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"iPhone-only apps look horrible" and "There's no USB port" has to be two of the dumbest complaints about a device I read in recent history.

I don't take issue with the fact that no usb port was mentioned. While obvious to those in the know - not everyone has looked at the specs (the average joe) nor do they know what it can and can't do.

People should know that you can't just hook up a printer, scanner, 3G Modem stick or extra storage directly to the device.

What some people here fail to realize is that these reviews aren't written (just) for people like the ones on MacRumors - but for - you know - the rest of the world? Sorry to be snarky - but stop living in a bubble. Shocker - there are still people - a lot of people - that don't even know what an iPad is or that it was released.

Referring to some of these types of reviews as stupid IS stupid. People look all over the net for various opinions from various places they know and/or trust or have been aligned with in the past regarding their views.

For example - there are movie reviewers who I value more than others. Not because one is better than the other - but because their tastes seem to mimic mine. So when they give their opinion and either recommend or pan a movie, I'm more likely to agree. Others, who are just as good reviewers I don't agree with some/most/all of the time and therefor I don't weigh them the same.
Worth repeating, 1.5lbs is not heavy. I'm sorry but when you lead with this the rest become moot. Women or not her points make no sense. It's not an ATM machine either, where's that point?
That was about as intelligent & thoughtful an article as you could expect from PMSNBC. :rolleyes: Just waiting for Oblaberman to declare it "Worst Tablet of the Week." JooJoo FTW.
I don't take issue with the fact that no usb port was mentioned. While obvious to those in the know - not everyone has looked at the specs (the average joe) nor do they know what it can and can't do.

People should know that you can't just hook up a printer, scanner, 3G Modem stick or extra storage directly to the device.

The iPad is not advertised as such. As simple as that. Nor does it try to be a computer. In fact, everything it does is done in a completely different manner than a mac or a PC.

It is for people that don't need a full-fledged computer but need to browse the web, do some word processing, watch music and read books, and do various other things with the assortment of third-party apps. It is convenient, simple, fast, and above all others: intuitive.

The article gripping about the lack of USB ports means they have no idea who this device is for and what it is trying to achieve. And I know this is surprising, but this particular device IS actually for the rest of the world. Only a nerd will start complaining about things like multitasking and usb ports.
The iPad is not advertised as such. As simple as that. Nor does it try to be a computer. In fact, everything it does is done in a completely different manner than a mac or a PC.

It is for people that don't need a full-fledged computer but need to browse the web, do some word processing, watch music and read books, and do various other things with the assortment of third-party apps. It is convenient, simple, fast, and above all others: intuitive.

The article gripping about the lack of USB ports means they have no idea who this device is for and what it is trying to achieve. And I know this is surprising, but this particular device IS actually for the rest of the world. Only a nerd will start complaining about things like multitasking and usb ports.

See I wish I could put my thoughts into a nice sounding, formatted correct paragraph.

Mine turns into: "bad article, junk - poo poo head"

Nonetheless I agree with what you said.
input on the "shortcomings"

I have to say your responses were spot on! I don't get why they had to double up on the glare issue. Maybe because 13 sounded better than 12 issues?

Either way, people are just getting too nitpicky. It'll multitask, just wait till they jailbreak it. Other than that, it's what, a whole 3 days old? Chill out for a moment, god
That's because it is for the most part. If you have a need for such a device, then what difference does it make on what it is/isn't?

Yeah...I know..visually it's the same. I guess it's when you hear it from the 'tech' guys that really makes me burn. I mean, they are quick to point out how 'this' is not 'that'..even though it looks like 'this'. If you go over to and read how they are falling all over themselves about the HP Slate. Oh. My. God.

To me, it's just a familiar netbook (specwise) crammed into a new tablet. Whereas, the iPad is new hardware crammed into a familiar (visually) tablet.

Tell them the Slate is just a netbook in a tablet case and there is great crying and gnashing of teeth...<sigh>, yeah, it does get on my nerves.

I would be fine with "a new architecture in a familiar design, similar to an iPod touch"...but they phrase it in a way that is negative..

Did that make sense? Not trying to be asked my why that comment would attract my I was being as honest as I can.
I would hardly call the MSNBC article an "unbiased" appraisal of the iPad.

They use the typical "cool" description for people who want to own one, which in my mind usually comes from Apple haters who want to mock anyone who buy's Apple products.

