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Hi, I was wondering if anyone can help me out. I have an iMac 27" mid 2011 i5 160GB HDD 4GB which I bought a K1000m to go along with. I know that the graphics card is working, as I have tested it on a iMac 27" mid 2010.

Upon installing the K1000m on the 2011 model, the display lights to a black screen. (It's lit up, but everything is black and will remain black). I have flashed the card multiple times to ensure that it's not a rom issue. Having screen shared from another Mac, we can see that the chipset is indeed Quadro K1000m by Nick, but the display is showing 23" 1280 * 1024.

I've tried replacing:
  • Display
  • Logicboard
  • LED board
  • HD with different os. 10.11.6 experiences kernel panic, and requires safe boot in order to screen share, whereas, 10.10.5 works fine.
  • Installed Nvidia web drivers.

I've read page one of this forum with people having black screens on 10.13.6 and higher with 003 update installed to install a modified kernel extension. Can anyone provide a detailed step guide on how am I going to do that.

Anyone has any encounter with this issue? Kindly provide your valuable advice. I've attached some photos/screenshots to this post.


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Hi, I was wondering if anyone can help me out. I have an iMac 27" mid 2011 i5 160GB HDD 4GB which I bought a K1000m to go along with. I know that the graphics card is working, as I have tested it on a iMac 27" mid 2010.

Upon installing the K1000m on the 2011 model, the display lights to a black screen. (It's lit up, but everything is black and will remain black). I have flashed the card multiple times to ensure that it's not a rom issue. Having screen shared from another Mac, we can see that the chipset is indeed Quadro K1000m by Nick, but the display is showing 23" 1280 * 1024.

I've tried replacing:
  • Display
  • Logicboard
  • LED board
  • HD with different os. 10.11.6 experiences kernel panic, and requires safe boot in order to screen share, whereas, 10.10.5 works fine.
  • Installed Nvidia web drivers.

I've read page one of this forum with people having black screens on 10.13.6 and higher with 003 update installed to install a modified kernel extension. Can anyone provide a detailed step guide on how am I going to do that.

Anyone has any encounter with this issue? Kindly provide your valuable advice. I've attached some photos/screenshots to this post.
You do not even have Sierra which is to my knowledge the first OS where people observed the "black screen issues". So I do not know what is your plan with this machine is right now.

If possible - I would go on to High Sierra and getting the last firmware update to get the machine ready for APFS and Mojave and Catalina, later. After the plain installation of High Sierra your system should work fine, the black screen comes with the 003 update published in June 2020. Having High Sierra you have the Nvidia drivers included with the OS.

Installing a kernel extension has been documented several times here and in other threads, there is a search button to look it up. I have no experiences with 10.10 or 10.11 on this type if upgraded iMac - most of us did the upgrade because we are moving on the more recent OS versions.
I keep getting KP since I installed that WX4170...
Can you guys tell me if such error comes from a bad GPU or some wrong kexts please?

I see this in the crash report: "detectPowerDown(): GPU is not found. NO MM PCI access"

Config: macOS 10.15.4, i7 3.4Ghz, WX4170, GOP ROM
Crash report:

