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Is the PikeYose script the same as the Tiamo script but with the new boot.efi file? if not, what are the differences? I am clonning my Maverick disk, which has the tiamo script before attempting the upgrade to Yosemite. Thank you.

Tiamo Script for Mavericks. Pike script for Yosemite.
Hopefully this is not too off topic and in a good thread. I had Yosemite installed and working great on a Mac pro 1,1 with an Apple ATI 5770 using the pike bootloader. Problem is i have another mac 5,1 which the hard drive died on so I stole the one from the 1,1. The issue I'm having is now i've put a new drive in the Mac 1,1 I can't seem to get any boot options to reinstall, either Lion or Yosemite. I get the chime but then nothing. Just wondering if it could be anything to do with having installed Yosemite on it. Is there anything I need to reset / change to reinstall?

Thanks for any help
Installed the new OS X 10.11 "El Capitan" Beta today with no issues using the same Pike Alpha boot.efi file that is also being currently used for OS X Yosemite.


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    OS X El Capitan Beta.jpg
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Hmm I was starting to think it was because I was trying to use 10.10.3 but if you're installing 10.11 that's maybe not it


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Installed the new OS X 10.11 "El Capitan" Beta today with no issues using the same Pike Alpha boot.efi file that is also being currently used for OS X Yosemite.

That's great news I'm almost tempted to grab a copy of the DP and see how it behaves on my 1,1!
Installed the new OS X 10.11 "El Capitan" Beta today with no issues using the same Pike Alpha boot.efi file that is also being currently used for OS X Yosemite.
Did you do an upgrade over Yosemite with Pike Alpha boot.efi already installed? Can you describe how you installed it? Thanks!
[QUOTE = "gpatpandp, poste: 21437329, membre: 481629"] Installé le nouveau OS X 10.11 Beta "El Capitan" Aujourd'hui Avec aucun Problèmes en Utilisant la même Initiation boot.efi Pike Alpha Qui est aussi ACTUELLEMENT Utiliser versez OS X Yosemite. [/ QUOTE]

bravo a toi pour l'instal de capitan sur mac pro 1,1 a tu une copie de ta cle usb a me faire passé je t'en serrai reconnaissant merci a toi.
Yes unless you want the gray boot screen.
My current configuration has Yosemite 10.10 booting with the gray boot screen. I didn't choose this over the black boot screen, but that's just the way the OS installed on my system, using the pre-patched Piker bootloader. I would prefer to install PikeYoseFix with the gray boot, but are additional steps necessary if going this route, as opposed to installing PikeYoseFix with the black boot? Thanks in advance for any help.
My current configuration has Yosemite 10.10 booting with the gray boot screen. I didn't choose this over the black boot screen, but that's just the way the OS installed on my system, using the pre-patched Piker bootloader. I would prefer to install PikeYoseFix with the gray boot, but are additional steps necessary if going this route, as opposed to installing PikeYoseFix with the black boot? Thanks in advance for any help.

No, just install pikerfix and reboot twice then ypu'll be good to install all the appstore system updates.
I tried search the forum for how download Yosemite from a Mac Pro rev1.1. It was possible with Maverick. But I can't find a solution for Yosemite.

That's probably what I used to download Maverick from MacApp store on my Mac Pro Rev1.1:

But it seems not work anymore or not work for Yosetime (tried from a Maverick boot). Is there any solution?

EDIT: Probably found it:

Now I remind it, that was an image and a boot so the version linked above. Crying, why I erased it, faepalm.
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[QUOTE = "Frong, poste: 21454250, membre: 791226"] Je Essayé recherche sur le Forum pour savoir comment telecharger Yosemite D'UN Pro Rev1.1 Mac. Il était possible avec Maverick. La solution Peux Mais je de TROUVER de juin de pas Verser de Yosemite.

Voilà Sans Doute Ce que je faisais pour télécharger Maverick du magasin mon Mac Pro Rev1.1 sur MacApp:

MAIS IL NE pas Semble PLUS OU ne pas Verser de FONCTIONNE Travailler Yosetime (Essayé à partir d'demarrage non Maverick). Y solution à juin-il?

EDIT: Probablement Trouvé:

Maintenant, je Rappelle Qu'elle image juin Qui Était et de juin botte Fait la version Liée ci-dessus. Pleurer, la il de Pourquoi je, faepalm. [/ QUOTE]

l'image juin je intérim disque de Yosemite en Peux je te la passer si tu me donne de l'ONUstème versez le faire.
People were having issues with Copy so it is now on Mega:!SoAgnKqI!GUinePUGF3jAAu3oUym-GHBC9doWRTU1p6nnkXkJFdQ
Hey everyone, could someone help me a bit with this? I've got a MacPro2,1 running OS X 10.7 Lion (upgraded with 8GB of RAM) and I'm trying to install Yosemite.
(If it matters, I would like to do a fresh install, not trying to keep any data on this machine)
I formatted a USB flash drive using Disk Utility. It was previously setup with Master Boot Record, I changed it to the proper type (GUID I think it said to do in the guide).
I then, continuing in Disk Utility, setup the Source as the file from the link in the post I quoted above, and set the newly-formatted USB as the Destination. It did it's business, took awhile, but eventually finished.
I then Shut Down the computer, and started it up while holding the 'option' key. I then selected the 'Yosemite Installer 1', but it seems to freeze at that point. I tried this two or three times, waited quite a long time on the last try, but it didn't seem to do anything.

Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong? Or tell me what to do next? Possibly point me to a post or thread relevant to what I'm doing?
I know the RAM is installed correctly 100%, and it shows up properly in the OS. Also, I'd like to use an AMD Radeon HD 6950 that I have here (which is modded to 6970 specs) instead of the GPU which is currently installed, an NVIDIA GeForce 7300GT. I'm pretty sure from what I've read it will work. Should I install that now, before I continue on with the Yosemite install? I assumed wait until Yosemite was already installed.
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l'image juin je intérim disque de Yosemite en Peux je te la passer si tu me donne de l'ONUstème versez le faire.
La traduction en français fait bizarre. :) Merci pour ta proposition (si j'ai bien compris) mais le MDE (Maverick Download Enabler) version image de disque (lien post plus haut) fonctionne toujours et aussi pour Yosemite. Le seul soucis c'est que le boot EFI du hack ne reconnais pas les disques internes et j'ai du installer un autre Mac Lion sur un disque USB rien que pour appliquer le hack et pouvoir télécharger Yosemite sur le App Store.

Bon la flemme de traduire en anglais.
Did you do an upgrade over Yosemite with Pike Alpha boot.efi already installed? Can you describe how you installed it? Thanks!

I performed a clean install from scratch. Initially the Pike Alpha boot.efi would not/did not boot my OX S El Capitan installer. I tested my El Capitan Install USB by returning the OS X El Catipan stock boot.efi files and booting it on a compatible real mac. I then downloaded the newest Clover v3215, formatted a drive to MBR, created two (2) jhfs+ partitions; a 200MB "BOOT" and a 9GB "Install". Creating an OS X 10.11 El Capitan Beta 1 Bootable USB Install is verbatim identical to Yosemite save the one extra step: copying over the "Payloads" folder along with the invisible BaseSystem.dmg & BaseSystem.chunklist files...thats it. I used the same dsdt.aml and same the Clover config.plist that I had used to boot the Yosemite Beta DP's from before the Pike Alpha boot.efi was invented.

With Clover configurator, I opened my config.plist and included the boot arg: rootless=0 and then in Terminal, blessed the "BOOT" partition with the following command:

sudo bless --folder=/Volumes/BOOT --file=/Volumes/BOOT/EFI/BOOT/BOOTX64.efi --setBoot --legacy

...restarted my Mac Pro while holding the "alt" key down to get the bootable partition menu and selected the "Windows" partition. Clover then booted my installer and I installed the OS X El Capitan Beta on its designated partition. Once the install was complete, I mounted the OS X El Capitan Beta partition on another OS X drive that has root access and again swapped the stock boot.efi files with the same Pike Alpha files that I currently use to boot OS X Yosemite 10.10.3 and much to my surprise, the Pike Alpha boot.efi files booted my OS X El Capitan partition with no issue whatsoever.

My hunch is that there is a much simpler way in just creating a bootable USB OS X El Capitan Beta Installer using the Pike Alpha boot.efi exclusively while avoiding Clover altogether though as mentioned when first attempting to do so, it didn't work for me.

For those needing it, a step by step guide in installing Clover is already provided within this very same thread. You can locate it on page 5, post #108 all precisely detailed by the poster "128keaton".
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[QUOTE = "Frong, poste: 21454939, membre: 791226"]. La traduction en français fait bizarre :)Merci pour ta proposition (si je intérim BIEN compris) Mais le MDE (Maverick Télécharger Enabler) l'image de la Version de Disque (après Privilège Plus de haut) Fonctionne Toujours et aussi pour Yosemite. Le seul soucis is Reconnais que le demarrage EFI du pirate pas les disques et les Internes de l'ONU disque USB rien que je intérim sur du installateur Un autre Mac Lion Verser appliquer le pirater et pouvoir télécharger Yosemite sur le App Store.

Bon la flemme de traduire en anglais. [/ QUOTE]
bonsoir mas je en peux te faire ube copie de Yosemite bootable sur Mac Pro 1,1.

I'm sorry if this has been asked before, but I there isn't really a straight forward guide and I'm not super confident with my understanding of installer creation. So if I go with the pre-patched Yosemite Installer do I need to do anything else to it before I try to install it? And is it safe enough to install on my Main drive? Any help would be appreciated, and again I apologize if this is a question that has already been answered, it's just a really long forum.

I'm sorry if this has been asked before, but I there isn't really a straight forward guide and I'm not super confident with my understanding of installer creation. So if I go with the pre-patched Yosemite Installer do I need to do anything else to it before I try to install it? And is it safe enough to install on my Main drive? Any help would be appreciated, and again I apologize if this is a question that has already been answered, it's just a really long forum.


Check out post #3225. I make no promises but my 2.1 has been running 10.10.3 rock solid since. I found that there are an amazing number of very talented people in this forum. They are all very helpful.

Also, If you're a little intimidated, and have some extra time and a spare HD, make a bit for bit copy of your current drive using a program like "Super Duper". That way if anything goes wrong or you just give up you can just put the backup drive in and be right back where you started.
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I'm sorry if this has been asked before, but I there isn't really a straight forward guide and I'm not super confident with my understanding of installer creation. So if I go with the pre-patched Yosemite Installer do I need to do anything else to it before I try to install it? And is it safe enough to install on my Main drive? Any help would be appreciated, and again I apologize if this is a question that has already been answered, it's just a really long forum.

The pre-patched installer is the easiest way to go. You can just restore it to a usb stick/ partition with Disk utility. Then re- boot holding option and choose the installer drive or just go into system preferences and choose the USB stick as your start up disk. Depending on the video card you have you may get the apple boot screen or just a black screen till you hit the desktop.

I used the sfott install method and I got 10.10.1 runnign on my Macpro 1,1 thats flashed to a 2,1. When I try to do the update to 10.10.3 it won't boot afterward. Everything runs great until I do the update. Any suggestions?
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