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Oct 28, 2016
If you want a 14" MB then buy the 2 usb-c ports 13.3"MBP, they will not offer a 14"MB just for an extra 0.7"


macrumors 68020
Mar 19, 2011
I completely get that the OP is trying to convince himself that it is still possible a 14" version will come out in the near future, but the reality is that Apple made it pretty clear what its intentions are for the time being when they released the 2016 MBP, unfortunately. I was also a big advocate Apple moving to a 12-14-16 screen size line-up for their laptop offerings. I think it would have been a smart move not only from a product standpoint but also marketing.

They could have had:
  • 4.0", 4.7", 5.5" iPhone sizes
  • 7.9", 9.7", 12.9" iPad sizes
  • 12", 14", 16" MacBook sizes
  • 0", 21.5", 27" iMac sizes
It would have followed the classic good-better-best options, and kept things super simple.

However, when the 2016 MBP came out with the same screen sizes, and an nTB "value" option, it was pretty much clear that the MacBook line was going to remain a single model. As has already been said here, the nTB MBP was even singled out as the 13" MBA replacement during the keynote introduction.

I feel like they made a mistake on that one, and am pretty sure that the screen sizes, which are pretty industry standard screen sizes, have been kept due to cost, which is a shame, considering they seem to be able to pretty much charge whatever they want to in their MacBook line these days.

The 11" and 13" MBA alongside the 13" and 15" MBP line-up made sense on the laptop side. You had a super portable 11" MBA, a 13" MBA where portability was priority over power, a 13" MBP where power was priority over portability, and the flagship 15" MBP with dGPU options.

You could have had the exact same differentiation using a 1" (not even really - 0.4" up to 12", 0.7" up to 14", and 0.6" up to 16") larger screen and had something to really put some nice marketing spin on. Especially with the Kaby Lake m-series of chips changing name to i5 and i7 on the higher end, it would have been well placed to introduce a 14" variant of the MacBook.
  • 12" MB - base m3 with Yi5 and Yi7 options
  • 14" MB - base Yi5 with Yi7 option
  • 14" MBP - Base 15W i5 with 28W dual i5 and dual i7 options
  • 16" MBP - Base 45W quad i5 with quad i7 and dGPU options
But that all went out the window, at least for the next few years, until the MBP gets a minor mid-design facelift. Now instead you've got 4 distinct options at 13" - legacy MBA, 2016 nTB MBP, 2016 TB MBP, and 2015 13" MBP. Let's not forget the 2015 MBP is still being sold brand new as well!

Same sort of thing is up in the air now with the iPad line. They've got a good to better option on the 7.9" model, a better to best option on the 9.7" model, and a best 12.9" model. With all the talk of a 10.5" principally bezelless redesign being rumoured, it will be interesting to see what actually comes out. Would love to see a redesign that takes strong cues from the iPhone 6-6s-7 design with rounded edges, and a matte black option, but if we concentrate on screen sizes, what happens then? I actually don't think they will have 4 screen sizes to choose from. I think the days of the original 9.7" screen will be numbered. It will probably be a 10.5" and 12.9" pro, both having the same resolution and the old 2048x1536 resolution will be kept by the 7.9" model, which on the high end will get an A10 processor, pencil support, true tone and a "Pro" moniker, while the iPad mini 4 will remain alongside the Air 2 as the low price options.

For iPhones, I would absolutely love to see the SE get some love for a 10th anniversary edition, adopting the iPhone 6-6s-7 design in a 4" form factor with an A10 processor, the iPhone 7 stays on as last year's model and we get something neat on iPhone's 10th anniversary for the new model. Probably pie in the sky (just like a 14" MB at this point) though.

A MacBook lover

Original poster
May 22, 2009
Unfortunately for some people in this thread trying to convince themselves that a 14" MacBook is not possible will be pleasantly surprised next month.


macrumors 68020
Mar 19, 2011
Would love to be proven wrong, but it really does muddy the waters even more in lineup that already is having transition teething problems with a bunch of legacy models still available as new and new models that don't line up with the philosophy a 14" model projects.

Don't get me wrong...would even be a proponent of them giving a 14" model a single TB3 port to differentiate it from the 12" rMB's USB-C only port. Then the 13" nTB would still have one more port as well as the 15W i5.

But it really won't happen, although I understand you really want it to happen, I'm with you. It is just extremely unlikely. More likely, but still very unlikely, is a 13.3" model instead, so it would use essentially the same screen as the 2016 13" MBP and I could only see that happening if the 13" MBA was indeed discontinued properly.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 22, 2002
I think most people just stick with the smaller ones because they can't justify to spend so much on the MBP. But if there would be a cheaper MB with bigger screen they would go for it.

...which really strikes at the heart of what *I* think is the missing gap in Apple's lineup. Apart from pros complaining that the MacBook Pro isn't "pro" enough, we're also seriously lacking good options for the lower-end as well. That's what disappointed me the most about Apple's laptop announcements last year: They seem to have forgotten that it was the consumer-level MacBook that dominated Apple's sales charts for so long, and the economy being what it is, no one's going to start running out in droves to drop $1600-$1800+ on a MacBook Pro, Touch Bar or no Touch Bar.

