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After 4 months of chats back and forth without a problem about 5 days ago Imessage stopped working. When I try to log in I get

"Your account can't be updated at this time"

Does anybody know how to fix this? I was on the phone with an Apple tech for an hour with no luck. They suggested reinstalling the OS. This issue seems to be SFOTT related as the same thing happened with my Mavericks SFOTT partition as well.

I ran a GTX 570 in my Mac Pro for a long time. It is a very good and balanced card that still falls under the 225W TDP limit. Gen1 PCIex16 is similar to Gen2 PCIex8. There really isn't much of a performance hit when going from x16 to x8 in gaming. Even the latest Z97 boards only have one PCIex16 Gen3 lane and run SLI in dual x8 mode.

With a GTX 570 I could play BF3 with mostly high or ultra settings, no AA Post or HBAO and I would average around 50FPS. When I upgraded my processors to dual x5365's I only saw a 5-10FPS boost. It is hard to say what kind of percentage hit you will see. Your best bet is to look at benchmarks online. I know there are some comparing the performance of Gen2 vs Gen3.

If you are looking for a good no fuss card that doesn't require any Web Drivers (still no boot screen though) then a GTX 570 is a good choice.

The power cabled plug into the board just behind the front fan assembly. You will have to remove the fan assembly and HDDs 2 and 3 to install the cables.

Like is said use mlcamp2 for the theme that is closest to the default OS X boot screen. You can skip clover but if something goes wrong and it starts to KP or boot loop you won't be able to change anything. You can set clover to boot to OS X automatically after 1 second though. You won't be pressing an option key at all. Here is my boot screen on my Hackintosh using the mlcamp2 theme:

I have mine set to time out after 3 seconds and auto boot to Yosemite.

Awesome, thanks! One final thing - if I use Clover to boot Yosemite without modifying the EFI, it will also display the boot screen on any PC card (because of Clover), right?
My last question is: let's say I go ahead and install Yosemite with Clover on my Mac Pro 1,1 with a PC GPU, how will I be able to update to, say, OS X 10.11? Will I be stuck on the version of OS X I install, or does Clover support updating?
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Awesome, thanks! One final thing - if I use Clover to boot Yosemite without modifying the EFI, it will also display the boot screen on any PC card (because of Clover), right?
Yes using a boot loader, be it Clover or Chameleon, you will have a boot screen with a PC card.

My last question is: let's say I go ahead and install Yosemite with Clover on my Mac Pro 1,1 with a PC GPU, how will I be able to update to, say, OS X 10.11? Will I be stuck on the version of OS X I install, or does Clover support updating?
Generally you must wait for Clover to update so that it works with the next gen of OS X (10.11.0) but for updates like 10.10.2 to 10.10.3 you just update through the App Store like normal. Most of the time the bugs in Clover are worked out through the beta stages of the next OS release.
Yes using a boot loader, be it Clover or Chameleon, you will have a boot screen with a PC card.

Generally you must wait for Clover to update so that it works with the next gen of OS X (10.11.0) but for updates like 10.10.2 to 10.10.3 you just update through the App Store like normal. Most of the time the bugs in Clover are worked out through the beta stages of the next OS release.

Cool, thanks man! That's all the questions I had. I just hope the Quad Xeons will be powerful enough for gaming! :D
Yes using a boot loader, be it Clover or Chameleon, you will have a boot screen with a PC card.

Generally you must wait for Clover to update so that it works with the next gen of OS X (10.11.0) but for updates like 10.10.2 to 10.10.3 you just update through the App Store like normal. Most of the time the bugs in Clover are worked out through the beta stages of the next OS release.

Just curious how this works. if i used the pre patched Yosemite would I just install Chameleon or Clover after to get a boot screen?
Just curious how this works. if i used the pre patched Yosemite would I just install Chameleon or Clover after to get a boot screen?

Clover will not boot the Tiamo/Pike boot.efi so you would need to replace the modified boot.efi file with the stock one. You also need to set the machine to legacy boot mode to boot Clover.
what are you planning to play?

Well, I really just want to play GTA 5 on a 30' Cinema Display, on max settings, native resolution (2560x1600). The graphics card I want to get is a Nvidia GTX 970, which is capable of playing GTA 5 in 4K (in a gaming PC). So, RAM, storage and graphics is definitely enough. :D
If I get a pair of quad Xeons of Ebay to upgrade the current pair of dual Xeons, I would have an 8 core 2.66/3Ghz setup. (I hope this is enough)

The reason I want to do this on a Mac Pro is:
1. Because I love the design, internal and external, 2. They can natively run OS X and 3. It would perfectly suit my setup (aluminium display, keyboard and mouse!) :eek:

And since CPU power is much less important then the GPU, and since I want to save as much money as possible, I thought a 2006 Mac Pro would be a good choice. I could get a newer Mac Pro but that would mean getting a worse graphics card!



Clover will not boot the Tiamo/Pike boot.efi so you would need to replace the modified boot.efi file with the stock one. You also need to set the machine to legacy boot mode to boot Clover.

