I agonized and read this thread for months before buying a 12.9“ iPad Pro 2020 on the day it was released. This is my first iPad Pro. I have owned the original iPad and the Mini 2, so the 12.9 Pro is the biggest I’ve ever owned.
It is unquestionably a trade-off, but I’m pleased. And the things I like about the large size are not ones I expected. I chose it because I wanted full-width split screen multitasking and lots of drawing space. But after using it regularly, I find I don’t draw much, and don’t multitask that often. In daily use, the advantages of the 12.9 are other things that I hadn’t anticipated:’’
The fact that the on-screen virtual keyboard is full sized means that I can touch-type quickly with it. That’s something I have never been able to do on an iPad before. It’s really nice. I will probably not buy the Smart Keyboard, because I can probably do 70 wpm on the virtual keyboard.
Ebooks are amazing on the 12.9. I have presbyopia, but the 12.9 lets me make anything super-legible. PDFs can be zoomed nicely. News stories and web articles are a joy with the Reader View. The Books app lets me make the text huge, and unlike on smaller iPads, there’s still plenty of words on the screen.
Viewing photos and showing them to others is also amazing on the 12.9. I don’t think there’s a better device for that job. And I don’t think photos would be as impressive on the smaller screen.
I work from home, and do a lot of reading on my iPad, but rarely travel. If I did, I’d want the Mini. And actually, I will buy a Mini Pro if Apple ever makes one.