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coming Friday

Just got an email from Apple that my new MP should be delivered on Friday! I can't wait to get off my G5 SP 1.8 and not worry about how many things are running at one time.

Processor 065-7883 Two 2.26GHz Quad-Core Intel Xe
Memory 065-8333 6GB (6X1GB)
Graphics Card 065-8316 ATI Radeon HD 4870 512MB
Hard Drive Bay1 065-7906 1TB 7200-rpm Serial ATA 3Gb/s

My tech purchasing theory is always buy the most advanced tech you can afford to give you an edge on obsoletion. When I bought my G5 5 years ago, it was the middle of 3 available options. The DP was out of my range. Now, it is second from bottom, but my wife will get good use out of it for her general use needs.

At the time, I was looking at either a topped out G4 or near bottom of the new g% technology. Had I purchased the G4, I'd likely would have been forced to upgrade before now.

I am sure I will have this MP for a few years so with SL and other software revisions, I know it will be useful in the future even if I don't get all that advantage now. Having the newer architecture is more important to future-proofing the machine.

Anyone have any experience with firewire hubs? I've got some fw400 devices (isight, vid camera, drive) and was thinking it may more effective to buy just one 800->400 cable and group everything into a hub.

I've been using a Seagate FreeAgent HD for Time Machine backups. It has a triple interface of usb 2, fw 400 and esata. Would it be more efficient to use esata? How would I adapt that on the 2009 MP? TIA
Anyone have any experience with firewire hubs? I've got some fw400 devices (isight, vid camera, drive) and was thinking it may more effective to buy just one 800->400 cable and group everything into a hub.

Would it be better to try to look for a FW800 hub that has FW400 ports? This way the connection from the hub to your Mac would be in FW800. I've no idea if such things exist but it's a thought.
Would it be better to try to look for a FW800 hub that has FW400 ports? This way the connection from the hub to your Mac would be in FW800. I've no idea if such things exist but it's a thought.

There are firewire cables where one end is a fw800 and the other end is a fw400. I have a couple of these and they work like a charm.
who would want that :D you are better off with refurbed 3.2 last gen. single core performance is a bit slower, but multicore twice as much + no ram limits

Well, here in canada the refurbed 3.2 with 2Gb RAM, 500GB HD and 8800 is $4200. Considering the quad 2.93 with 3GB ram, 640GB HD and 4870 is $3739... if you aren't using apps that use 8 cores, it makes way way more sense to get the quad 2.93. Plus it's faster in single threaded apps and in anything that uses 4 cores. So ya, he would want that (I'm guessing he wont be using 8 core programs by the fact he wants a quad over the octo).
Remember that you get 4 FW800 ports (2 front, two back) plus two more if you have a silver Apple Cinema Display. FW Hubs are pretty common - Belkin makes a good one. FW800-->FW400 cables are also an option (the speed stays at FW400 rate)
Does anyone know what Brand Manufacture firewire chipset is in the new Mac Pro 2009. I been reading on the history of these threads in forums about the problems with the type of chipsets and from what i get from all of this is that TI (Texas Instruments) is the most reliable chipset out there. If anyone here does know please post and if you do not know use the 'APPLE+S' command while booting up it shows the firewire type. Thanks

That issue was with Macbooks (not just windows as previously mentioned).
I don't think anybody has mentioned anything about the MP's not having TI, but it might be worth double checking just to be sure.... I'd be pretty surprised if it wasn't.
Anyone have any experience with firewire hubs? I've got some fw400 devices (isight, vid camera, drive) and was thinking it may more effective to buy just one 800->400 cable and group everything into a hub.

Do you use any of them at the same time? If so, it might be worth considering a PCI-E firewire card, that way they can be on separate busses.