{"timestamp":"2020-07-07 19:24:14.09 +0700","bug_type":"210","os_version":"Mac OS X 10.15.4 (19E287)"}
{"macOSProcessedStackshotData":"bm8gb24gZGlzayBvciBzbGVlcC93YWtlIGZhaWx1cmUgcGFuaWMgc3RhY2tzaG90IGZvdW5k","macOSPanicString":"panic(cpu 0 caller 0xffffff7fb0a9a8b6): \"virtual bool AMD9500Controller::detectPowerDown(): GPU is not found. NO MM PCI access!!!\n\"@\/AppleInternal\/BuildRoot\/Library\/Caches\/\/Sources\/GPUDriversAMD\/GPUDriversAMD-3.8.24\/Common\/IONDRV\/ATI\/IOFramebuffer\/ATIFramebuffer\/Abstraction\/Sources\/ATIController.cpp:3125\nBacktrace (CPU 0), Frame : Return Address\n0xffffff9b1ec7b350 : 0xffffff802f5215cd \n0xffffff9b1ec7b3a0 : 0xffffff802f65a3c5 \n0xffffff9b1ec7b3e0 : 0xffffff802f64bf7e \n0xffffff9b1ec7b430 : 0xffffff802f4c7a40 \n0xffffff9b1ec7b450 : 0xffffff802f520c97 \n0xffffff9b1ec7b550 : 0xffffff802f521087 \n0xffffff9b1ec7b5a0 : 0xffffff802fcc2c7c \n0xffffff9b1ec7b610 : 0xffffff7fb0a9a8b6 \n0xffffff9b1ec7b890 : 0xffffff7fb0cefab5 \n0xffffff9b1ec7b8d0 : 0xffffff7fb2c42694 \n0xffffff9b1ec7b9e0 : 0xffffff7fb2c43268 \n0xffffff9b1ec7ba10 : 0xffffff7fb2c4259e \n0xffffff9b1ec7ba40 : 0xffffff7fb2c421dd \n0xffffff9b1ec7ba70 : 0xffffff7fb2c3a6b6 \n0xffffff9b1ec7bbf0 : 0xffffff7fb2c3b6dc \n0xffffff9b1ec7bd70 : 0xffffff7fb05c5faa \n0xffffff9b1ec7be10 : 0xffffff7fb05c5d08 \n0xffffff9b1ec7be40 : 0xffffff7fb05ccaeb \n0xffffff9b1ec7bee0 : 0xffffff802fc2eb6d \n0xffffff9b1ec7bf30 : 0xffffff802fc2d43e \n0xffffff9b1ec7bf70 : 0xffffff802fc2ca36 \n0xffffff9b1ec7bfa0 : 0xffffff802f4c713e \n Kernel Extensions in backtrace:\n[D47CA481-C5E5-3F03-9B04-6634DF5F3121]@0xffffff7fb05bb000->0xffffff7fb060bfff\n dependency:[1B1F3BBB-9212-3CF9-94F8-8FEF0D3ACEC4]@0xffffff7fb02b3000\n[6F5D9E4A-5DC8-3A3F-86E3-CF1AA832867F]@0xffffff7fb0a96000->0xffffff7fb0c9bfff\n dependency:[9D1FF279-C4A2-3344-902F-E0B22B508689]@0xffffff7fb02a1000\n dependency:[1B1F3BBB-9212-3CF9-94F8-8FEF0D3ACEC4]@0xffffff7fb02b3000\n dependency:[D47CA481-C5E5-3F03-9B04-6634DF5F3121]@0xffffff7fb05bb000\n dependency:[2F63196D-03C6-3E49-BE5D-574F4AADED1A]@0xffffff7fb097a000\n[B5D08BE6-8777-38D1-8258-2C4A5DAE4C46]@0xffffff7fb0cbb000->0xffffff7fb0d32fff\n dependency:[9D1FF279-C4A2-3344-902F-E0B22B508689]@0xffffff7fb02a1000\n dependency:[1B1F3BBB-9212-3CF9-94F8-8FEF0D3ACEC4]@0xffffff7fb02b3000\n dependency:[6F5D9E4A-5DC8-3A3F-86E3-CF1AA832867F]@0xffffff7fb0a96000\n dependency:[D47CA481-C5E5-3F03-9B04-6634DF5F3121]@0xffffff7fb05bb000\n dependency:[2F63196D-03C6-3E49-BE5D-574F4AADED1A]@0xffffff7fb097a000\n[6E140F21-6547-3913-9A7F-C7FA19E607C1]@0xffffff7fb2c30000->0xffffff7fb2c59fff\n dependency:[9D1FF279-C4A2-3344-902F-E0B22B508689]@0xffffff7fb02a1000\n dependency:[1B1F3BBB-9212-3CF9-94F8-8FEF0D3ACEC4]@0xffffff7fb02b3000\n