I wouldn't expect anything particularly ground breaking. I think people seem to think that somehow Snow Leopard will make single threaded applications magically run multithreaded - that's not going to happen. The big changes as far as I can tell in regards to Snow Leopard are that it should be much easier to program code to use more cores. Yes Snow Leopard has some things that will make a difference to the user in regards to multithreading, i.e. multithreaded Finder (at last) but its not going to magically make Photoshop, Safari or StuffIt expander run faster.
I think people are focusing way too much on single thread. IMHO the single thread at least on the 2.26GHz is equal to the 2.8GHz (which was already a beast itself anyway) but the real upgrade is on the memory side.
Basically you already have an incredible amount of power, now you cut latency by 40%, double the speed output of memory by 2x especially with a new architecture of the quick path interconnect and you WILL see a huge difference in real world usages.
Also the whole point of dual/quad/8 core/ 16 cores/ whatever cores in the future is for the multithread performances. And if you look strictly at the multithread performances the new Nehalems DO NOT disappoint. I mean if intel wanted to focus on single thread, then why did they bother coming up with multithread technology.
Simple because they couldnt clock any higher with one single thread to get the overall speed that you can get by clusters or multithread technology.
I guess basically when the software catches up in the end and is utilized (Snow leopard), Multithread is the new single thread. Ya get what I'm trying to say though?