I've been using a Seagate FreeAgent HD for Time Machine backups. It has a triple interface of usb 2, fw 400 and esata. Would it be more efficient to use esata? How would I adapt that on the 2009 MP? TIA

Wasn't it established that the 2 extra sata ports are gone now? If so, a PCI-e card is gonna be the way to go if you do want esata. (which yes, will be faster, but hardly seem necessary for a backup drive...)
Remember that you get 4 FW800 ports (2 front, two back) plus two more if you have a silver Apple Cinema Display. FW Hubs are pretty common - Belkin makes a good one. FW800-->FW400 cables are also an option (the speed stays at FW400 rate)

What devices use FW? It seems everything uses USB these days. :mad:
What devices use FW? It seems everything uses USB these days. :mad:

Audio interfaces such as the Apogee Duet use them. My understanding is that Firewire offers better performance than USB for audio interfaces because of the way the data is streamed. Apparently Firewire is a steady stream and USB is broken into chunks (I read this in an article somewhere).
That issue was with Macbooks (not just windows as previously mentioned).
I don't think anybody has mentioned anything about the MP's not having TI, but it might be worth double checking just to be sure.... I'd be pretty surprised if it wasn't.

i believe its not TI, nor is in the mbp. and it works great with my firewire card,both.
Xcode performance?

Anyone who has access to all the latest MacPros. I would be very interested in seeing performance benchmark of Xcode 3.1.1 compiling a fairly large application.

If I send you $25 instead, can I be a Demi-God in your house? :D:p

$25 and perhaps a photo of you parting a small lake, or burning some bushes.

I would actually be more impressed if you could forsee tomorrow's winning lottery numbers and would PAY $25 for those.

But the sure-fire path to my devotion is a 4870 Mac ROM. (I believe that others would agree to some worship as well should that ROM appear like a vision.....attached to a post)
Yes, and it has been discussed quite a bit....Apple lists in the specs for the card too. Are you surprised to see it??


Yeap very very surprised and intrigued!! I've had my 24" LED ACD for a while now and only been able to hook up a unibody mbp and recently my mac mini to it and its just interesting to see something else that could be hooked up to it now! :eek:
Do you use any of them at the same time? If so, it might be worth considering a PCI-E firewire card, that way they can be on separate busses.

Wasn't it established that the 2 extra sata ports are gone now? If so, a PCI-e card is gonna be the way to go if you do want esata. (which yes, will be faster, but hardly seem necessary for a backup drive...)

I have an alum. bezel Cinema Display 20" which has 2 usb and 2 fw ports on it. The monitor has a fw cable and usb cable built in. I would need an adapter to connect the monitor's fw cable since you can't change the cable.

I have an original fw iSight which I leave plugged into the monitor and need at any time. Also plugged into the monitor fw is the Seagate I use for Time Machine (which also has the usb and estata interfaces.) I also have a video camera with a fw 400 cable, but I only occasionally use that and could pull the isight temporarily while ripping the dv.

I see Sonnet has a 400->800 adapter for $15. Maybe that makes more sense?

With my G5, the time machine is the amount of cpu it takes on. With the MP, that won't be an issue so I guess it won't really matter how fast it takes to write. That part of it shouldn't put me out.
Tesselator, how are you ordering the list top to bottom? Also, this may get too confusing visually, but it might be interesting to see the base price of each model.

I'm ordering them by the green bar. It's the core speed of the processor in this test. I figure how much advantage is attained from having multiple cores is based on too many variables for that to be the control spec - and the list isn't complete enough to sort by year and model. <shrug>

I got a PM saying:
Grimace said:
I wondered if you might change the number for the 2.26 Cinebench score. 3142 (single) and 20,138 (multiple) [mult = 641%] was reported here:
so the 2.26 score has been updated.
Thanks Grimace!

Has added some benchmarks as well! Check it out guys! And this will be getting updated with more 2009 machine specs as they come rolling in.

We can only use data we have! So if you have the data, post it up!

If you have one of the 2009 machines that don't appear on our lists then please run Cinebench10 on your box and post the specs in one of the threads and/or PM barefeats or me. Prolly the barefeats PM is most important - they (he?) has a site that millions see; I'm just publishing in threads only maybe a few thousand will see.

I went ahead and added your PowerPC G4 (2.1) submission. Thanks! And thanks for being patient! The photo-shoot went well yesterday and the models :D and staff kept me up all night drinking at an after-party I got kidnapped into. :)

This thread has some interesting information:

So here's the new graph:

If you have a relevant machine (especially any of the 2009 models) that you don't see represented in this list please download Cinebench10 and submit your results in PM to me and/or barefeats (just paste "barefeats" in the sendto list on the PM form).


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