You need to do the restart that you, for some reason, chose not to do. The launch daemon was installed but it wasn't running yet. So when you installed 10.10.2 it over wrote the boot.efi files again. With TobyG's original script he recommended rebooting twice but the second time wad just to verify that it was working by checking the timestamp on the boot.efi files.
OK. Perhaps I simply misunderstood the functionality of the script and associated files, and its operation order. I will give it one more try.
But, again, checking the folders where boot.efi resides clearly shows that the script did run, because the files located therein are the modded files (not the Apple original). Also, when I attempt to simply insert the modded files to their proper locations (as another forum member reported successfully doing), I still had no luck.
In short, the modded boot.efi files are properly in place, but I still can't boot. But I'll give it another whirl. Hell, I've already reinstalled 10.10 twice, what's one more time?