You gave the answer yourself. For financial reasons go with the WX4130, unfortunately it is currently not clear if this card will post in your mid 2011.Hey, first of all thanks a bunch for all your work and the huge effort you all put in this thread/project here!!! Just awesome.
I want to replace my HD 6770 512GB to make my machine ready for catalina. I am still on High Sierra. I thought about taking one of the newer AMD cards to hopefully be ready for the next OS too. My question, has anyone a idea about the performance differences between these 3 cards?
I mean the WX4130 is more than 3 times cheaper than the WX7100 and even 2 times than the WX4170.
I just play some really old games (Max Payne 3 etc.) and do a bit of photo and video editing, thats us.
Would be really nice if you guys could help me out, finding the right decission and don't spent too much money, iam still studying ;-))
The "Rundherumsorglospaket" is currently the K2100M (or K1100M) - these are known to work like magic...