How do you set the machine to legacy boot mode? :D
Well, I really just want to play GTA 5 on a 30' Cinema Display, on max settings, native resolution (2560x1600). The graphics card I want to get is a Nvidia GTX 970, which is capable of playing GTA 5 in 4K (in a gaming PC). So, RAM, storage and graphics is definitely enough. :D
If I get a pair of quad Xeons of Ebay to upgrade the current pair of dual Xeons, I would have an 8 core 2.66/3Ghz setup. (I hope this is enough)

The reason I want to do this on a Mac Pro is:
1. Because I love the design, internal and external, 2. They can natively run OS X and 3. It would perfectly suit my setup (aluminium display, keyboard and mouse!) :eek:

And since CPU power is much less important then the GPU, and since I want to save as much money as possible, I thought a 2006 Mac Pro would be a good choice. I could get a newer Mac Pro but that would mean getting a worse graphics card!


If that is what you plan on running... good luck!

With one GTX 970 and a brand new x99 board and a six-core i7 you will get about 40FPS with settings on high. Turn it to ultra and you will need a second GTX 970. The only single card that can run games at 4K @ 60FPS is a Titan X.

Also games are still very CPU dependent. When there is a lot going on you would see massive FPS drops.

How do you set the machine to legacy boot mode? :D

Put this in terminal:
sudo bless -folder /Volumes/Startup\ Disk -file /Volumes/Startup\ Disk/boot -setBoot -legacy


For how you want to play GTA 5 you are looking at building a $2k+ custom PC. Google is your friend btw, all of this info is out there.
If that is what you plan on running... good luck!

With one GTX 970 and a brand new x99 board and a six-core i7 you will get about 40FPS with settings on high. Turn it to ultra and you will need a second GTX 970. The only single card that can run games at 4K @ 60FPS is a Titan X.

Also games are still very CPU dependent. When there is a lot going on you would see massive FPS drops.

Put this in terminal:
sudo bless -folder /Volumes/Startup\ Disk -file /Volumes/Startup\ Disk/boot -setBoot -legacy


For how you want to play GTA 5 you are looking at building a $2k+ custom PC. Google is your friend btw, all of this info is out there.

Hmm... What would you predict will be possible with this setup more realistically? High graphics on 1080p? (Btw, I have seen multiple videos on YouTube running this card at 4K, with a perfectly playable 40fps)
(Btw, I have seen multiple videos on YouTube running this card at 4K, with a perfectly playable 40fps)

That's fine, but they certainly were not playing with maxed out settings. You might be able to play at 4K and 60FPS but you have to keep lowering the settings to get there. The ONLY single card that will run the newest games in 4K with maxed out settings and still playable is a Titan X.

Here is something for you to look at since you said you wanted 4K and max settings:


That is still with MSAA turn off. And, the only thing to break 60FPS was $1100 worth of GPUs in a system that likely cost over $3K.

If you just want to play GTA 5 any card will work. A 970 should get 4K @ 60FPS with 'Normal' settings. That score though was on an X99 system with an i7-5960x and 16GB DDR4. That is an 8 core processor with hyper threading @ 3.0GHz. Nothing is bottlenecking the card. If you put a 970 in a Mac Pro 1,1/2,1 the CPUs, PCIe Bus and DDR2 ram will all bottleneck the 970.
One further question: will the YoseFix script work for major OS X updates, like from 10.10.x to 10.11? Or will we have to wait for another patched installer?

One further question: will the YoseFix script work for major OS X updates, like from 10.10.x to 10.11? Or will we have to wait for another patched installer?


We don't know if the boot.efi file will even work. A new one had to be created by Pike to go from 10.9 to 10.10.
If you put a 970 in a Mac Pro 1,1/2,1 the CPUs, PCIe Bus and DDR2 ram will all bottleneck the 970.

PCIe Gen 1 running at 16x will be more than powerful enough to support a graphics card (4GB/s is plenty) You said so yourself! The only thing that will be held back by PCIe Gen 1 is an SSD.

Sure, the RAM might not be the best, but considering RAM is not too important for gaming compared to other stuff, I doubt 16GB of DDR2 will seriously hold back gaming performance.

The CPUs... I don't know. I'd like to think an 8 Core Xeon running at 3GHz would be powerful enough to run a few games.

I don't see any logical reason why this Mac Pro can't run the game at 2K resolution with pretty good graphics!
PCIe Gen 1 running at 16x will be more than powerful enough to support a graphics card (4GB/s is plenty) You said so yourself! The only thing that will be held back by PCIe Gen 1 is an SSD.

Sure, the RAM might not be the best, but considering RAM is not too important for gaming compared to other stuff, I doubt 16GB of DDR2 will seriously hold back gaming performance.

The CPUs... I don't know. I'd like to think an 8 Core Xeon running at 3GHz would be powerful enough to run a few games.

I don't see any logical reason why this Mac Pro can't run the game at 2K resolution with pretty good graphics!

Yes it can run the game with pretty good graphics, probably at a 2K resolution but that is not the question you asked.

