I'd like to point out a specific issue with secure notes, and searching within them:
I have a couple of very long notes stored in the password apps, and I like to be able to locate specific search terms within those notes quickly.
Although all apps that I know of are able to find a note that contains a given search term, being able to locate the search term in the results is a rare feature.
I found that 1Password on iOS can do it, but for whatever reason not consistently on the Mac. On some notes it works, on some not.
Codebook shines with searching secure notes, on Mac and iOS. I can search within secure notes (shift+command+F), even long ones, and I can jump right to the word/s found (Enter). What’s also nice is that I can type right away, and don’t have to change to edit mode first.
So, Codebook might right now be the only password app I’ve found that gives me full note search capability, if I'm not missing any?
I have a couple of very long notes stored in the password apps, and I like to be able to locate specific search terms within those notes quickly.
Although all apps that I know of are able to find a note that contains a given search term, being able to locate the search term in the results is a rare feature.
I found that 1Password on iOS can do it, but for whatever reason not consistently on the Mac. On some notes it works, on some not.
Codebook shines with searching secure notes, on Mac and iOS. I can search within secure notes (shift+command+F), even long ones, and I can jump right to the word/s found (Enter). What’s also nice is that I can type right away, and don’t have to change to edit mode first.
So, Codebook might right now be the only password app I’ve found that gives me full note search capability, if I'm not missing any?