Thanks again
Thanks again Mr. Zarniwoop. These 10.10.2 instructions worked like a charm for me. Even though I have no idea what either the Trim or Time Enablers might be. It's references like those, in conjunction with the horror stories here that panic the hack-baffled and code-clueless such as myself :-D
Also thanks to the guys who put the PikeYoseFix script together. I'm so happy here that I'd leave a two-beer tip in your Paypals if I knew them.
The correct sequence:
- first, install PikeYoseFix
- if exceptionally cautious and running Trim Enabler, you may want to disable it
- you must reboot before installing an OS X Update that overwrites Pike's boot.efi so the PikeYoseFix script installs fully for future automatic execution
- only then install OS X Update
- safe to re-enable Time Enabler if you disabled it earlier
Thanks again Mr. Zarniwoop. These 10.10.2 instructions worked like a charm for me. Even though I have no idea what either the Trim or Time Enablers might be. It's references like those, in conjunction with the horror stories here that panic the hack-baffled and code-clueless such as myself :-D
Also thanks to the guys who put the PikeYoseFix script together. I'm so happy here that I'd leave a two-beer tip in your Paypals if I knew them.