The CPU will be the biggest bottleneck. When I would play BF3 on my Mac Pro with a GTX 570, all 8 cores would be at 98-100% and the GPU would be at 80% usage. That was at 1080P with max settings except no HBAO and no AA. I'd would get 50FPS but on highly populated 64 man servers the game would become unplayable. The CPUs weren't enough to saturate the GPU.

The older Mac Pros are still capable gaming machines but you likely won't be running any new games at max settings.
Yes it can run the game with pretty good graphics, probably at a 2K resolution but that is not the question you asked.

The CPU will be the biggest bottleneck. When I would play BF3 on my Mac Pro with a GTX 570, all 8 cores would be at 98-100% and the GPU would be at 80% usage. That was at 1080P with max settings except no HBAO and no AA. I'd would get 50FPS but on highly populated 64 man servers the game would become unplayable. The CPUs weren't enough to saturate the GPU.

The older Mac Pros are still capable gaming machines but you likely won't be running any new games at max settings.

Hmm... Thanks for the info. So maybe a Nvidia GTX 960 would be a better choice than a GTX 970? It costs almost half the price and since it would be a lower-end card it would balance out more with the CPU's capabilities?

I was originally set on getting a 30' Cinema Display but if the Mac Pro can't drive its full resolution I might opt for a 23' one, which is 1920x1200 instead of 2560x1600. :confused:
Will I be able to expect this level of graphical quality?
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2006/2007 Mac Pro (1,1/2,1) and OS X Yosemite

Hmm... Thanks for the info. So maybe a Nvidia GTX 960 would be a better choice than a GTX 970? It costs almost half the price and since it would be a lower-end card it would balance out more with the CPU's capabilities?

I was originally set on getting a 30' Cinema Display but if the Mac Pro can't drive its full resolution I might opt for a 23' one, which is 1920x1200 instead of 2560x1600. :confused:
Will I be able to expect this level of graphical quality?

Do whatever you think will work. I DO NOT own this game so your guess from a YouTube video is as good as mine. GTX 960s have been a little finicky in the hackintosh world though. They only started getting support one or two driver versions ago.

This has gotten so off topic from thread at this point.
what are you planning to play?
This has gotten so off topic from thread at this point.

It hasn't really, we are still talking about the 1,1 Mac Pro and graphics cards which are compatible with Yosemite and OS X. If you don't want to answer my questions, fine. (You asked me about what games I was planning to play in the first place anyway)

I DO NOT own this game so your guess from a YouTube video is as good as mine.

Considering you own a GTX 970 and used to own a 2006 Mac Pro, and know a whole ton of stuff about the two, I was just asking you for your opinion. Most modern games are similar in terms of GPU and CPU usage. I'm guessing Ultra graphics on BF3 and Ultra graphics on GTA 5 use roughly the same amount of GPU/CPU power.
It hasn't really, we are still talking about the 1,1 Mac Pro and graphics cards which are compatible with Yosemite and OS X. If you don't want to answer my questions, fine. (You asked me about what games I was planning to play in the first place anyway)
I asked you what games and gave you my advice. If you have the money and want to get a 900 series card go for it. They sip power and have very high performance but be ready to do some trouble shooting since they are not supported natively. If you decide to build something new you already have the GPU then.

Considering you own a GTX 970 and used to own a 2006 Mac Pro, and know a whole ton of stuff about the two, I was just asking you for your opinion. Most modern games are similar in terms of GPU and CPU usage. I'm guessing Ultra graphics on BF3 and Ultra graphics on GTA 5 use roughly the same amount of GPU/CPU power.

I never ran the GTX 970 in the Mac Pro, just the GTX 570. They are two very different games as well. One is open world and one has contained maps.
correct boot.efi for my 2006 mac pro?

guys, i need a little help.

i have a Mac pro 2,1 and i installed 10.10 using "pre-patched Piker-Alpha bootable Yosemite installer" the boot.efi is 352kb

i then use "PikeYoseFix" the boot.efi 312kb.

i also found out tiamo's boot.efi is 461kb

why are they different sizes and which is is better for my 2,1 system?


pre-patched Piker-Alpha bootable Yosemite installer


tiamo's boot.efi:
guys, i need a little help.

i have a Mac pro 2,1 and i installed 10.10 using "pre-patched Piker-Alpha bootable Yosemite installer" the boot.efi is 352kb

i then use "PikeYoseFix" the boot.efi 312kb.

i also found out tiamo's boot.efi is 461kb

why are they different sizes and which is is better for my 2,1 system?


pre-patched Piker-Alpha bootable Yosemite installer


tiamo's boot.efi:

You can use either of the Pike ones. The difference in size is because of different systems used to compile them. The Tiamo one will not boot Yosemite.
I never ran the GTX 970 in the Mac Pro, just the GTX 570.

I know, but you used to have a MP and have a GTX 970 so I thought you would roughly know what they are both capable of. (I agree, the thread is getting a LITTLE off topic, oh well :D)

They only started getting support one or two driver versions ago.

But surely the card still works with OS X as long as there is a driver for the card? And the drivers are regularly updated as well, right?
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