Ah, misunderstood the part about your devices choking when importing from SD. I thought that had been an ongoing problem. You did write this:
"A third-party SD card reader and app can show me the names of photo and video files on an SD card but i'OS can't or won't. Every app seems to "sandbox" its files so you can't get to a video that's in Photos with VLC. You have to (try to) copy videos from one app to another so you have several copies of the same video. That's just plain stupid."
Personally, I wouldn't have trusted iOS + Photos app for importing thousands of images from SD card. Besides, I've always found the native Photos app awful for organizing pictures. Given how restrictive iOS is, I guess it's just instinct for me not to use iOS for tasks better served by an operating system with file system access. Mind, when I bought my first iPad (2011), I already knew about the sand boxing and no file system access. For one thing, I've had an iPhone since the original. For another, that's the most common complaint I've seen in Android vs iOS discussions.
The iPP 9.7 was my first iOS device. I'd had no desire to own one until I thought about the form factor for viewing pics. The ASK was a nice bonus and I like the form factor.
I use the iPad for importing, viewing, and favoriting, not for organizing. The Photos app works great for scrubbing through a bunch of photos (most of which I don't want to keep), "favoriting" the few I do want to keep (typically 300-400 of 10-20K). I transfer the favorites to my Windows desktop (where they are organized into folders by date) then wipe all the photos off the iPad. (These are trail camera photos. Most cards have from 150 to a little over a thousand pics on them, most in sequences of 3 or 5. I don't have to look at many pics closely to determine whether they are keepers or not.)
I have used a 13" Windows laptop, a Surface Pro 3, a Surface 3. All of those are too big, not to mention the "joy" of dragging and dropping with either track pad or touch when riding in a bouncy pickup truck. The Dell 8" Windows tablet was too small.
I haven't tried Android, but I think dragging and dropping would be the same PITA.
The ease of "scrubbing" through hundreds or thousands of pics, stopping on the ones that look interesting and viewing those in more detail, then "favoriting" the ones I want to keep, is the least annoying way that I have found to go through a ton of photos. It's so much faster than clicking or flicking from one to the next like I have to do in Windows (and probably Android). It cuts way down on the time I spend, which is important to me since dealing with photos takes hours each time we run cameras.
I know it sounds weird to use an iPad the way I do, but for that one task, the experience is far better and easier than with anything else that I've tried. I've learned to adjust to the other things that bug me. I've just now realized that if I move the "last import" photos to a temp album, I can easily delete everything from temp (to clean off the iPad) once I've transferred the favorites to the Windows desktop.
I think that Apple will fix the missing photos problem now that they are aware of it. I'm probably far from the only one who has experienced it but most people would never notice. I just happen to be curious and detail-oriented and I have the programming skills to be able to ferret out the differences in the photos on the card vs. the photos that were imported. Apple tech support has confirmed the problem, the tech support guy seemed very concerned.
For now, I'll import the photos, then manually check the ones that I know are missing using the other card reader. I won't have many SD cards the next time we run cameras and maybe the problem will be resolved by the time we get more cameras out in the field.
In the thread I linked to he mentions that a laptop is not an option he can use in his field application.
She.... (Libby for Elizabeth)