If anyone does install Win 10 on their 1,1 or 2,1 I would be interested in hearing how well it runs and how much trouble you have getting drivers.
... just to let you know ....
I thought about selling my 1,1 > 2,1 MP that had SL 10.6.8 and a Win7 x64 (Bootcamp) running and was sitting in the corner for a while.
Just out of curiosity I thought to give it a try to upgrade Win7 x64 -> Win10 x64 and since it was an activated version of WIN7 I could easily use the MS upgrade path.
I let this run over night and since I could boot up into Win10, I transferred the whole disk to a SSD.
This is running fine so far for me - albeit there's no heavy load on it - but I love the idea of (re-)using my old GT 5700 graphics card (SL 10.6.8 boot screen ok) since I don't need a lot of graphics power.
Getting drivers was no problem - Win10 did find about all that's necessary .... besides :
- for the Nvidia GT 5700 I found drivers at the Nvidia website
- Apple magic mouse 1 got it's drivers from Bootcamp extracted directories (think I finally used Bootcamp 4 version)
USB 3.0 PCIe card is something I still want to check out ......
Other than that, the machine has 20 GB Ram and is dead silent so far (as said, no heavy load yet)
I intend to use it as an ebay-selling-machine (different room) or maybe for building up a music database or even use it for ProTools on Windows - though I prefer running music production software on a Mac due to the tweaking around with ASIO drivers in windows that drives me nuts.
And there might be better support for my installed SSL MadiXtreme card on Windows than for current macOS - unfortunately.
Since I have another 1,1 -> 2,1 MP, I will try to get Linux running on it ..... don't know which version yet.
It's been a while since I was using Linux and for the application I want to use, I think a special distro is required.