dependency:[6F5D9E4A-5DC8-3A3F-86E3-CF1AA832867F]@0xffffff7fb0a96000\n dependency:[D47CA481-C5E5-3F03-9B04-6634DF5F3121]@0xffffff7fb05bb000\n\nBSD process name corresponding to current thread: kernel_task\nBoot args: shikigva=80 agdpmod=pikera -no_compat_check amfi_get_out_of_my_way=1\n\nMac OS version:\n19E287\n\nKernel version:\nDarwin Kernel Version 19.4.0: Wed Mar 4 22:28:40 PST 2020; root:xnu-6153.101.6~15\/RELEASE_X86_64\nKernel UUID: AB0AA7EE-3D03-3C21-91AD-5719D79D7AF6\nKernel slide: 0x000000002f200000\nKernel text base: 0xffffff802f400000\n__HIB text base: 0xffffff802f300000\nSystem model name: iMac12,2 (Mac-7BA5B2D9E42DDD94)\nSystem shutdown begun: NO\nPanic diags file available: YES (0x0)\n\nSystem uptime in nanoseconds: 385560089098\nlast loaded kext at 19290086807: >!A!BHIDKeyboard\t209 (addr 0xffffff7fb2d23000, size 16384)\nloaded kexts:\ncom.radiosilenceapp.nke.filter\t2.2\norg.hwsensors.driver.CPUSensors\t1800\norg.netkas.driver.FakeSMC\t1800\nas.vit9696.WhateverGreen\t1.3.7\nas.vit9696.Lilu\t1.4.2\n>AudioAUUC\t1.70\n>!ATopCaseHIDEventDriver\t3430.1\n@fileutil\t20.036.15\n@filesystems.autofs\t3.0\n>AGPM\t111.4.4\n>!AUpstreamUserClient\t3.6.8\n@kext.AMDFramebuffer\t3.0.8\n>!AMikeyHIDDriver\t131\n>!AHDAHardwareConfigDriver\t281.52\n>!AHDA\t281.52\n>!AMikeyDriver\t281.52\n>!APolicyControl\t4.7.2\n@kext.AMDRadeonX4000\t3.0.8\n@kext.AMDRadeonServiceManager\t3.0.8\n>!AGraphicsDevicePolicy\t4.7.2\n@AGDCPluginDisplayMetrics\t4.7.2\n>!AHV\t1\n|IOUserEthernet\t1.0.1\n>AGDCBacklightControl\t4.7.2\n@kext.AMD9500!C\t3.0.8\n>!ABacklight\t180.3\n|IO!BSerialManager\t7.0.4f6\n>!ASMCLMU\t212\n>!AThunderboltIP\t3.1.4\n>pmtelemetry\t1\n@Dont_Steal_Mac_OS_X\t7.0.0\n>!A!IHD3000Graphics\t10.0.4\n>!AMCCSControl\t1.5.9\n>eficheck\t1\n>!A!ISlowAdaptiveClocking\t4.0.0\n>ACPI_SMC_PlatformPlugin\t1.0.0\n>!ALPC\t3.1\n>!AGFXHDA\t100.1.426\n>!A!IMCEReporter\t115\n>!AFWOHCI\t5.6.2\n>!A!ISNBGraphicsFB\t10.0.4\n>!AFIVRDriver\t4.1.0\n>!ASMCPDRC\t1.0.0\n|IO!BUSBDFU\t7.0.4f6\n|SCSITaskUserClient\t422.101.1\n>!U!SCoexistentDriver\t489.101.1\n>!UCardReader\t489.101.1\n>!AFileSystemDriver\t3.0.1\n>!AVirtIO\t1.0\n@filesystems.hfs.kext\t522.100.5\n@!AFSCompression.!AFSCompressionTypeDataless\t1.0.0d1\n@BootCache\t40\n@!AFSCompression.!AFSCompressionTypeZlib\t1.0.0\n@filesystems.apfs\t1412.101.1\n>AirPort.BrcmNIC\t1400.1.1\n|!ABCM5701Ethernet\t10.3.5\n>!AAHCIPort\t341.0.2\n@private.KextAudit\t1.0\n>!AACPIButtons\t6.1\n>!ARTC\t2.0\n>!AHPET\t1.8\n>!ASMBIOS\t2.1\n>!AACPIEC\t6.1\n>!AAPIC\t1.7\n>!A!ICPUPowerManagementClient\t222.0.0\n$!AImage4\t1\n@nke.applicationfirewall\t303\n$TMSafetyNet\t8\n@!ASystemPolicy\t2.0.0\n>!A!ICPUPowerManagement\t222.