They also exaggerate some of the complaints about the iPad and make them out to be bigger problems than they are. Such as suggesting that if you were to take the iPad anywhere you need to bring the charging cable. Really? With 10 hours of battery life you HAVE to have the charging cable with you at all times? I don't think so.
The 14th shortcoming...
Some of the gripes were reasonable. The thing about not being able to read on the subway (linked article about 3 posts back) was a valid point as well. Lastly, the gripe about feeling burned when "something better" comes out for second gen is spot on. I'm willing to pay the "early adopter tax" and support this important shift in the way we do computing. Let's say an Ipad can do 30% of what a netbook can do. Ok. Fine. If that 30% happens to be all I ever used my netbook for then I'm good to go. I want to lose the "L-shaped" form factor that is currently the smallest footprint for a large-screened portable computing device. On old Star Trek episodes, you could see them walking around with translucent clipboards that were interactive tablet devices running the mythical "LCARS" made for TV user interface. The iPad is the first credible step in that direction. Those who whine about the iPad not being a general purpose computer are not totally off base. I believe that when OS 4.0 comes out, those of us who want the iPad to be "something more" will be partially vindicated.

But I can't believe the MSNBC review missed something pretty obvious in their 13 flaws: No filesystem. I know it's not a netbook and I'm not trying to make it a netbook, but if I receive an excel file in an email and want to save a copy locally I can't. If I then want to edit it in Numbers, save it with a different name then send it back I can't. Not without some 3rd party software. So far, every third party app I have tried has its own little private filesystem "world". Goodreader, Air Sharing HD, filebrowser each have separate firewalled file areas. The only shared file area seems to be the "camera roll". Just for image files. iPad apps should all be able to "see" each other's data files. Note that I'm not (yet) trying to make the iPad something it's not. I'm merely trying to exchange information between two apps.
File System


I saw two 'file managers' on the app store last have a good argument and have said several times you wanted to have that. I meant to copy the name and post it...but just remembered, and of course, I hadn't downloaed the iTunes 9.1 here at work (doing that now). I am not all that interested but did gloss over them...when I can get back on iTunes i'll look them up and post them. One looked very 'Microsoft File Explorer' -esque...interesting since that is 'the' easiest file system I have ever used. Love my macs but growing up with windows does leave you wanting that same file-tree look (for good or bad).

As far as getting burned when something better comes out..<sigh>...yeah, I am still hoping this doesn't happen. This is my 1st release from Apple since the original iMac I got for my wife. I even waited for my iPhone. I do understand. I got a Samsung DLP that cost me $3400. The next year they were down to $1900 (almost half) then the next year they had LED backlighting and were down to $1300. So it's not just could even be cars or appliances...just the luck I guess.

I'll let you know about those file programs.

The whole shock to me, and pleasant shock too, is that everyone here is so mad at MSNBC. MSNBC is an extremely liberal news agency. Apple is a progressive an very LIBERAL company. I am a conservative, not fanatical just conservative, and diehard Apple convert. Nothing PC's in my house! I love my Apple products and frequently camp out for the launch events. I'm probably a fanboy, but I always acknowledge the short comings. I still love the devices though! But to my point, I always love it when extremists on either side are bashed; however I'm shocked that it's the liberal press that's being bashed! Bravo for bashing both sides! Centrist is the way to go! :)

On the flip side MSNBC has to bash Apple. Microsoft is a major holder in the company. They're just jealous that Apple has hit yet another home run!

I saw two 'file managers' on the app store last have a good argument and have said several times you wanted to have that. I meant to copy the name and post it...but just remembered, and of course, I hadn't downloaed the iTunes 9.1 here at work (doing that now). I am not all that interested but did gloss over them...when I can get back on iTunes i'll look them up and post them. One looked very 'Microsoft File Explorer' -esque...interesting since that is 'the' easiest file system I have ever used. Love my macs but growing up with windows does leave you wanting that same file-tree look (for good or bad).

As far as getting burned when something better comes out..<sigh>...yeah, I am still hoping this doesn't happen. This is my 1st release from Apple since the original iMac I got for my wife. I even waited for my iPhone. I do understand. I got a Samsung DLP that cost me $3400. The next year they were down to $1900 (almost half) then the next year they had LED backlighting and were down to $1300. So it's not just could even be cars or appliances...just the luck I guess.

I'll let you know about those file programs.


Please let me know what file manager works for you! TIA!

The whole shock to me, and pleasant shock too, is that everyone here is so mad at MSNBC. MSNBC is an extremely liberal news agency. Apple is a progressive an very LIBERAL company. I am a conservative, not fanatical just conservative, and diehard Apple convert. Nothing PC's in my house! I love my Apple products and frequently camp out for the launch events. I'm probably a fanboy, but I always acknowledge the short comings. I still love the devices though! But to my point, I always love it when extremists on either side are bashed; however I'm shocked that it's the liberal press that's being bashed! Bravo for bashing both sides! Centrist is the way to go! :)

On the flip side MSNBC has to bash Apple. Microsoft is a major holder in the company. They're just jealous that Apple has hit yet another home run!

