I wouldn't say exactly. Lastpass didn't encrypt the URL's. Lastpass also questionable things like not updating the iterations on older accounts (I think anything pre 2018 had only 5000?). Are they the same that a person pays a monthly subscription, sure. I have a feeling we are going to learn a lot from Lastpass, and none will be good.
LastPass hasn't really added any features lately too. I had it to play with (I never had any real data in it) so I can help people who did use it. 1Password, they are constantly adding features (
1Password 7 and older) (
1Password 8 and newer).
Now while KeePass is good, is it far from user friendly. If you look at
their site that shows what apps support KeePass, none of them are 100% cross platform. You have to mix and match some of these apps to get on different platforms. Now the fun part of this.... some on that list haven't been updated in years.
iKeePass - Last updated 6 years ago
SyncPass - no longer in the app store
Passwordix - Last updated 5 years ago
These are just ones I spot checked, and I wasn't going to check them all. While Keepass itself is free, a lot of these apps are not.
Now you need a way to sync all of these, probably Dropbox. If you have more than 3 devices on Dopbox, now you have to pay a subscription. The cheapest plan for Dropbox is $9.99 a month (if you pay yearly).... way more than any password manager. Also, Dropbox has been breached... a few times. That being said, I personally feel much safer having 1Passwords
Secret Key's 35 random numbers and letters (40 if you include the dashes) along with my master password to protect my data.
Most of these apps are not user friendly. I don't mind them, but some are downright garbage when it comes to usability. I know my wife and kids would have a hard time with them. KeePass isn't meant for a family also. If it was just me (and not my family) and I only used Apple, Strongbox is nice.
KeePass and other FOSS works if people volunteer their time. It's cool they do if for free, but if someone creates something and charges, cool too. I just need to make sure it's worth the cost.
When people volunteer and don't have time for whatever reasons, things don't get done. To me, that's an issue, and probably why some of the apps I listed above haven't been updated in 5+ years.
I do a lot of free and volunteer for things, but I will go for weeks, sometimes months and don't have time. What happens to these apps when the volunteers don't have the time for a while? When people are paid for their work and that's their livelihood, so I personally feel safer, because they have a lot to lose if they don't deliver.