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macrumors regular
Original poster
Mar 6, 2009
Yeah it works fine, but with Safari it just doesn't seem to ask me to store passwords which I input in fields. It does work in Edge or other browser, just not in Safari (m1)


macrumors 6502a
Mar 4, 2007
I am far from a "power user", so fwiw, but BitWarden has been terrific for me as well. In the ~18 months I've been using it on my Mac & iPhone, zero syncing issues, etc. I rarely use Safari on my Mac (Firefox instead).
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macrumors newbie
Aug 25, 2015
Rockford Illinois
I have been using lastpass for several years (free!) but recently having bought a MacBook Air, I find the lastpass app lacking. So I tried 1password, migrated my passwords and I kinda like it. But it costs, about 40 euro compared to Lastpass. I use both windows pc's, iPad, iPhone, Macbook etc so I need a cross-platform utility (so keychain isn't enough for me).

So now I have a choice to make? Stay with lastpass and use a subpar (web based) tool, or move to 1password and pay up. Opinions? Anyone else who switched to a paid service?
We have been on 1PW for 8+ years ( version 3 or 4) and migrated to the family plan version 7 (web based) about a year ago. I don't really like the annual fee but if I expect 1PW to provide support and improvements down the road, I consider it fair and reasonable. We share 2 iMacs, 2 iPhones and 3 iPads and 1 pc lap top, and it all works flawlessly. at this point I wouldn't want the hassle to export and reconnect all those devices with a different password manager just to save a few bucks. Honestly, I have not paid much attention to the other available password manages and probably won't unless 1PW breaks. If you contact 1PW sales, they may offer you a trial or a promo code to help with the initial start up. Reliability, ease of use and support if you ever need it.
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macrumors regular
Original poster
Mar 6, 2009
Well, I sent them 2 mails. One asking if there's some promotion for people who bought a license in the past (like me), and info about why 'known' sites in safari always ask to re-save the password even when it's not changed (and url is ok). No response after a few that doesn't bode well for a paid service imo.


macrumors regular
Jul 17, 2020
I used 1Password for years but suddenly it started to be very buggy. E.g. asked always to save the password even if the password was already saved or other annoying pop-ups / problems.
I switched to Dashlane and i'm quiet happy with that. The only thing i miss is the customization for the forms (add fields, type of fields). In some cases you can add some fields in dashlane (without defining the type) in some cases not depends on the formtype.


macrumors 68020
Apr 10, 2007
I used LastPass at work, and I've used 1Password for my personal computers. 1Password is orders of magnitude better, IMO. And to me, password security is worth the subscription. It's regularly updated and has a great feature set.


macrumors regular
Original poster
Mar 6, 2009
Yeah I would've already gotten a sub for 1password if it weren't for the problems in safari with constantly asking to update/save already known passwords.


macrumors regular
Jul 17, 2020
Yeah I would've already gotten a sub for 1password if it weren't for the problems in safari with constantly asking to update/save already known passwords.
This was the main reason i switched to dashlane and it's sad that even after 2 years bugs like this are not fixed (btw same happend at chrome and or windows).


macrumors regular
I was a user of 1PW for a few years, but the fact they seemed to be able to integrate it better in browsers other than Safari was annoying and made the experience seem very clunky. I felt their pricing model was too high for such poor integration.

I switched to Dashlane briefly. Elegant looking. Loved the fact that their extension auto-populated your credentials in the login input boxes on websites, or would even auto log you in, which is how 1PW should have functioned IMHO. But sadly, the lack of being able to manually edit/add fields to complicated logins was a deal breaker for me. I have some banking sites that, in addition to a user/password field, have a dropdown menu for which branch you are with. Now to 1PW's credit, it handles these fine but Dashlane was a no-go.

So before my subscription ended with 1PW, I went on a hunt for which one's would handle these kind of logins. LastPass could with some manual editing, but again, I just found their system "clunky". I tried basically all the ones mentioned in this thread without finding a solution that pleased me enough.

Then I found RoboForm. It's only mildly "clunky". It's a little bit 1PW and a little bit Dashlane, in the sense that it doesn't auto-populate your credentials but a clickable popup by the input fields does. You can also have it auto log you in upon clicking. It can also fill the fields from the menubar like 1PW style. Perfect? No. But it's approximately a 50% cheaper yearly subscription. It has a companion iOS app which can use FaceID to unlock and integrates with Safari there nicely.

Just throwing this out there, been using it almost a year now.

Apple Knowledge Navigator

macrumors 68040
Mar 28, 2010
Been using 1Password for a few years now and wouldn't use anything else.