Doh! I had forgotten about the MS in MSNBC. :rolleyes: BTW, a certain guy named Rush Limbaugh uses Macs. I laughed out loud when I heard that. My household is all Mac as well. I'd rather watch Oberman and Maddow than Beck and Palin. So it appears Mac stuff works well on both sides of the aisle. ;)
About the only other cliche they didn't hit on was the lack of a camera. :rolleyes: I don't have a Kindle, but I do have a Nook which also uses e-ink. The iPad is a metric boatload easier to read. There's nothing wrong with the onscreen keyboard, but, yes, there is a minor learning curve to using/getting comfortable with it. How onerous! ;) And what is it with people in reviews (and even on this forum) with how heavy it is? Most of what I do on it is while it's held in my hands and it's *not* heavy! Good gravy, if a 50 year-old woman isn't finding it a "burden" maybe some of those guys need to push away from the computer and do a push-up or five. :D (shakes head sadly and mumbles something about "young people nowadays". Also something about "get off my lawn").
There are some good points in the article but other things I disagree with, of course.

-On screen keyboard is fantastic, no problems like reviewer mentioned
-Smudge screen? Whocares, every device has this problem! Dur! That's why I have a cleaning kit already for all of my electronics.
-How would anyone expect to be able to put a big screen device in their pocket? Just stupid to even comment on.
Reviews tend to be subjective no matter how "objective" one tries to be. It's always going to be slanted with biases unless you post an review looking at both sides (and there was one posted on here which got slammed because people complained the reviewer tried too much to appeal to both techies and not)

Seems like you can't win no matter how you review a product.

That being said - as I posted earlier - while people on MR might think a lot of these shortcomings were obvious when announced, that doesn't mean squat to the millions of people who might still not even know what an iPad is let alone what the specs are.

Clearly this review has gotten under a few of your skins. I don't know why. Not everyone is going to love the iPad. Know how they'd use it themselves. Or even be able to suggest it as a product you must get. Different strokes for different folks. Seems like no one has an issue here when bad reviews come out for stuff like the joojoo or other tablet devices.

Take the article and put it into perspective instead of getting fired up so much about it.
Mostly spot-OFF. We all know on Thursday we'll find out officially about multi-tasking in OS 4.0, which we know unofficially is coming. "Iphone-only apps look horrible" - okay, I'll give them that, but is that really a legit gripe? I know they're saying that Apple is pushing the Ipad on the fact that they have a huge app store base, but for me, I'm not using apps on the Ipad like I do on my Iphone. "It's slippery, it's awkward, it's heavy, it's glary, it gets fingerprints" . . . this article sounds like it was written by the highly defensive Irwin Mainway of Mainway Toys.

The fingerprints one is hilarious. Seriously? Fingerprints? These guys have never heard of "wiping"? When I need to, I just grab a microfiber towel and give my Ipad a couple of swipes with it. It doesn't take much - it's much less fingerprint-prone than my 3G Iphone, that's for sure.

The whole thing just reads like an assignment - "Come up with at least a dozen negative things about the Ipad. I don't care what they are, but we need something negative to run about this thing." And what they came up with is barrel-scrapings.
Worth repeating, 1.5lbs is not heavy. I'm sorry but when you lead with this the rest become moot. Women or not her points make no sense. It's not an ATM machine either, where's that point?

Go home grab a 1 lb soup can and hold it for 5 minutes with one hand as if it were a magazine you were reading. Not fun and it's only 1 lb.
The article is pretty much spot on, I love the device but I am not blind to it's shortcomings. I agree with all the points except the keyboard. I actually really like the keyboard and find it easy to use. It is a pretty amazing device even with it's shortcomings mainly because there is nothing else like it out there and I wouldn't give it up for the world at this point in time. However if a device was available without all the shortcomings then I certainly would trade this iPad in for whatever that device was in a heartbeat!

I have no brand loyalty LOL I use a windows desktop, an android phone and an apple iPad. I don't care who makes the device I just use whatever I deem to be best for the task at hand.
I don't like the keyboard and feel that typing is cumbersome but I always use the device with two hands (not a case with a stand). I wish apple made each key slightly smaller and shifted the keys to the left and right with a gap in the middle of the keyboard. That way I could reach all keys when holding the device in it's original position (home button towards the ground).
That would be me... the evil o.p. It's been my homepage since the 90s.
I'll make no excuses... I like it.... it's easy to navigate... and the stuff I want to read is all there.

Easy to read is a good point, news sites are by far the worst offenders in legible layouts. If you can navigate it easily then you've found a winner in my book, regardless of the source.
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