Thank you to all contributors to this great thread!
Saw a deal I couldn't pass on, a 27" 2011 i7 with the white screen issue going for €125,-. A steal because working examples go for at least €500,- around here still.
So picked it up, ordered a HP K2100M for €80,- (couldnt find cheaper K1100M's) and while waiting for parts and equipment to arrive I came across another one with even better specs (factory 256GB SSD + 1TB HDD) but different issue (shutsdown at random). So picked that up as well for €120,-. More of a gamble but I figured it most likely to be the PSU being faulty in that one.
Yesterday all parts where in except for a new PSU (first want to troubleshoot that one a bit more) and I started on both machines. I absolutely love the tinkering around with these things so that is an added bonus
Started with swapping out PSU units since that was easy to do and fastest to troubleshoot, but also with the other PSU the second iMac has the same shutdown issues. This needs more investigation but will do that later. Could ofc be that both PSU's are faulty but we'll see, ATH didn't come up with anything even not after the longer test.
So on to the GPU replacement, that went easy, with the biggest issue being drilling out the rivets on the bracket of the replacement K2100M. After that is was smooth sailing especially with the Linux on USB stick SSH-ing flash.
-BREAKING NEWS- (literally)
As I was waiting for the fresh HS install to finish I was typing all the above and what do you know; no image, no bong nothing...
So after a lot (LOT) of troubleshooting and taking the whole thing apart 3-4 times I came to this point:
I broke my replacement K2100M
with the card in only diag LED 1 is on and the fans ramp up. Without the card in the first 3 LEDs turn on and a bong sound, old broken card back in; first 3 LEDs and the bong.
This whole process of checking, RAM, CPU seating, PSU swap, multiple GPU swaps took the better part of my evening and made me at that point regret saying "I absolutely love the tinkering" blabla.
I'm hoping it is safe to assume that the replacement card is causing this. Truth be told; I dropped the card and some of the connector pins (the wide ones) were a bit bend but bending them back the card did function for about an hour or so in total. I think that my not so good tightening or overtightening of the bracket screws in combination with 1mm thick thermal pads instead of compound caused quite some stress to the MXM card and caused it to fail at the end. So if you guys are looking for someone that can physically torture GPU's; I'm your man!
So now I'm down 2 GPU's and an iMac of which I'm not completely sure if it is the PSU or something more exotic causing random reboots 😅
Ah well, all good fun.
Tomorrow a fresh free day, let's try swapping over the still functioning HD6970 2GB from the other machine just to have one working unit. And then order a new K2100M / K1100M.
Anyway, I came here to ask if it would still be wise to invest in a DyingLight mod since there is a lot of chatter about closing in on making the brightness control work from the software side?
Just to make sure; I want to thank everyone who even made this remotely possible consider yourself mentioned by this sentence since I do not want to risk stepping on someone's toes by not being listed haha