Worth repeating, 1.5lbs is not heavy. I'm sorry but when you lead with this the rest become moot. Women or not her points make no sense. It's not an ATM machine either, where's that point?
Yeah... seriously... go work out if you can't hold 1.5lbs over an hour or two. 1.5lbs is about as light as it gets as well, so I don't understand all the whining.
Some points are good, but most are TRASH!
Some points I would throw out.
1. Its awkward - Opinion
2. Its heavy - Opinion/work out
3. Its slippery - Wear non-slip gloves? The rest of us will just easily hold it.
4. Glare - GO INSIDE?
5. Reading in the sun - eBooks are about the only device good for reading in the sun. Who wants to read in the sun?
6. Fingerprints are annoying - Okay, this article is annoying, big deal?
The points that are good/real
1. No multitask - obvious truth
2. Limited browser - Agreed, where are the friggen tabs?
3. Virtual keyboard stinks - Amen. Anyone who says otherwise is fooling themselves. No one can type as fast as on a regular keyboard with this thing.
4. No USB Port - Not so much just USB, but any kind of universal port at all
5. Doesn't replace anything - Very true, so it may not be for everyone.
6. Iphone apps look horrible - True/duh