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macrumors 603
Original poster
May 20, 2011
Dublin, Ireland
Exactly 2 weeks ago I had to strong urge to go and buy an android phone and I went out and got the Samsung Galaxy Nexus. It's an amazing phone and has a beautiful screen. I rooted it and installed a ROM and theme and kernel and all that but even after that it just didn't feel right. I missed my iPhone too much. My jailbroken 4S is way more customizable than the GNex. Maybe I'm just not familiar with android enough to customize it like I have with my 4S. Good thing I still have my 4S. I'm gonna go get a micro sim from my carrier tomorrow and try to forget about the $700 I spent..

Why should you care? I dunno.. I just needed to get this out there and maybe some of the people who feel like they want to try an android phone won't want to after reading this. Of course this is just my opinion. I'm sure there will be people who switch to android and never look back. In the end, I wouldn't have known unless I tried it for an extended period of time. I just wish I had gotten a cheaper or used one to start with.


macrumors 603
Original poster
May 20, 2011
Dublin, Ireland
I tried Android as well (galaxy s II for Att) but little things about android bugged the hell out of me :(

Glad to see you only lost $20 :p
I'm gonna give it to my sister since she also feels like switching to Android..

The GNex was too big for me. It was really hard pulling the notifications down from the top of the screen with one hand. That's one of the things. I also hated the icons being different sizes!


macrumors 6502
Nov 7, 2008
Columbus, OH
I didn't try as nice of a phone as you (I had the droid 2 while I transitioned between the iPhone 4 with AT&T and 4S with Verizon), but I definitely missed my iPhone the whole time. I might as well have had a dumb phone because I rarely got on the Internet, rarely used Tweetdeck, which I love, and hated checking my mail.

Lesson: Never underestimate the power of a simple user interface (and gorgeous screen).


macrumors 68000
Jan 11, 2011
Glad to see you only lost $20 :p
I'm gonna give it to my sister since she also feels like switching to Android..

The GNex was too big for me. It was really hard pulling the notifications down from the top of the screen with one hand. That's one of the things. I also hated the icons being different sizes!

Your a great brother to give your sis a $700 present! :eek:

Can I join the family? ;)

But yeah we're in agreement. I didn't like the amoled screen compared to ips as well as the hiccups, random sized icons, pixilation, how long it took to charge, etc, etc, etc...


macrumors 603
Jul 12, 2008
Las Vegas, NV
Exactly 2 weeks ago I had to strong urge to go and buy an android phone and I went out and got the Samsung Galaxy Nexus. It's an amazing phone and has a beautiful screen. I rooted it and installed a ROM and theme and kernel and all that but even after that it just didn't feel right. I missed my iPhone too much. My jailbroken 4S is way more customizable than the GNex. Maybe I'm just not familiar with android enough to customize it like I have with my 4S. Good thing I still have my 4S. I'm gonna go get a micro sim from my carrier tomorrow and try to forget about the $700 I spent..

Why should you care? I dunno.. I just needed to get this out there and maybe some of the people who feel like they want to try an android phone won't want to after reading this. Of course this is just my opinion. I'm sure there will be people who switch to android and never look back. In the end, I wouldn't have known unless I tried it for an extended period of time. I just wish I had gotten a cheaper or used one to start with.

Id say that is very true if that is your conclusion. There is no possible way if you rooted it and used custom ROMs and all that stuff you can say a jailbroken iPhone is way more customizable.
Hec, unrooted an Android is more customizable imo. I see many people who say the SBSettings function is the most important thing in jailbreaking.... thats standard stuff on Android.

There is so much more you can do on Android. Different keyboards, launchers and the way you want it to work, so many ways to customize your SMS....the list is endless.
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macrumors 68020
Jun 22, 2010
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 5_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/534.46 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.1 Mobile/9B179 Safari/7534.48.3)

That's a cool story, guy.


macrumors 603
Original poster
May 20, 2011
Dublin, Ireland
I didn't try as nice of a phone as you (I had the droid 2 while I transitioned between the iPhone 4 with AT&T and 4S with Verizon), but I definitely missed my iPhone the whole time. I might as well have had a dumb phone because I rarely got on the Internet, rarely used Tweetdeck, which I love, and hated checking my mail.

Lesson: Never underestimate the power of a simple user interface (and gorgeous screen).

Agreed. When they say it just works they werent kidding.