0.0\n|EndpointSecurity\t1\n>!A!BHIDKeyboard\t209\n>!AHIDKeyboard\t209\n>!AMultitouchDriver\t3440.1\n>!AInputDeviceSupport\t3440.8\n>!AHS!BDriver\t3430.1\n>IO!BHIDDriver\t7.0.4f6\n@kext.triggers\t1.0\n|IOFireWireIP\t2.3.0\n>DspFuncLib\t281.52\n@kext.OSvKernDSPLib\t529\n@kext.AMDRadeonX4000HWLibs\t1.0\n|IOAccelerator!F2\t438.4.5\n@kext.AMDRadeonX4000HWServices\t3.0.8\n>!AGraphicsControl\t4.7.2\n|IOAVB!F\t840.3\n>!ASSE\t1.0\n>!ABacklightExpert\t1.1.0\n@kext.AMDSupport\t3.0.8\n>!ASMBus!C\t1.0.18d1\n@!AGPUWrangler\t4.7.2\n@!AGraphicsDeviceControl\t4.7.2\n>!AThunderboltEDMSink\t4.2.3\n|IOSlowAdaptiveClocking!F\t1.0.0\n>IOPlatformPluginLegacy\t1.0.0\n>!AHDA!C\t281.52\n|IOHDA!F\t281.52\n|IONDRVSupport\t575.1\n>!ASMBusPCI\t1.0.14d1\n|IOFireWire!F\t4.7.5\n|IOGraphics!F\t575.1\n>IOPlatformPlugin!F\t6.0.0d8\n@plugin.IOgPTPPlugin\t840.3\n|IOSkywalk!F\t1\n>usb.IOUSBHostHIDDevice\t1.2\n|Broadcom!BHost!CUSBTransport\t7.0.4f6\n|IO!BHost!CUSBTransport\t7.0.4f6\n|IO!BHost!CTransport\t7.0.4f6\n|IO!B!F\t7.0.4f6\n|IO!BPacketLogger\t7.0.4f6\n|IOUSBMass!SClass\t4.0.4\n>usb.cdc\t5.0.0\n>usb.networking\t5.0.0\n>usb.!UHostCompositeDevice\t1.2\n>usb.!UHub\t1.2\n|IOAudio!F\t300.2\n@vecLib.kext\t1.2.0\n|IOSerial!F\t11\n|IOSurface\t269.6\n@filesystems.hfs.encodings.kext\t1\n>!AThunderboltDPOutAdapter\t6.2.6\n>!AThunderboltDPInAdapter\t6.2.6\n>!AThunderboltDPAdapter!F\t6.2.6\n>!AThunderboltPCIDownAdapter\t2.5.4\n>!AXsanScheme\t3\n|IOAHCIBlock!S\t316.100.5\n>!AThunderboltNHI\t5.8.6\n|IOThunderbolt!F\t7.6.0\n|IO80211!F\t1200.12.2\n>corecapture\t1.0.4\n|IOEthernetAVB!C\t1.1.0\n>mDNSOffloadUserClient\t1.0.1b8\n>usb.!UHostPacketFilter\t1.0\n|IOAHCI!F\t290.0.1\n>usb.!UEHCIPCI\t1.2\n>usb.!UUHCIPCI\t1.2\n>usb.!UUHCI\t1.2\n>usb.!UEHCI\t1.2\n|IOUSB!F\t900.4.2\n>!AEFINVRAM\t2.1\n>!AEFIRuntime\t2.1\n|IOSMBus!F\t1.1\n|IOHID!F\t2.0.0\n$quarantine\t4\n$sandbox\t300.0\n@kext.!AMatch\t1.0.0d1\n>DiskImages\t493.0.0\n>!AFDEKeyStore\t28.30\n>!AEffaceable!S\t1.0\n>!AKeyStore\t2\n>!UTDM\t489.101.1\n|IOSCSIBlockCommandsDevice\t422.101.1\n>!ACredentialManager\t1.0\n>KernelRelayHost\t1\n>!ASEPManager\t1.0.1\n>IOSlaveProcessor\t1\n|IOUSBMass!SDriver\t157.101.3\n|IOSCSIArchitectureModel!F\t422.101.1\n|IO!S!F\t2.1\n|IOUSBHost!F\t1.2\n>!UHostMergeProperties\t1.2\n>usb.!UCommon\t1.0\n>!ABusPower!C\t1.0\n|CoreAnalytics!F\t1\n>!AMobileFileIntegrity\t1.0.5\n@kext.CoreTrust\t1\n|IOTimeSync!F\t840.3\n|IONetworking!F\t3.4\n|IOReport!F\t47\n>!AACPIPlatform\t6.1\n>!ASMC\t3.1.9\n>watchdog\t1\n|IOPCI!F\t2.9\n|IOACPI!F\t1.4\n@kec.pthread\t1\n@kec.corecrypto\t1.0\n@kec.Libm\t1\n\n\n"}
I keep getting KP since I installed that WX4170...
Can you guys tell me if such error comes from a bad GPU or some wrong kexts please?