Yeah, the current $999 13" MacBook Air is okay, but it made a lot more sense back when we had the 11" and 13" ("good" and "better") on the low-end, the 13"-15" MacBook Pro on the high-end, and the 12" MacBook as the outlier luxury boutique option, just like what the MacBook Air was when it was first introduced. If Apple is thinking that we'll accept a $1500-$1600 MacBook as "low-end" when they inevitably kill off the 13" MacBook Air, they're in for a rude awakening.

One argument made on 9to5Mac is one of the better that I've seen for a revamped lineup involving a 14" MacBook Pro. Either way, I'm holding out for the hope that Apple will get its head out of its backside and reinforce some sanity and clarity in the MacBook line. Otherwise, the next time I'm due for new hardware I'll be heading straight for a refurb MacBook Air as opposed to anything in Apple's current lineup.

Personally, though, I don't think Apple will actually be introducing a 14" MacBook or MacBook Pro anytime soon. I just don't think the potential audience would be big enough to justify it. But anything's possible, of course.
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A MacBook lover

Original poster
May 22, 2009
Would love to be proven wrong, but it really does muddy the waters even more in lineup that already is having transition teething problems with a bunch of legacy models still available as new and new models that don't line up with the philosophy a 14" model projects.

Don't get me wrong...would even be a proponent of them giving a 14" model a single TB3 port to differentiate it from the 12" rMB's USB-C only port. Then the 13" nTB would still have one more port as well as the 15W i5.

But it really won't happen, although I understand you really want it to happen, I'm with you. It is just extremely unlikely. More likely, but still very unlikely, is a 13.3" model instead, so it would use essentially the same screen as the 2016 13" MBP and I could only see that happening if the 13" MBA was indeed discontinued properly.
In case my previous comment wasn't clear enough, I have inside information. You'll see some leaks before they announce it this spring.


Oct 28, 2016
this user just have Serban in his heart...he is ideal man, but never gonna happen. Apple almost never had a gap of just 0.7" screen on their mac lineup. I mean a 14" will have what 2 ports? (like 13" mbp), a little bit heavier than 12"? (like the 13"mbp), and almost same price, so why no buy a better cpu MBP than a 14" core Yi5. Apple first need to come with some upgrades for their entire desktop line, and not for an unusual product that will have almost no sells


macrumors 6502
Jun 28, 2010
Madison, WI
Oh, good grief...

yeah this is all ridiculous. When you read the start of this thread it's clear that Amacfa is just really wanting this size (hey, I'd love it too). Now it's turning into 'inside information'??

It's SO easy to claim something like this...and then when the March or April announcements happen and there's no 14" model he could claim that 'things must've changed'.
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macrumors 68020
Mar 19, 2011
yeah this is all ridiculous. When you read the start of this thread it's clear that Amacfa is just really wanting this size (hey, I'd love it too). Now it's turning into 'inside information'??

It's SO easy to claim something like this...and then when the March or April announcements happen and there's no 14" model he could claim that 'things must've changed'.
Yeah, like when they released 13" & 15" MBP's...


macrumors 6502a
Jul 22, 2002
yeah this is all ridiculous. When you read the start of this thread it's clear that Amacfa is just really wanting this size (hey, I'd love it too). Now it's turning into 'inside information'??

It's SO easy to claim something like this...and then when the March or April announcements happen and there's no 14" model he could claim that 'things must've changed'.

It's easy to claim anything that's within the realm of possibility for Apple (which would definitely include a 14" MacBook) and say you have "insider information" on it. If it comes true (and there's a reasonable chance that it might), you get to gloat. If it doesn't, you can just say "things must have changed, it'll be coming later", as you point out.

This sort of stuff used to be de rigeur back on the AppleInsider and AppleNova forums. You'd have some guy going on about the next-generation Power Mac G4 or PowerBook G4 that may or may not have been using some exotic PPC 745x/744x variant that popped up on a PPT for IBM's PPC roadmap, or something. I also remember WorkerBee, Asteroid, the iWalk, the Dodecahedron Power Mac G4...ahh, the memories.

I'm not specifically singling out Amacfa, but the phrase "citation needed" does apply here. If you actually have insider information you're more than welcome to post any kind of photographic evidence you've got (of course, we all know such evidence can be doctored anyway)... this reminds me somewhat of the time someone posted to the AppleInsider forums with insider info on the MDD G4 a few weeks before it was introduced. He even put up grainy photos of the rear of the machine with its distinctive cheesegrater holes. Lo and behold, he was actually right.
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Uni Grad

macrumors 6502a
Aug 28, 2015
Bloomberg News
In case my previous comment wasn't clear enough, I have inside information. You'll see some leaks before they announce it this spring.

Okay I'll naively assume you're telling the truth.

Explain to me then, where does the escape edition MacBook Pro stand in the lineup then...if Apple introduces a 14" MacBook?

TBH I was all for a 15W Core i# 14" MacBook until the 13" MBP non-TB came along.

A MacBook lover

Original poster
May 22, 2009
People have some strong opinions which is fine I suppose. The 13" air was always the more popular one, the 14" will have huge demand as well. Apple is severely undervalued right now, which is why big players are putting in money, not because of the iPhone 8 but because of other products like this which will be great selling high margin products. Yes, this thing will be expensive, but people including myself will still buy it.


macrumors 68020
Dec 23, 2015
But Amacfa is still active on the forum, why is he not replying? I want his insider information!
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