Id say that is very true if that is your conclusion. There is no possible way if you rooted it and used custom ROMs and all that stuff you can say a jailbroken iPhone is way more customizable.
Hec, unrooted an Android is more customizable imo. I see many people who say the SBSettings function is the most important thing in jailbreaking.... thats standard stuff on Android.

There is so much more you can do on Android. Different keyboards, launchers and the way you want it to work, so many ways to customize your SMS....the list is endless.

I don't use sbsettings. I have intelliscreenx and use its quick controls. I am sure there was still a lot more to learn about android and rooting but I did have a custom ROM, kernel, radio, launcher and theme. It was great I honestly loved it but it just didn't feel like home.


macrumors 68040
Oct 15, 2008
I'm sure there will be people who switch to android and never look back.

I'm one of them. I wouldn't use an iOS device anymore even if you paid me for it.

Why? Because an Android device is --MY-- device. For an iOS device, I only get a a restricted use license. And if I have to jailbreak something to turn it into something halfway useful, that thing isn't worth buying in the first place.

Now they're rather quickly turning OS X into the same pile of garbage that iOS is. I don't want to be restricted, so I guess that my Mac will become a Linux machine in the very near future.


macrumors newbie
Feb 4, 2011
I was looking for a new phone a couple of weeks ago,and a friend of mine recommended the Galaxy S2 because he has one. So, he let me try his phone for 2 days... and thanks God I did that!!!
I'm so happy with my 4s:D


macrumors 68000
Apr 18, 2010
Like a bird on it's belly!



macrumors Haswell
May 3, 2009
the one thing that brought me back from android to the iPhone is apple's integrated environment.

Some people will chafe under apple's closed garden environment and that's ok - to each his own.

For me, it was a pain to have my music and videos in iTunes and not cleanly, easily synced. I tried a number of apps to do it, and none did it as easily as if I owned the iPhone. I still own some DRM music and video is DRM so that was impacted. I'm also using ibooks a lot and that means I could read the books on my phone (which I do as I commute).

Michael Huff

macrumors newbie
Mar 8, 2012
Are you kidding ?!

Of course you missed it! It's the best phone out there. Like you, I got the urge to see what else was out there. Believe me, after a year of putting up with wondering whether or not I was going to get the next version of Google's bull$#!+ Android OS, all the fragmentation it caused across different platforms and the ridiculous, hiccuppy, laggy performance (it was a Verizon Motorola Droid 2, by the way) I went screaming back to iPhone and got the 4S. I'm not looking back. Trust me, anyone who "prefers" Android is just an Apple hater who's willing to put up with ANYTHING as long as Apple's not involved with it.


macrumors 6502a
Nov 15, 2010
Of course you missed it! It's the best phone out there. Like you, I got the urge to see what else was out there. Believe me, after a year of putting up with wondering whether or not I was going to get the next version of Google's bull$#!+ Android OS, all the fragmentation it caused across different platforms and the ridiculous, hiccuppy, laggy performance (it was a Verizon Motorola Droid 2, by the way) I went screaming back to iPhone and got the 4S. I'm not looking back. Trust me, anyone who "prefers" Android is just an Apple hater who's willing to put up with ANYTHING as long as Apple's not involved with it.

sure thing


macrumors 604
Oct 26, 2008
What does iOS not do unjailbroken that is so important to you folks?

I can't answer that in whole. I have been jail broken so long and the programs I use are so integrated in my usage routine I would have to call up cydia to list all the jailbroken apps I use.

The funniest thing was watching my wife's swiping the status bar expecting sbsettings to pop up on her sister in laws iPad.

All see want to do was turn on location.

Not leave the current app, start up settings, find location, turn it on, then go back to the original app.

We had a group of 18 avid jail breakers, 15 are now on android and have been for a while. I personally like either iOS or android. But then again I am jailbroken.


macrumors Haswell
May 3, 2009
Trust me, anyone who "prefers" Android is just an Apple hater who's willing to put up with ANYTHING as long as Apple's not involved with it.
No, believe it or not, people prefer Android in part because they like it better then apple. You're not a hater just because you picked a product that better suits your needs.

I've used android and like it, as I stated. I think iOS has a lot going for it, that makes its a better option but I'm not an apple hater, yet I used android for an extended period.


macrumors G4
Jan 8, 2012
Of course you missed it! It's the best phone out there. Like you, I got the urge to see what else was out there. Believe me, after a year of putting up with wondering whether or not I was going to get the next version of Google's bull$#!+ Android OS, all the fragmentation it caused across different platforms and the ridiculous, hiccuppy, laggy performance (it was a Verizon Motorola Droid 2, by the way) I went screaming back to iPhone and got the 4S. I'm not looking back. Trust me, anyone who "prefers" Android is just an Apple hater who's willing to put up with ANYTHING as long as Apple's not involved with it.

