It is very neat indeed, and it works well, as documented at the beginning of this thread. Some people have stated they've encountered difficulties in following the detailed procedure. Such difficulties may be summarised as follows:
- Some people have no clue as to what they are doing. This makes it hard for them to follow even simple steps. For them the whole thing is a conundrum, and, no matter how much detail you provide, every sentence opens up a wide gap of interpretive dilemmas. For the such, there's little hope that any of this will ever work.
- Some people simply can't read (this would be a subset of the above). For instance, it has been known all along that 10.10.2 would overwrite boot.efi, thereby crippling all machines relying on Tiamo/Pike's boot.efi. It has been equally known that there's an automatic script capable of restoring the patched boot.efi so that no harm will be done, but these people are surprised that they've bricked their computers, and imagine that they've come across some unforeseeable difficulty.
- Some people have unusual setups. In fact, they are so unusual that they themselves can't describe what the setup is. They may have even installed other patches that might interact with the boot mechanism, but they are no longer conscious of what they installed. Naturally, for someone else to imagine what such users might have installed may require a crystal ball.
- Some people are knowledgeable and smart, but simply have bad luck in the choice of auxiliary hardware to effect the initial installation procedure. It appears that several brands of pen drives fail to boot as expected.
For the last group, and possibly as a general recommendation, I would suggest that, instead of using a USB pen drive, Yosemite be installed by creating the customised installer on a hard drive in one of Mac Pro bays. That is faster than a pen drive, more fool-proof, it can't be misplaced, so that you can easily reboot into the installer, should that be required at any time (for instance, if one's clumsiness causes the patched boot.efi to be replaced by a software update), et cetera.