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Hennesie2000--Thank you!!!

So--I am now running Yosemite on my mac pro 2,1!!!

What did I do wrong/what did I learn:

a) on part I creating the USB thumb drive installer--I did not do steps 16-18 correctly. Instead of using Pacifist to extract kernel from Essentials.pkg, I moved the whole Essentials.plg to /System/Library/Kernels on the installation thumb drive

b) on part II modifying the installer to recognize the mac pro--even though I turned off smart quotes in text edit, I went ahead and copy/pasted other/pre-existing quotes on steps 10-12

c) on part II modifying the installer to recognize the mac pro--I redid steps 16 and 17--being more careful to ensure the file endings were .plist in "16 InstallableMachines.plist and 17 PlatformSupport.plist.

I really appreciate Hennesie2000 and Piker-Alpha's hard work on breathing new life in my mac pro (while I continue to wait for Apple to update/upgrade what was a truly awesome, and highly functional/upgradable mac pro with a new similar model).

And--now I have to read the comments to figure out how to update my Yosemite installation without losing all my hard work.

I'm Giving Thanks to you Hennesie2000 and Piker-Alpha this year (and all others who contribute to this forum)!!
Spoke too soon.

Installed the Pike Yose Fix to protect from update issues--by double clicking, going through installation onto my hard drive, and it restarted.

Apple black, login, now spinning wheel of agony x5 min.

Turned off; restarting in "recovery 10.10".

What'd I do wrong?
Spoke too soon.

Installed the Pike Yose Fix to protect from update issues--by double clicking, going through installation onto my hard drive, and it restarted.

Apple black, login, now spinning wheel of agony x5 min.

Turned off; restarting in "recovery 10.10".

What'd I do wrong?

Did it just give you the black screen immediately after installing the PikeYoseFix or did you try to update at the same time?
Did it just give you the black screen immediately after installing the PikeYoseFix or did you try to update at the same time?

I did not try to update at all.

Just--double clicked on the Pike Yose Fix.pkg--it required my admin pwrd and then installed "successfully"--and restarted.

Now--it goes to black version of apple background, asks for my password, wheel starts spinning (both colored wheel and white wheel below my logon).

I can hear the processor churning.

But keeps going...

I'd let it go 5 min before powering down last time.

Should I wait/should it take longer?
I did not try to update at all.

Just--double clicked on the Pike Yose Fix.pkg--it required my admin pwrd and then installed "successfully"--and restarted.

Now--it goes to black version of apple background, asks for my password, wheel starts spinning (both colored wheel and white wheel below my logon).

I can hear the processor churning.

But keeps going...

I'd let it go 5 min before powering down last time.

Should I wait/should it take longer?

If it was the gray boot screen and is now the black screen then that means that the Pike Yose Fix did its thing. Not sure why it won't boot though. I'd say re-install and try again.
If it was the gray boot screen and is now the black screen then that means that the Pike Yose Fix did its thing. Not sure why it won't boot though. I'd say re-install and try again.

1) Use the Pike Yose Fix black from your post #1616--or is there a newer version?

2) Install it on my hard drive--or am I stuck using the USB?

3) When it works--should it take longer than usual at restart/reboot the first time?

I'm at 23 minutes--and giving up to try again another time.

Thanks for taking the time to respond esp given holidays!
1) Use the Pike Yose Fix black from your post #1616--or is there a newer version?

2) Install it on my hard drive--or am I stuck using the USB?

3) When it works--should it take longer than usual at restart/reboot the first time?

I'm at 23 minutes--and giving up to try again another time.

Thanks for taking the time to respond esp given holidays!

That isn't the PikeYoseFix in that post. That is just the compiled boot.efi files.

I have a fairly old installation Yosemite Installation that is working very well (except for me selecting the wrong filesystem type). I can't remember how I installed - whether directly with fixed installation media or with piker's script.

Anyway the problem is as follows: This morning I accidentally accepted a new Xcode update, which also is with El Capitan.... I'm not interested at the moment through upgrading and fixing issues that my arise. So I wanted to roll back a time machine upgrade.. until encountering that I cannot enter recovery (the partition is there) - neither through CMR+R nor ALT and selecting the Recovery HD.

