The current vBIOS version of the 780M lacks of brightness control and over time the full running LCD (watch the LCD proximity sensor data showing 60+ degrees) heats up the environment inside. There is no way around than let the display sleep whenever possible, installing a dying light solution or waiting for @Nick [D]vB to come back, soon. He announced to work on a solution, i.e. a new vBIOS version. Do not ask for a time lineHey guys! Big thanks to everyone who made these upgrades possible! I successfully upgraded mine to a 780m but the GPU heatsink temps seems a bit high at idle and wanted to compare them with the rest of you. I have the optical drive removed, maybe that is the issue? I also have an issue with connecting a second display, it doesn't work in MacOS but it works in Windows weirdly enough. Any advice please?
Update: Doing a PRAM and SMC reset seems to have solved the high GPU temps for now but i still have the issue with the second display not working in MacOS.
The clip is always the best solution because you get a working card from the beginning. Otherwise you can always check the Linux USB stick flash method - you just have to copy the K610M vBIOS additionally to the subfolder flash and follow the instructions - take a look at page one and post one and the links.Hello everyone. I was recently gifted a non-working 2011 iMac with a completely wiped HDD and no OS installed. The person that gifted it to me said the GPU is faulty. I am getting the flashing ? folder icon once I boot it up. After trying the Internet Recovery mode, I am just getting a black/grey screen, which leads me to believe that the GPU is indeed faulty. As a result, I am looking to upgrade the GPU on this machine as frugally as I can.
I found a relatively cheap K610M on ebay, and it is currently in the mail. I will attempt to flash the GPU with nikey22's custom VBIOS. I am planning on purchasing the following kit from Amazon in order to flash the GPU with my Windows PC.
Is this the proper kit for this particular chipset (the K610M)? Also does anyone know which chip to attach the clamp to, or how I could figure that out? I have never done anything like this and I do not want to mess it up. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance!
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