Wow...there is A LOT of melodrama in that post! LOL....
Apple did not do a "poor job implementing MiniLED"....They did a fine job overall. The screen is truly the best you can get on a device of that size. What's hilarious to me about "huge problems" such as this is that they almost always are reliant on the consumer doing something that they just aren't normally going to do a whole lot. And the effect that happens isn't ever the end-of-the-world, either.
For example, how many times are you honestly going to want to take notes on a black screen in a totally blacked-out room? Come on.
And when you set an alarm - even if it's in the dark - does it really matter that much if there is a slight halo for the 15-30 seconds that it takes for you to set it? *eyeroll*
Most, if not all, of the photos and videos that are being used to show the blooming are inherent exaggerations of what is truly happening, since a photo and video capture in the dark is not nearly as precise as what the human eye can see. In other words, a camera will perceive blooming as being worse because its "vision" is less accurate, similar to a person who is near or farsighted compared to a person with 20/20 vision. If you have to go to extra lengths to recreate a problem, then guess what - Most of the time, it isn't a huge problem!
This statement is also quite amusing: "Watching dark scenes in a dark environment (as movies should be watched) is almost imposbile if you value picture quality." LOL...No, it is not "impossible if you value picture quality." It's totally fine and almost all of the time, you won't even see any effect because of the movement of the video and the transitions.
Every time a device with new technology rolls out, there is a sub-group of people who expect everything on it to work exactly as they want it to - no questions asked. Every pixel has to be 100% perfect, the design has to be 100% flawless and any tech issue at all - even if they can be tweaked by a software update - is instant grounds for them to rage and go completely overboard.
The issue overall is vastly blown out of proportion and Apple clearly has an ability to address it at least in part through upcoming software updates. In the meantime, people need to take a chill-pill, relax and enjoy the new tech for what it DOES amazing screen for an iPad and the best in its class.