I see this in the crash report: "detectPowerDown(): GPU is not found. NO MM PCI access"

Config: macOS 10.15.4, i7 3.4Ghz, WX4170, GOP ROM
Crash report:
You may help us by adding the config and your problem to your private signature.

Then especially console output remains human readable if you put in into

Coming back to your problem:

this "amfi_get_out_of_my_way=1" is not necessary, try to read the guide we recently published...

Before you start experiments on new and unsupported OS versions why not simply check out the card first with the last known to work MacOS version, aka High Sierra? Why you try to do four steps instead one by one - you only will struggle.

Catalina needs all these extensions to avoid panic on sleep, etc. another construction site. Later you create a new APFS container and install the Catalina or Mojave, having a stable fall back all the time.
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Reactions: T'hain Esh Kelch
You may help us by adding the config and your problem to your private signature.

Then especially console output remains human readable if you put in into

Coming back to your problem:

this "amfi_get_out_of_my_way=1" is not necessary, try to read the guide we recently published...

Before you start experiments on new and unsupported OS versions why not simply check out the card first with the last known to work MacOS version, aka High Sierra? Why you try to do four steps instead one by one - you only will struggle.

Catalina needs all these extensions to avoid panic on sleep, etc. another construction site. Later you create a new APFS container and install the Catalina or Mojave, having a stable fall back all the time.[/code]
Signature added.

I'll try a fresh install of 10.15.5 on top of the actual one to replace any modification (Kexts and Frameworks) that I could have done while I had the GTX765, then patch what ever needs to be patched based on your documentation and the first page.

If that still fails, I'll take your advice and run High Sierra (I wasn't sure if that card was supported under it BTW)

Thanks for your answer.
  • Like
Reactions: Ausdauersportler
For MXM Graphics Card without BIOS Chip perhaps "give it a try" to order
MXIC SOP8 chips, but before have a look at the USB Programmer Software
if the SOP8 Chips are supported - for some AMD GFX cards from HP or Dell
I try to solder a SOP8 chip (with wires) and patch the chip with USB
programmer before soldering... o_O try or resale MXM cards if not succesful...

:apple: At the moment I like the Quadro K2000M in my 27" IMac (2011 i5 3.1Ghz - 16GB - 250GB SSD - 500GB HDD) :apple:
...Unigine Valley scales with CPU (I think) so I have sometime more than 40 frames / sec with about 50 degrees
Celsius, 😄 I buy this card from ebay computer store as K1000m for 45€ 😄 LOL
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Try it with Lilu/Whatevergreen installed, maybe something has changed with a security update

Thanks for replying @highvoltage12v .
I am not sure what you mean though. I dragged and dropped the Lilu.kext and WhateverGreen.kext found in the "Mojave intel sandybridge" that you had attached along with the other 6 AppleIntelxxxx.kext/bundle/plugin files to the Kext Utility app. Then I did a reboot.
After the reboot I followed the steps for AppleGVA.framework and also applied the two sudo commands in the terminal.
Then another reboot.
Should I have done something differently with the Lilu.kext and WhateverGreen.kext before?

