is anybody here who is in absolute shock ! And mourning about the news that the 10.5" iPad Pro is now going to be made bigger to 11" I mean cmon Apple you are going on increasing the size of the most ideal size tablet from 9.7" it went to 10.5" and now to 11" why do you not think portability does matter a lot to a lof people, which was also the concept and idea behind a on the go device like the iPad ! I don't know if Steve Jobs would have been alive how much would he have been in favor of this ! I mean having an extra screen estate is welcomed but not at the cost of portability and compactness. Having 11" iPad will be so dangerously close and cannibalizing the concept of 12.9" iPad Pro. I mean on why on earth would someone want to have a 11" tablet if he wants to go that big I think he would be nudging extremely close to having a MacBook Air or a 13" MBP ! He might aswell have that ! I don't get it ! 11" iPad Pro is just an overkill ! Not required in all honesty !!