Install the card on a heatsink, disconnect all internal drives, plug in the USB Linux flash stick, boot and wait. Access the machine remotely from another system on your local LAN via SSH and follow the instructions written down in the post describing the Linux flash method. I am just repeating again what has been written there. Follow the written guide
You have to boot the iMac with the Linux USB image!
Got everything installed properly, booted into Linux USB, logged in via SSH, saved copy of existing k2100 rom... noticed my Image Size listed was 0 bytes and Version is "Unavailable (Invalid) IFR-only Image"... odd, but I continued to remove write protect, made second copy and compared them, then went to overwrite and received:
"Only IFR present, Skipping Board ID and Device ID checks, EEPROM does not contain board ID, skipping board ID check.
Warning: Firmware image PCI subsystem ID (1028.15CC) does not match adapter PCI subsystem ID (103C.2256)"
Gah! Thoughts?
Never mind, it worked. When I verified it said there was a difference, a considerable difference, in size but when I restarted I got a screen. So now I will hook up the internal drives again and then there is some other flashing in order to enable boots screens and other features on the K2100m? Thanks.
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