I went to the first page and followed how to make the recovery partition bootable.
However, the Timemachine utility get's stuck - it cannot open the timemachine harddisk (it's encrypted). Also of note, from recovery, Disk Utility sees only the TimeMachine HD, no other disk that is in the system....

Downloaded the fixed installation media, which boots fine and behaves better, however there is no TimeMachine option on it. So:

  • How can I add timemachine to the installation media?
  • Can I recreate the Recovery HD from scratch?

The TimeMachine disk otherwise seems to behave normally under the OS. The machine that I'm running is in the signature. The SAS HBA is a fancy thing, but besides that neither Windows or Linux work with it (so far...), Haven't seen any OSX problems
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Is there a way to upgrade from Yosemite to El Capitan on a 1.1? I have Yosemite setup the way I like and would love to be able to upgrade if possible.
So a few weeks back I managed to upgrade my Mac Pro 1,1 to El Capitan with no problems, but I somehow missed the bit about the Yose Fix and this morning when I let System Update do its thing I got the blinking question mark folder on reboot. I think I understand how to restore to the correct boot.efi files, but here's my problem: When I plug the drive into my other mac, it is read only. Can someone explain how to get read-write privileges on that drive?

Thanks in advance for your help.
Are you booting in Target Disk mode? The drive you wish to mod should show up as an external HD on the other Mac - you can change the files as required.
Are you booting in Target Disk mode? The drive you wish to mod should show up as an external HD on the other Mac - you can change the files as required.

I'm booting into my Macbook Pro and then plugging the drive in using a docking station. It mounts fine, it is just read-only.
So after several false starts and digging through the forum, I finally found Hennessie2000's guide with links to everything needed in the pages file.
I followed the guide and at last got Yosemite 10.10.5 up and running without any problems.
I ended up using one of the internal drives I have in my Mac Pro 1,1, I used iPartition to make a small partition, iPartition is really useful when you need it, it allows you to do thing non-non-destructivly.

So after I had everything up running, I wanted to Backup this up incase I need a re-install or, I want to put it on another Disk.
I used SuperDuper pointed the source to my partitioned internal drive I just used, and destination as an image file.
If I or anyone else needs to do this in the future all I have to do is mount the image launch Superduper and clone the image to whatever Drive I want.

And as long as your system is a Macpro 1,1 or 2,1 it should work fine.

I was thinking of putting this up as torrent, if there was any interest.

Or maybe just sharing it from my Google Drive or similar.
Is there a "pikesyosefix" script for El Capitan? When I tried using that one on my new install, I get an error saying the installer is not compatible.
I just reinstalled Yosemite 10.10.3 from scratch using another Mac onto the hard drive using target mode on the mac pro then copying the boot.efi file over to the two places it should be, but when the machines reboots and the apple logo comes and the loading bar it is crawling slowly up to 50% then stops.. I have tried installing a few times made a USB and downloaded yosemite again from the app store. I tried booting in verbose mode and it stops at every time at this:

Warning: couldn't block sleep during cache update
Warning: proceeding w/o DiskArb
/dev/disk0s2 on / (hfs, local, Journaled)
BootCacheControl: Unable to open /var/db/BootCache.playlist: 2 No such file or directory
bash: /etc/rc.server: No such file or directory
bash /etc/rc.installer_Cleanup: No such file or directory.

EDIT: Fixed it by downloading the pre patchet image on the front page :D
@Antoni Nygaard,
Can you please explain how you fixed the error? I have the exact same message appear when I run Verbose single user mode. I am not familiar with computer lingo, not in tech world.
I would appreciate any help you could offer me to help me perform same fix you did to see if it will work for me.
Thank you!
@Antoni Nygaard,
Can you please explain how you fixed the error? I have the exact same message appear when I run Verbose single user mode. I am not familiar with computer lingo, not in tech world.
I would appreciate any help you could offer me to help me perform same fix you did to see if it will work for me.
Thank you!

In the front page of this thread there is a Yosemite install file same as the one you can download on the App Store the difference is this one here is patched make usb installer of that and try again.
PLEASE HELP and Be My Hero...!

I am trying to install Yosemite on a 2006 Mac Pro 1,1 3 GHz Dual-Core (Mac-F4208DC8) Boot Rom Version: MP11.005D.B00, SMC Version: 1.7f10. Right now, I am stuck on 10.7.5 (Lion). The install is to a new, pristine 1 T. hard drive purchased for this very purpose.

