Bluetooth / Wifi
Can anyone confirm what model card can be used to have Handoff work on a 1,1?
Can anyone confirm what model card can be used to have Handoff work on a 1,1?
I had a hard time creating a Yosemite installer with SFOTT. With mavericks and ML no problem. What I did was download the pre made SFOTT Yosemite DMG from the first page and restore it to a USB stick. It booted and installed no problem with my stock X1900xt card. After that I switched out my card to a better one.
it's 10.0 so just use the pike script and then you'll be able to update to 10.3
Sweet, thanks! I'll try this when I get home from work tonight!
Just a heads up. I don't know what video card you have but 10.10.3 breaks some AMD/ ATI drivers- It broke mine on my Radeon HD 7750. You may need to edit the amd4000 kext. on 10.10.2 things were fine.
I bought a BCM94360CD and a Rev.3 adapter on aliexpress for 40 bucks
I connected the BT wire to the A3 antenna, and for the others I didn't follow a specific order since they lost their labels the last time I cleaned the entire case from dust. I'm not using wifi though.
Beware of the famous mixed up wires in the Mac Pro 1.1.
Is there any scheme that shows what number corresponds to each of the antennas placed under the sticker at the bottom of the case? I couldn't find anything about it in the service manual...
I'm ussing my Mac Pro 2.1 for a long time now on 10.9.x
The system is working just fine but it is not realy vanila.
I have seen en this post and installed a new HD in the Mac Pro and started the system in Target mode. connected a fire wire 800 cable between my MacBookPro and the Mac Pro and installed the Yosemite to the target drive in the Mac Pro.
The MacBook Pro did a restart and after gooing through the settings I replaced the boot.efi of Pike.
I restarted the Mac Pro 2.1 and have the grey boot screen after a short wile the grey screen is gone and I have a screen that I cannot indicate.
This is where it all stops.
The Mac pro has a updated Mac Pro video card i believe a 5770 1Gb.
What did I do wrong?
I followed the instuction on the first page of this thread!
Does one of you have a more detailed manual?
look forward to receive support.
The easiest way i've found is to use the pre made installer on the first page and restore it to a usb stick or partition. Then use the pike script before you do the system update.
Try this one.
followed the instruction but it looks like the drive is not bootable
What could I have done wrong?
You can do so many things wrong.Have you formatted the stick to HFS+ and GUID?
Yes for sure.
I will do the installation again to the stick and see if it will work for the second time.
I have read all 120+ threads looking for a solution to my problem with no luck.
I have a 2.1 with an ATI Radeon HD 5770 1024 MB running 10.9.5 very smoothly and without issue. I followed the instructions back in the original post to load Mavericks on it and all went just as outlined. Let me say I am very grateful to all for a great install package and written install procedure.
My issue is that when I follow the same process to do a clean install of Yosemite on the same 2.1 all I get is a blank white screen when I choose to boot the USB drive installer. I used the pre-patched Piker-Alpha bootable Yosemite installer to restore the USB installer. What am I doing wrong?
Any help would be very much appreciated.
Try using a hard drive or a separate partition instead of the USB stick. Worked for me on the first attempt using a second internal hard drive
I have tried 2 times with 2 different USB key and I got this empty grey screen !!. does any one give us some advice of what we did wrong !
We would need a crystal ball. In any case, we've seen countless cases of people who had no doubt they hadn't done anything wrong when it was obvious they had made at least one mistake. One of the common mistakes has to do with "curly" quotation marks. Another one has to do with incompatible USB pen drives or with pen drives that haven't been properly formatted, et cetera.
I bought a BCM94360CD and a Rev.3 adapter on aliexpress for 40 bucks