen and light weight, and the 10.5 really hits that beautifully. The 12.9 feels a bit much to hold and use in portrait for more casual browsing like on the couch or in bed compared to when I used the 9.7. Anyway, curious to see a future redesign of the 10.5 and would likely pick that up as my go to iPad (still keep the 12.9 on my desk at home and mini 4 for book reading). 3 iPads.. so ridiculous, lol.
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I've had my IPP 10.5 for about 9 months now and still love it. I'm actually surprised at how much I use it since I didn't use my old iPad Mini nearly as much, even when I first got it. It's completely replaced my MacBook Pro (but not my PC).

I like to keep my devices for as long as possible. I don't see myself upgrading my iPad for at least another 3 or 4 years.
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No doubts at all here, and I won't be upgrading. I try to hold on to iPads as long as possible (my 10.5 replaced a 1st gen mini). The only considerations on my mind are whether I want to get the ASK (I've been using a Logitech K380). I think the 10.5 is the perfect size. When I need a bigger screen it also tends to be the case I also need a traditional computer as well. So I switch to my 15" MBP, which I can connect to my dual 4K monitors.
First time iPad user after several years of Android tablet ownership. I’m only several weeks into ownership of a new 12.9” IPP on Verizon and I’m loving it. Form factor is perfect for what I use it for which on the personal entertainment side is media consumption and couch web browsing. When at home or the office I really don’t find the 12.9” to be too big at all. I do however recognize its heft when considering carrying it on errands or a trip to the mall with the family (where I’ll typically grab a cup of coffee and find a bench to web surf on rather than shop LOL).

On the productivity side I’m finding it fantastic for the primary purpose that I purchased it for which is document review in PDF format. I’ll still grab my 15” rMBP to do heavy lifting and now with the 12.9” I’ll do dual monitor using Duet which works great for me.

Looking forward to seeing what lies ahead for the iPad Pro lineup even if I don’t intend to upgrade for another year or so.
I love my 10.5 Pro. I can’t see a reason to upgrade even with a major redesign. This thing is a beast. But who knows how it’ll be gimped when iOS 12 drops. Hopefully not since Apple seems to have heard the community loud and clear to lay off the flashy new features and make iOS more smooth and stable.
I'm coming up on two years with my iPad Pro 12.9". It has more or less replaced my MacBook as my main computer. The only issues two years later are that my smart keyboard is a bit worn (I probably will buy a replacement) and the battery life is a bit weaker than it was at the beginning. Otherwise it has been a home run. I look forward either to upgrading to the current 12.9" or buying whatever the replacement is later this year.

For what is worth, I almost never use the Pencil (it basically stays sheathed in my leather sleeve)
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