Currently, I am at the place where I am totally out of ideas on what to do next to make this work!! I have tried various methods including using both the pre-patched installer found on page one of this thread and manually creating my own following the very well written instructions generously offered there. In both case I replaced the boot.efi files with the Piker Alpha files also found via the links.

I have spent several days/nights trying to figure all this out and am glad for the learning experience. I have discovered more about my computer and the underworld of all this magic than I ever imagined. But now, I am really, really ready to graduate and feel some success. This is my primary computer and I cannot afford to purchase a new one at this point. As more and more applications become unsupported or inoperable, my anxiety rises.

With all methods and with multiple attempts, the computer boots fine, the installer launches, it progresses beyond the language choice screen, license agreement and begins to do its thing. At about the "14 minutes remaining" progress bar, the install quits with the following message:

"OS X could not be installed on your computer"
"An error occurred while extracting from the package "Basesystemresources.pkg".
Quit the installer to restart your computer and try again.
Why is this happening and what should I try next??
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So i had Yosemite installed and working for a few months now
but i pressed Command+Option+p+r to fix another problem i was having
and now Yosemite will not load i get the apple logo and it loads to about 30-40% and it just seems like it stops is it just loading really slow? Is it broken?
anyone know how to fix this?or whats wrong with it?
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Hoping Hennesie2000 is still reading this thread and can make sense of why Yosemite on my Mac Pro 1,1 is quitting after successfully booting. Attaching my install logs to provide more details into the issue with the hope that some insight/direction can be offered for this fellow Marylander...!


  • Install Log File.pdf
    33.9 KB · Views: 300
Currently, I am at the place where I am totally out of ideas on what to do next to make this work!! I have tried various methods including using both the pre-patched installer found on page one of this thread and manually creating my own following the very well written instructions generously offered there. In both case I replaced the boot.efi files with the Piker Alpha files also found via the links.

This may be just how it's written, but did you change the boot.efi files in the pre-patched version? This isn't necessary as it has already been done. I used this to install Yosemite on the same Mac as you after restoring to a 8gb USB stick and it worked fine. How much RAM do you have installed? ElCapitan has problems with less than 12gb and it seems with 512mb chips on a MP 1.1 - I wonder if your install is RAM related too? I had 13gb when I installed.
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Currently, I am at the place where I am totally out of ideas on what to do next to make this work!! I have tried various methods including using both the pre-patched installer found on page one of this thread and manually creating my own following the very well written instructions generously offered there. In both case I replaced the boot.efi files with the Piker Alpha files also found via the links.

This may be just how it's written, but did you change the boot.efi files in the pre-patched version? This isn't necessary as it has already been done. I used this to install Yosemite on the same Mac as you after restoring to a 8gb USB stick and it worked fine. How much RAM do you have installed? ElCapitan has problems with less than 12gb and it seems with 512mb chips on a MP 1.1 - I wonder if your install is RAM related too?[/QUOTE]

Thank you for responding. You are correct in assuming that I wasn't very clear in how I wrote this the first time, so allow me to clarify. In my desire to get Yosemite to install, I have done multiple trials using both the manual USB creation method and using the pre-patched version. (I did not change the boot.efi files in the pre-patched version for the very reasons you mentioned.) In both cases, the computer boots, launches the install, asks me for my language preference, begins the install and after several minutes I then get an abrupt quit with the error message about failing to open the "basesystemresources.pkg".

The system currently has 22 gb of RAM and I just did a RAM check using TechTool and everything passed without errors. However, when I look at the SPD Data for each RAM, I do see that I have a pair of 2 GB Kingstons that are 800 MHz speed instead of 667 MHz. These have been in this computer for a couple of years, so I am surprised that I am just noticing that they are not the right speed. I can yank them and try again if you think that might be part of the problem. I'm willing to try anything at this point as long as I don't do something that bricks me into having no computer!

Although I have no real technical basis of understanding of what this might imply, I am also becoming a little suspicious of the boot ROM version on this machine. I bought this system new from Apple so I don't know how I ended up with MP11.005D.B00, SMC version: 1.7f10 unless it was some recommended firmware update that I performed several years ago.

Thank you for trying to help me...!
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