I disagree I have both a prefer each for different reasons. I finally settled on an android tablet and an iPhone.

It works for me because the iPhone is fast and easy to use plus I prefer the chat like text messaging. Plus a host of other reasons.

I prefer the android tablet because it's 4g with free tethering with Verizon. It can stream movies without apple tv to game consoles, has more on board storage (with sd card), can download anything from the web, flash (dying tech thank god but so much of the Internet still uses it), and a easy to use file system.

I still like my Razr and iPad 2 (girlfriends now) but a combination of both work for me.


macrumors 6502a
Oct 15, 2011
I used the BB Bold2 and the HTC DesireZ for the one year between when my OG iphone finally died somewhere in November '10 (after 3 years of hardcore use) and November '11, till I got my iPhone 4S... Trust me the experience has scarred me for life... :p

No seriously... I am never going back to either of those platforms... EVER...! I might give Nokia (my oldest friend for many many years) another shot once windows sorts itself out... But just as a secondary phone or something...

I have posted my complete experience here...


Mar 28, 2010
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 5_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/534.46 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.1 Mobile/9B179 Safari/7534.48.3)

I left for android a few weeks ago for about 3 days. Traded my 4S for a skyrocket and the browser crashed all the time.

Luckily I have 2 lines and both were up for upgrades. I sold my skyrocket to radio shack and got a credit of like 230 and the 4s was only 173 on sale

I made out like a boss with that trade


macrumors 65816
May 14, 2010
South FL
My jailbroken 4S is way more customizable than the GNex. Maybe I'm just not familiar with android enough to customize it like I have with my 4S.
Not sure how you came to that conclusion since you rooted and flashed Rom's and kernals (also depends on which ones as some are mehhh), as I've jailbroken iPhones for years including our 4S. Not even close to the customizing ability of Android OS. But I think you answered your own question, you weren't familiar with it. I was the same way for a few days when I got the GSII as I was one of the ones before ragging on Android before, but now I love the phone and haven't looked back. Both are great phones/os's just depends on which you prefer and at least you gave it a shot to try, can't go wrong either way. Just like some will prefer windows and some prefer os/x.

Guess I have the best of both worlds, iOS/Android and OSX/Win7 on the Macs haha
Of course you missed it! It's the best phone out there. Like you, I got the urge to see what else was out there. Believe me, after a year of putting up with wondering whether or not I was going to get the next version of Google's bull$#!+ Android OS, all the fragmentation it caused across different platforms and the ridiculous, hiccuppy, laggy performance (it was a Verizon Motorola Droid 2, by the way) I went screaming back to iPhone and got the 4S. I'm not looking back.
I love when people talk about how Android sucks and this and that, when it's almost always an phone from years ago they used, and a phone that wasn't even good for it's time when it came out (Droid 2 lol). Said it before, my i777 GSII is smooth and fast, no lag, no hiccups, actually no glitches unlike what I've had across iOS on multiple devices especially iOS5.

Trust me, anyone who "prefers" Android is just an Apple hater who's willing to put up with ANYTHING as long as Apple's not involved with it.
Apple hater? I wouldn't still have iPhones and Apple computers and other Apple products if I was a hater :rolleyes: . A true "hater" would make a statement just like you did lol... so here's a lil more koolaid on me for you to drink

What does iOS not do unjailbroken that is so important to you folks?
Serious? here's an example:

SBSettings - worth it just to jb for this alone, so much more efficient and better then Apples setup and it integrates perfectly with the notification center... why Apple doesn't do this is beyond me
5/6 icon docks and scrolling dock options
Gridlock to place app's anywhere on pages
Barrel (gives the borring OS new life when switching pages, mine's set to curl and roll away)
FolderEnhancer to replace the dumb Apple folder system, no more restricted # of apps per folder, and can have folders within a folder (great having a game folder that's organized like actions, puzzles, shooting etc.... or same for business folders)
Quickscroll2 is awesome when browsing
iFile - enough said
Activator - enough said
Zephyr (if you want to use gestures)
Callbar who doesn't love not being interrupted while in the middle of something lol
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macrumors 6502a
Jan 18, 2012
I like the Galaxy Nexus.Its just I don't like google for their privacy policy.The fact that they scrape emails for info freaks me out.Its a scary thought thats why I migrated to MobileMe for email
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