It's just a great depository for anything you want to keep secure, and the U.I is nice.


Sep 21, 2012
In the middle of several books.
Been using 1Password for a few years now and wouldn't use anything else.

It's just a great depository for anything you want to keep secure, and the U.I is nice.
It is a very nice app. The thing is, if I can use a manager that offers the same bells and whistles with a yearly subscription, and one that is regularly updated, it doesn't make much sense for me to continue paying the $38 dollars (after taxes) a year to 1Password, in my opinion. I also prefer that my information not be stored on 1 Password servers in the EU.

Paco II

macrumors 68020
Sep 13, 2009
Been using 1Password for a few years now and wouldn't use anything else.

It's just a great depository for anything you want to keep secure, and the U.I is nice.

Agreed. Rock solid product with amazing support. And they keep evolving it in the right direction. Pricing is more than fair especially for their family plan.


Sep 21, 2012
In the middle of several books.
No offence, but isn't that being a little paranoid? The service is trusted by millions of users.
I don't think I am being paranoid. I would think a Canadian company would be able to do business in their home country or the U.S. with servers, instead of going to the EU. I never did like the idea of my information being stored on their servers under the current subscription model. With the individual license, the user had other options.
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macrumors 6502a
Jan 11, 2012
An honest question here: In what way(s) do you guys find third-party password managers superior to the one Apple provides with its devices? I've been using that.

Paco II

macrumors 68020
Sep 13, 2009
An honest question here: In what way(s) do you guys find third-party password managers superior to the one Apple provides with its devices? I've been using that.

The feature set of third party password managers is far far richer.


Sep 21, 2012
In the middle of several books.
An honest question here: In what way(s) do you guys find third-party password managers superior to the one Apple provides with its devices? I've been using that.
With Keychain, there is no editing outside of the username and password. Keychain doesn't always work like it should. And if Keychain gets a glitch and doesn't work at all or you suddenly find your information for some websites is gone, you are in big trouble. Keychain doesn't inform you of data breaches that I recall. It doesn't allow you to store other sensitive information.
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macrumors regular
Jul 17, 2020
I switched to Dashlane briefly. Elegant looking. Loved the fact that their extension auto-populated your credentials in the login input boxes on websites, or would even auto log you in, which is how 1PW should have functioned IMHO. But sadly, the lack of being able to manually edit/add fields to complicated logins was a deal breaker for me.

I was thinking about why Dashlane don't allow to add custom fields. As a developer i think the main reason is it would break the auto-fill function. If you have multiple password fields ofc it wouldn't work anymore. If there would be no work-around for this it would be a dealbreaker for me as well but there are two things to mention.
1) You can have "Secure Notes" where you can add as many custom fields you want
2) In some forms e.g. credit card form is a "Note" field which will be handled as password field as well and allow you to save additional information (eg. online pin or whatever).

So yes not perfect but in general Dashlane is working better as any other tool i tested including lastpass.


macrumors 68020
Feb 22, 2015
An honest question here: In what way(s) do you guys find third-party password managers superior to the one Apple provides with its devices? I've been using that.
After trying a number of PW managers, I came back to KeePass which I first started using ages ago. Enpass seemed good and had ability to add custom fields. StrongBox by Phobe Code Limited is a solid implementation for iOS/Mac. Works with KeePass for Windows also.
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Sep 21, 2012
In the middle of several books.
After trying a number of PW managers, I came back to KeePass which I first started using ages ago. Enpass seemed good and had ability to add custom fields. StrongBox by Phobe Code Limited is a solid implementation for iOS/Mac. Works with KeePass for Windows also.
Strongbox is what I recently switched to. I like the fact that I am able to use Face ID and a Pin Code at the same time for added security.
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macrumors 68000
Nov 14, 2008
Recently I decided to upgrade from 1Password 6 to 1Password 7 and try the free trial.

During the registration I skipped the part where it asked for your credit card info and opted to include that information later. It seems that my vault from 1P6 transferred nicely to 1P7 and now when I click on "License..." in 1P7 it says "You're licensed! License: 1Password for Mac; Name: 1Password Membership; Purchased: January 8, 2021. This license can be used by 1Password Membership on as many Macs as needed."

I don't quite understand the above license part: has my subscription trial been activated or not?

Also, regarding vaults: it transferred my Primary vault from 1P6 to 1P7 and now I have 2 vaults in my 1P7: Personal and Primary, but only Personal vault from 1P6 (which was synced via Dropbox) actually includes my previous logins. What should I do next? Should I merge Personal and Primary vaults or what?
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