Much appreciate your help!

yes, of course I meant AppleGVA.framework.
but now works, thank you :)
Hi @Wania,
Could you please explain that last step that finally made it work for you? :)
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Thanks for replying @highvoltage12v .
I am not sure what you mean though. I dragged and dropped the Lilu.kext and WhateverGreen.kext found in the "Mojave intel sandybridge" that you had attached along with the other 6 AppleIntelxxxx.kext/bundle/plugin files to the Kext Utility app. Then I did a reboot.
After the reboot I followed the steps for AppleGVA.framework and also applied the two sudo commands in the terminal.
Then another reboot.
Should I have done something differently with the Lilu.kext and WhateverGreen.kext before?

Much appreciate your help!


Hi @Wania,
Could you please explain that last step that finally made it work for you? :)
Do NOT use the Lilu/WhateverGreen from my installer, they are outdated. Just verified functionality by using a New whateverGreen/Lilu. The same goes for OpenCore users too. These kexts always need updating with OS versions. I'll attach another 10.13.6 GVA framwork as this one might be newer than whats on the old post too. For WEG/Lilu please download them here


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Do NOT use the Lilu/WhateverGreen from my installer, they are outdated. Just verified functionality by using a New whateverGreen/Lilu. The same goes for OpenCore users too. These kexts always need updating with OS versions. I'll attach another 10.13.6 GVA framwork as this one might be newer than whats on the old post too. For WEG/Lilu please download them here

Hi @highvoltage12v ,
I see! Thank you for clarifying! I will test this and report the outcome.

I get a little confused regarding OpenCore also. I was running this with my k2100m without any problems but I don't get it to work with my new 780m. Is this expected? Or should the iMac OpenCore Loader.dmg work also for 780m?
I know the custom vBios doesn't support the same things as for k2100m, so would there even be any benefits running OpenCore with 780m currently at all?

Thanks again!
Hi @highvoltage12v ,
I see! Thank you for clarifying! I will test this and report the outcome.

I get a little confused regarding OpenCore also. I was running this with my k2100m without any problems but I don't get it to work with my new 780m. Is this expected? Or should the iMac OpenCore Loader.dmg work also for 780m?
I know the custom vBios doesn't support the same things as for k2100m, so would there even be any benefits running OpenCore with 780m currently at all?

Thanks again!
You answered your question yourself. There is no benefit because there is no brightness control available with the current vbios of this card. All this has been explained card by card on page one...hopefully :)
  • Like
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You answered your question yourself. There is no benefit because there is no brightness control available with the current vbios of this card. All this has been explained card by card on page one...hopefully :)

Yes, that was my interpretation also, just wanted to be sure, thanks :)

However, I still don't get H.264 acceleration. I downloaded the latest versions of WEG and Lilu kexts from github and ran them through the Kext Utility. I verified in the system report that they are the latest version.
Then a reboot.
Next i copied the new AppleGVA.framework to the System/Library/PrivateFrameworks. Ran the two sudo commands, another reboot.
Still no hw acceleration :(
Yes, that was my interpretation also, just wanted to be sure, thanks :)

However, I still don't get H.264 acceleration. I downloaded the latest versions of WEG and Lilu kexts from github and ran them through the Kext Utility. I verified in the system report that they are the latest version.
Then a reboot.
Next i copied the new AppleGVA.framework to the System/Library/PrivateFrameworks. Ran the two sudo commands, another reboot.
Still no hw acceleration :(
I installed the latest security update 18G5033 and still have h.264. Had to to replace AppleGVA again. Are you running the correct commands in terminal?

sudo chmod -R 755 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleGVA.framework

sudo chown -R 0:0 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleGVA.framework

You have working sleep correct? These kexts need to be in System/Library/Extensions
  • AppleIntelHD3000Graphics.kext
  • AppleIntelHD3000GraphicsGA.plugin
  • AppleIntelHD3000GraphicsGLDriver.bundle
  • AppleIntelHD3000GraphicsVADriver.bundle
  • AppleIntelSNBGraphicsFB.kext
  • AppleIntelSNBVA.bundle
  • Lilu.kext 1.4.5
  • WhateverGreen.kext 1.4.0


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Reactions: jovonov
I installed the latest security update 18G5033 and still have h.264. Had to to replace AppleGVA again. Are you running the correct commands in terminal?

sudo chmod -R 755 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleGVA.framework

sudo chown -R 0:0 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AppleGVA.framework

You have working sleep correct? These kexts need to be in System/Library/Extensions
  • AppleIntelHD3000Graphics.kext
  • AppleIntelHD3000GraphicsGA.plugin
  • AppleIntelHD3000GraphicsGLDriver.bundle
  • AppleIntelHD3000GraphicsVADriver.bundle
  • AppleIntelSNBGraphicsFB.kext
  • AppleIntelSNBVA.bundle
  • Lilu.kext 1.4.5
  • WhateverGreen.kext 1.4.0

Well, I really do think that I am doing the right things here.
For the other Apple extensions:
  • AppleIntelHD3000Graphics.kext
  • AppleIntelHD3000GraphicsGA.plugin
  • AppleIntelHD3000GraphicsGLDriver.bundle
  • AppleIntelHD3000GraphicsVADriver.bundle
  • AppleIntelSNBGraphicsFB.kext
  • AppleIntelSNBVA.bundle
Where should I get these? From the attachment in the 1st post or from your post with different bundles for Mojave/Catalina? Does it even matter? :)

Like, I said, I am following the steps, but is it necessary to download a new Kext Utility, or could we use the one in the bundles? And does the unzipped files have to bee on the Desktop? Or just easier to find there?

I thought I had working sleep. I have tested several times just to put to sleep, and then wake up a few seconds later. It have worked everey time, but the mouse pointer disappears for 20 seconds when waking up, before it gets visible again.
But yesterday I left the computer running idle for about an hour, and when I came back to wake it from sleep, it didn't wake up. So is this an indication that the first 6 AppleIntelxxx files are not imported the correct way? Is there any way of verifying this?

Again, much appreciate your help!

Well, I really do think that I am doing the right things here.
For the other Apple extensions:
  • AppleIntelHD3000Graphics.kext
  • AppleIntelHD3000GraphicsGA.plugin
  • AppleIntelHD3000GraphicsGLDriver.bundle
  • AppleIntelHD3000GraphicsVADriver.bundle
  • AppleIntelSNBGraphicsFB.kext
  • AppleIntelSNBVA.bundle
Where should I get these? From the attachment in the 1st post or from your post with different bundles for Mojave/Catalina? Does it even matter? :)

Like, I said, I am following the steps, but is it necessary to download a new Kext Utility, or could we use the one in the bundles? And does the unzipped files have to bee on the Desktop? Or just easier to find there?

I thought I had working sleep. I have tested several times just to put to sleep, and then wake up a few seconds later. It have worked everey time, but the mouse pointer disappears for 20 seconds when waking up, before it gets visible again.
But yesterday I left the computer running idle for about an hour, and when I came back to wake it from sleep, it didn't wake up. So is this an indication that the first 6 AppleIntelxxx files are not imported the correct way? Is there any way of verifying this?

Again, much appreciate your help!

The original post published by @highvoltage12v linked from the first post on the first page gives you a step by step installation guide. Just follow this, we cannot remote control your mouse or keyboard. Yes, there is a simple way of checking the success: sleep and h.264 will work after correct installation. I tag the files with a color to find them later more easy in the folders.
Try at least to follow the guide and redo until you have success.
The original post published by @highvoltage12v linked from the first post on the first page gives you a step by step installation guide. Just follow this, we cannot remote control your mouse or keyboard. Yes, there is a simple way of checking the success: sleep and h.264 will work after correct installation. I tag the files with a color to find them later more easy in the folders.
Try at least to follow the guide and redo until you have success.

Hi @Ausdauersportler , thanks for answering.

I did read the first post over and over. I did follow the guide thoroughly. In fact I did the same procedure over and over and I re-installed Mojave between each try to give it a fresh installation.
And even though I followed the steps, it did not work for me so I turned here to ask for help or advice on what I might have done wrong.
But like I wrote before, I did indeed follow the guides (I always do) without success.
So my question simply was if it could be that something in the guides was interpreted incorrectly by me, and that this might have caused the problem for me.
I did also do the tag that you adviced to more easily find the kext and I can see that they all have todays date, which indicates that they are properly installed right?
I am running out of idéas here, so that is why I turned to you guys for more advice.
Didn't mean to disturb your patience. Sorry
Hi @Ausdauersportler , thanks for answering.

I did read the first post over and over. I did follow the guide thoroughly. In fact I did the same procedure over and over and I re-installed Mojave between each try to give it a fresh installation.
And even though I followed the steps, it did not work for me so I turned here to ask for help or advice on what I might have done wrong.
But like I wrote before, I did indeed follow the guides (I always do) without success.
So my question simply was if it could be that something in the guides was interpreted incorrectly by me, and that this might have caused the problem for me.
I did also do the tag that you adviced to more easily find the kext and I can see that they all have todays date, which indicates that they are properly installed right?
I am running out of idéas here, so that is why I turned to you guys for more advice.
Didn't mean to disturb your patience. Sorry
How could we help other than provide you with a step by step guide? If something goes wrong following such a guide there are two possibilities: The guide is bad or the user made a mistake. We cannot check your mistakes, because nobody can see what you have really done. This is my point. In principle there is no other way than pointing out the guide, again. And you have not asked if something is wrong with the guide or the extensions published there, you have not even asked for other Mojave users experiences. I did the Mojave installation on a mid 2011 several times in the past seven month. The only thing I do not know is how it works after the latest security upgrades. Have you installed the latest security patches from May or June, 2020? The more precise you describe your problem and setup, the better the support can be. A simple „it does not work“ does not help.

Recently user @Wania did the installation with success, another hint that the guide is and files are probably still correct.

Just did the upgrade with the latest security patches on Mojave and sleep still works, unfortunately I have on this machine a WX4170 installed, so I see only the 4K H.264 provided by the card, not the iGPU support. Have to find a Nvidia based system.
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Hi everyone,
quick question: is it possible to upgrade the graphic card of an iMac 21.5-inch late 2009 (model ID iMac 10,1)?
I have found this from Apple official site
VRAM up to 512 MB? (GDDR3 type)

Best regards
Andrea Filippini
Page one and post #1 of this thread you will find a short list of the know to be upgradable iMacs - I am afraid your model is not upgradable because it has a core2duo CPU. For a technical reason this upgrade works only on late 2009 27" having intel i-series CPU, mid 2010, and mid 2011 systems.
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Page one and post #1 of this thread you will find a short list of the know to be upgradable iMacs - I am afraid your model is not upgradable because it has a core2duo CPU. For a technical reason this upgrade works only on late 2009 27" having intel I series CPU, mid 2010, and mid 2011 systems.
Thank you very much for the info!

Best regards
Andrea Filippini
Hi @Ausdauersportler , thanks for answering.

I did read the first post over and over. I did follow the guide thoroughly. In fact I did the same procedure over and over and I re-installed Mojave between each try to give it a fresh installation.
And even though I followed the steps, it did not work for me so I turned here to ask for help or advice on what I might have done wrong.
But like I wrote before, I did indeed follow the guides (I always do) without success.
So my question simply was if it could be that something in the guides was interpreted incorrectly by me, and that this might have caused the problem for me.
I did also do the tag that you adviced to more easily find the kext and I can see that they all have todays date, which indicates that they are properly installed right?
I am running out of idéas here, so that is why I turned to you guys for more advice.
Didn't mean to disturb your patience. Sorry
Because you asked and doubt I just checked the functionality with my 2011/780M system installing Mojave in a separate APFS container. After first installation I tried to install @highvoltage12v patches and succeeded at least to get the sleep working. I had to apply the @dosdude1 patches to get audio and Unigine Valley running, again.

But the AppleGVA.framework and iGPU support is not working until you have installed the available (latest) Apple upgrades for Mojave. This introduces the "black screen on boot" issue, but a solution for this has been published, too.


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@Andrea Filippini your imac should have the ati 4670, so a k610/k1100m would be ok
io non andrei oltre anche perchè è un core2, quindi il costo non giustifica l'upgrade...
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